Stalinium body armor is an unfair advantage

No Adamnpee broke the parrot, don’t know if it breaks some forum guidelines, but I think this private message from him is important.

Don’t break the parrot, he deserves his snacks.


Oh no!
unique helmet that reduces headshot damage by 83%
unfair advantage alert :rotating_light:
Joke aside, I’m not opposed to bring movement speed and stamina debuff to these “bulletproof” item.

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i’m a bit confused.

do people want stuff that has 10% reduction, or nah?


He said he is not gonna bother arguing in Forum anymore but you can still see him liking posts and topics


it kinda is tho.

we want it with a reasonable balance trade, not just a straight up advantage.

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what kind of an argument is that?

it shouldn’t be balanced, because it isn’t balanced.

other things aren’t balanced, so nothing should be balanced.

are you listening to yourself?

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well there are other helmets that reduce heady/neck damage by 10%, but you have to remember that any hit to head deals 230%(neck 250%), so they are practically useless. only somewhat useful one is on assault engineer that reduces head damage by 83% like you mentioned. i would remove it even though i dont consider it as bad of a problem as body armor (cause it is contained on only one squad and shots to body and neck still one shot with full rifle caliber).

btw i probably wouldnt even be so much against body armor if it was only contained on soviet assault engineers.

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Adamnpee’s opinions always favor his favorite faction
( Soviet Union).
The fact that the Soviet Union has damage reduction makes them incredibly strong in close combat and if you add the number of submachine guns they have, they are very strong in close combat.
I think it’s not balanced because no faction has something like this.

The damage reduction should affect their mobility or give them a debuff.
This is how it works, you have some benefit in exchange for sacrificing some other benefit otherwise it is not balanced.

Having such a strong buff on other factions is meaningless but not much is said about it, why the German faction has extraordinary players who fight against that disadvantage and defeat them
If there was a tournament or something like that, this advantage would be nullified immediately, it’s too much overpower



This damage reduction changes everything. More ammunition to reduce the enemy, A player vs. player advantage.

The Soviet faction is the strongest in the game, in every sense.

They have unique benefits that no faction has
Their tanks are very strong.
The best submachine guns in the game
Their assault rifles have the most damage in the game.
Their planes are very good too.
Let’s add the damage reduction.

I don’t see any complaints about it and that’s because Axis base players are the best players in the game, so all these advantages against such a strong player base is unimportant, which doesn’t mean it won’t be a problem in the next map

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10% is pretty small compared to the event engineer helmets which is a big 80% not 50% not 20% no 80% that stops most downing damage from guns like lebels

Lebel does 17 dmg, headshots have 230% multiplier -80% from helmet, that gives 150% damage.
So about 25,5 damage, enough to down with vitality or kill without.
Unless my math is wrong somewhere.

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armor doesnt make them incredibly strong in close combat. it gives small advantage in certain situations, but nothing game breaking.

it is multiplier so you multiply :stuck_out_tongue: so it is 17*2.3*0.17= 6.65(if my math is correct :stuck_out_tongue: )


Now wait holdup
Dosen’t that soviet assault (engi) squad have body armor already? And is it like them ones with the very early AK platform like guns, AS-44? (They didn’t even see service in WWII Btw)





That would be a brutal underestimation of my laziness


but you are soviet main, so photoshopped :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t see why y’all complain about this subject. My solutions: Aim for the head, problem solved. USE COVER. Now I normally don’t like the leaning soviet SMG tryhards, but get behind something that they can’t shoot thru, Press Q/E, Aim for vitals (Preferably), Press left click a little bit, and there you go. Problem solved.

  1. cause it is mechanic locked behind paywall thus making it p2w mechanism
  2. it is only available to soviets

this is not about can you or cant you play around this. it may not be big, but body armor still gives soviets small advantage.