Stalinium body armor is an unfair advantage

Well, I consider this very relevant, as do many, to be honest though, right now the discussion has moved to buffing selectfire guns to bring them in line with T20 dmg.

Guess this is also a solition.

this is not a solution. it would just be mitigating problem for few select rifles.

well kinda… i dont really consider it big problem cause majority of players are casuals and there is still paywall for sweats (unless they are veterans with loads of appearance orders). while i encounter body armor here and there, my objection is primarily ideological cause i hate p2w cosmetics in any game.


Yet another completely unnecessary discussion, lol.

I guess people want to be all weapons just 1:1 but with different model and textures.

Very lame. For the love a God, get a skill.

they dont need to be 1:1, but they need to have tradeoffs. i find it stupid that e.g. type hei AR gets high capacity magazine, recoil of AR, best accuracy and ability to OHK, or that t20 is just buffed version of AVT40 with 5 rounds extra in mag, better recoil and better recoil direction. on other hand you have fg42 II that has double vertical recoil of t20, lower damage(which gets even worse if someone has body armor), worse dispersion and only slightly better recoil direction.

they simply need to nerf t20 and type hei AR to perform on par with others with tradeoffs. e.g. type hei AR should get lower damage (e.g. 12.6 like fedorov) and t20 could get higher recoil multiplier (~0.4), AVT40 could get higher mag (maybe slight debuff to recoil or accuracy if they get 25 round mag) and fg42 II should get some recoil reduction (only tech SF rifle with 1 recoil multiplier).


I wouldn’t mind nerfing all SF rifles.

With the way you talk about it, it sounds like FG and AVT are some total garbage weapons. That said, they’re still both meta.
And what you’re talking about doesn’t matter at all in most cases. Because most of the time it’s just a matter of who first spot and shoot the other guy.

Unless for some bizarre reason you have semi mode on, then the shit you are talking about maybe matters to some extent.
But using SF in semi mode is just one huge skill issue. One simply chooses to be voluntarily in disadvantage.

well they are still good weapons, just that powercreep is real and t20 and type hei AR basically come without obvious weaknesses of fg and avt.

i agree that it doesnt matter in most cases cause of casual nature of the game, but it still matters in minority of cases and gives advantage to guy with superior rifle.


Imagine a select fire weapon that has better damage and accuracy than other selectfire weapons, but has a too high rate of fire and recoil to be useful in full auto at medium range.

But no, no, you are complaining that everyone wants all weapons to be the same, while mocking people when they use their weapons differently.

You should start being part of this discussion instead of being so… well weirdly defensive about it.

For once, FG42 might have damage problems, and has gotten recoil nerfs in the past - still for its fire rate and reload speed it is still very strong and usable, I find it much easier to controll than T20.

So there is that. A tradeoff.

Now however, we both talk about one certain issue and come to opposite conclusions because we see this issue from a different perspective.

A FG42 that theoretically doesn’t kill in one shot has no purpose over an STG44.

  • more recoil
  • smaller magazine
  • same bullets to kill

I first look at this issue from a German main perspective, I compare German gear to German gear.

If I then move on, and start looking at this issue broader and insert Allied weapon and compare them, I don’t see the same issue, because AVT and T20 still kill in one shot.

So to speak, as a German main I am looking for diverse gameplay

  • sometimes I want to bring my 3 full STG Assaulter squads
  • sometimes I want to bring my 3 full FG42 Pioneer squads

But when facing Soviet body armor or Paratroopers with their increased HP, FG42 simply doesn’t kill in one shot anymore - which was my main reason to bring FG 42 in the first place, and if I then look at other factions and see that their selectfires deal just enough more damage to still guarantee a one hit kill against inceased HP, I start complaining, because there is no logic in selectfire weapons having this damage difference.