Stalingrad Weaponry

is the way of expressing yourself my friend is the dialectic that you are missing, things must be said but in a funny or neutral way so no one can be indignant, remember that on the internet, indignation is the national sport

I don’t know. No one knows besides the devs right now. It’s either a ghost town or a well populated campaign

Maybe this monetization will actually work.
Maybe doesn’t.

We as community always judge everything befor even trying what they announce.cases like academy removal, silver for xp etc etc. So far all it them were badly received on the announcement but they were actually good changes for the in-game economy overall.


Giving the MKb 42 to all rifle troops. Are you INSANE?

There will be no balance in the game. This should have been an assaulter’s weapon, like the MP43 in Normandy. Hell, there shouldn’t be loads of proto-STGs running around in Stalingrad, which happened in late 1942/early 43. It would have made some sense if you did this for STG-44s in Berlin (when the weapon was already mass produced and more widespread) but in Stalingrad? It kills the balance and the realism and historical accuracy. It will become a lame game, where people just run around with anachronistic assault rifles in a WW2 setting. BAD. TERRIBLE.

There were many good things in this article, like the new Maxim Gun MG-nests, but they are ruined by such a terrible campaign-killer idea of adding the MKb 42 as a riflemen weapon. 9-men FG-42 squads are already bad enough and the 2nd worse thing in this game.

The new MG-42 model looks nice, but for the K98 and the PPsh-41 I prefer the older models, since the weapons look more “worn out”, which makes a lot of sense especially in a Stalingrad campaign where the army has been besieged in the snow for months. I also find the idea of the PPSh-41 - the most widespread Soviet weapon of WW2 - being behind a pay wall to be particularly repulsive.


Might be the lack of English vocabulary. My bad if so :slight_smile: or, my Portuguese way of talk lmao


I thought you were Scottish

Guys i just realized somethin…

STG is earlier in fucking Stalingrad then Berlin… Aka in 1 STG was barely present of known of, while in the other was the most famous gun there


It is the dev’s method of “balancing”, since there is not selective rifle for axis, they substitute it with mkb42.

just think as it’s package game like sold in steam, and playable freely with some limit

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Nah, click on my name in the forum, it’s on the description.

Anyway. It might be the way I state stuff, wasnt my intent to offend anyone with it.

ah don’t worry for now, think about the future

Please add Stug 3 as a regular tanker squad on future campaign levels.


I’m not a huge fan of a bunch of things here…

  • 40% is A LOT, 20% feels like a more reasonable percentage honestly.

  • The MKb 42(H) for all classes is a terrible idea :

    1. It was a prototype so not used on a large scale, didn’t you guys said that no assaulters early game was a way to prevent SMG spam ? but one side will be given an assault rifle for every class (but won’t at a higher tier in later war campaigns) to people that will access it quickly due to their grind reduction ?

    2. It’s litterally just pay to win at this point.

  • Semi-auto rifle at level 9… great… this is going to make the bolt action rifle buff mentionned previously kinda pointless.

  • So when lvl 20 I will have to grind 422 000 exp to unlock a new stuff, I would rather have the microtransactions honestly… one of the more frequently seen complain is the grind, now it will be worse.

  • The Breda as the first LMG for the Allies ? wtf ?

  • Not having a T-34 and a PPSh-41 for f2p players is kinda ridiculous…

Idk how feasible it is now (telling us about it sooner would have been better honestly), but I would suggest the following :

  • Having more content a certain level for full access play would have been better imo, so everyone unlock new things at every level but FA players gets additional stuffs.
  • FA unlocks should mainly concern trophy and Lend Lease weapons and vehicules, rare variants, prototypes, etc. not standard equipment of the time (or when it is make them be unlocked sooner).
  • Removing the lvl 25 MKb 42 (H), and put a trophy SVT 40 for enginneers only for exemple.

Overhaul, imo this campaign is really promising on a lot of points, but the new FA mechanic is really bad in the configuration presented in this post and will lead to a lot of frustration for f2p players by increasing the gap between them and FA players which are likely to already have a premium account (thus speedrunning to later levels and steam rolling other players).

Gating campaign content behind a paywall is really not the way to go imo.
Making FA a way to acces historically more rare (and often better) gear would be a way better way to do things.


It’s a terrible and game-killing idea regardless of any justification.

Having 9-men FG-42 squads is already bad enough (only 7000 FG-42s were ever produced). But hell, they should have added FG-42s (including the Sniper versions) which were around for Stalingrad, rather than prototype STG-44s (which, as you said, haven’t even been added to Berlin - where they were actually widespread used - yet).

Adding the MKb-42 and the MKb-42 sniper is even worse than the widespread FG-42s for all rifle troops because it will disfigure the rifle troops, turning every one of them into an Assaulter, using a true Assault Rifle (which are OP and ahistorical).

Plus it gets even worse when you consider the fact that SMGs will be nerfed in the update, meaning everyone will be using these MKbs for ALL soldiers once they unlock it… because there will be no reason to use anything else, as no other gun will be able to compete against it.


MKB42H… being put as the most common weapons type–(assault) rifle.
Also due to “paid for once” pack, most players (except those “trail” users) will soon reach top levels and able to equipped most soldiers with this weapons.

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Imagine this scenario: fast leveling players with squads decked with mkb42 vs grinding f2p players with BA and no matchmaking making things worse…


I have one suggestion regarding the levels: I think you should make the PPSh-41 level free and switch the top two ones to:

  • 25 - Sniper III - paid,
  • 26 - Engineer II - free.
    That would make the campaign way more bearable for f2p players.

Also, with the addition of the first “general issue” (not class-specific) assault rifle to the game, I think it’s time to limit them. I’d go for one per squad, and maybe two per trooper squad since it has less specialised soldiers.
Unless your way of limiting full auto weapons is locking them behind a paywall. That would upset a lot of people… a looot of people.

This game already had many automatic spam in other campaign, it had not much different with spamming 9 fg42 and I don’t think those automatic spammer will dislike this.

I m playing with a skirt and windpipes always blasting

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I wouldn’t have said it better myslef