Stalingrad Weaponry

100000%. PPsh should be given to everybody, mkb restricted to assualters. Otherwise you would make Normandy or Moscow Axis a joke, they only have stg highly restricted


its testing ground how much they can ripoff comunity of cash becose fu** normal premium payers


If F2P players don´t get so much of the cool stuff atleast let them skip the full access tiers and force them to grin them only if they choose to buy it afterwards.


I hope so, but shovels have been in Tunisia for a long time and still haven’t made it to other campaigns

If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.

I believe we were promised 4 FTP campaigns, and they delivered.

This is technically FTP, but not really. I don’t mind either. I’ve wished enlisted hadn’t been FTP for a long time.

The old campaigns will still be getting updated.


I know it is not very reasonable to expect a Hungarian army any time soon in Enlisted, but I’m very excited to see the Király rifle (yes, Király with an á).

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No idea why so many people are complaining about this campaign, it seems pretty fun tbh. I know that I’ll especially have fun using the P-40E-1 and gunning down Germans with ol reliable DP-27.


Well, they weren’t exactly well loved in Tunisia.

In concept they’re awesome, but they just don’t work due to the pace of the game.

you get 99% reused garbage and you happy??
nosaving for you

Oh look at that. Lilke I said. Best squads/weapons locked behind full access welp good luck to all of ye f2p. I feel sry for ye.

Overall I like the look of the weapons and levels. This is what you should have done with Tunisia. Looks like you’ve learned from your mistakes.


Oh no they used weapons that were used multiple times in ww2, deal with it. Russians and Germans didn’t just see their reliable weapons and think, “hey, we should make new weapons because these are old.”


Imagine Soviets being able to use PPSh on engineers and some other classes in Stalingrad and Berlin just like in real life because other classes can use Mkb and FG42 on the German side.

Mkb should’ve been restricted to assaulters especially when PPSh and MP43 are locked to assaulters in the first place.


even if you see an old weapon - its model, texture, behavior, damage, animation is NEW


@1942786 there’s a mistake in post: you say Thompson is at lvl 24, but lvl 24 is ppsh41 in complete list :slight_smile:

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Keofox, this is a red flag form MILE away! PZIIIN vs T34? Really? Are you joking? It barely has basically no chance of killing a T34 frontally and hardly from its side.

You must replace the PZIIIN with a PZIIIL or a PZIIIJ/1 that can actually deal with a T34 and not a derp gun, outdated tank.


This is actually pretty good point. If otherside is allowed to use ‘assaulter’ weapon with every soldier other side should also be allowed to do so

Personally I would prefer if they used the weapon classes to their corresponding classes, but we’ll see what happens

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Simple solution would be to give the Pz IIIN HEAT rounds and it will be able to deal with T34s.


I love that we are getting the MKB I do.

But if it is available to all classes than that is just stupid.

Why would i run a 9 man K98k squad when i can run a 9 man MKB squad.

And before you say low ammo, i say 6 engineer squad.
Even if you nerfed the damage of automatics i doubt MKB damage aka 7.92 kurz will deal less than 5 damage at close range. No chance. Objectives will mainly be in buildings, meaning having that full-auto key is superior.

This wouldnt be a problem in a game like HLL where there arent many soldiers around, therefore BAs and ARs are fine, but in Enlisted where you come up against so many soldiers at once even if i 1 shot everyone with a BA it is still way better to use a full auto assault rifle.

So please, MKB but for assaulters