Stalingrad Weaponry

mkb won’t harm the balance if you nerf the gun damage or the number of magazines to match the balance

Don’t forget russian has a machine gun with 100 round drum called RD-44, which also uses intermediate cartridge. If you want others eat shit it would end up in everybody eating shit(don’t forget your RD-44 and Fedorov)


I will solve this nerf within a minute… all I need to do is to buy couple of big ammo pouches just like with FGs, and go like nothing happened.

Unless you want SF rifles to cause 2-3 damage per hit (I think that I dont have to explain why this solution is terrible), damage nerf really won´t cut it.


mkb will not harm the balance if you nerf the number of magazines, not the rate of fire or damage to match the balance. It doesn’t fit… Please change the Breda light machine gun to a Madsen light machine gun


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lol, its Much better than the axis of moscow, where fighting drum ppsh with 20rounds mab38

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This will potentially only create balance issues. But it won’t give you anything in return. We’re not sure this is a good idea.

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no, I prefer that to another copy and paste

In addition, reducing the number of bullets in the cartridges is not the solution, it is better to limit the weapon to how many soldiers per squad can use it, it would be a better solution and we would no longer see 9 guys with an FG-42 or a squad of engineers all equipped with MKB-42


I love this update, I can’t wait , I hope all dev is on track, I’m assuming by us getting dev blog it is.

But no mention of tail gunners, will they be only in Stalingrad, or other campaigns? Berlin has no crew slots right now?

Alot of people tell me tail gunners in Warthunder are not that effective, but there are perks to upgrade them, are we getting new perks?

This is about the update, or at least part of the update…

Oh and thank you for KV1 and T34, Maxim and P40 and anything else I missed :+1:

what a bulshit

i dont pay you for yearly premium to play this much bullshit campains…

i hope nobody plays it so you rethink this shi**y marketing


Remember devs that this is not chess, in a game so wide there are plenty of things that affect a match so we can talk about this balance thing only to a certain point, also making all sides equal becomes boring after a while


I didn’t say to nerf only the mkb ammunition, the rate of fire, damage, magazines, etc. And the Breda is an Italian machine gun, and frankly, I know that there aren’t many captures in the Soviet-Italian combat. It’s too pushy, so I don’t think it’s appropriate

Well, balance between weapons can’t be aquired only through changing their damage, ammo count etc, because that will most likely lead us to absurd situations when you need to dump half of the magazine into one person to kill him or when you carry only one spare magazine.

Classes were created to bring such balance. When automatics were restricted to two of them everything was fine - such classes were strongest in CQB, but lacked firepower on longer distances. But at some point you decided to just give such CQB power to every class without loosing their other benefits and suddenly all players started to run around with only automatics. What’s the point of choosing Assaulter to your squad if every other soldier can bring full auto weapon and be as effective in close quarters?

In the way how Enlisted is created (rather small maps, even smaller, chokepoint-like capzones) full auto will always be better than other weapons, no matter how low the damage or ammo count will be. That’s why we are worried when we see yet another campaign with the endgame goal of arming all soldiers with PPSHs, AVTs and MKbs.

What is even more worrying is that it was stated in the last Q&A that devs do not plan to rework the way in which campaign levels are organised. So no changes to weapon classes, order of unlocking such things etc, despite many problems and inconsistency that was created.
Few examples:
-MP43 is an Assaulter weapon and it’s fine. There are almost no complains about it. But somehow MKb becomes weapon for all troopers, even though they are basically the same.
-VG-1-5, semi auto weapon of the same class like M1 carbine is locked to Assaulter class; it’s a last ditch Volksstrum weapon limited to a certain class, but at the same time you can arm every trooper with rare FG-42
-rare and sometimes even time travelling selective fire weapons handed to everyone on the battlefield (M2, FG-42)
-problem with introducing new classes - if you decide to introduce Medics to Moscow, will they be on almost 40 level? Same goes for Riders and potential halftracks.


reuse of weapons feels like skyrim all over again


I think historical realism should come before your whole “no copy and paste” stuff. A captured weapon is the first weapon for that class, meaning it will be the most seen in the campaign.


looked a bit into the planes

yak-7b - bf109 e7/u2. seems pretty balaced

Su-2 (m-82) - ju87 D-3. seems pretty ok, Su might have an edge because of guns, but its hard to say without knowing the bombs

P-40E-1 - IAR-81C. might go either way depending on if they work on plane damage models. as it stands the .50 cals of the p-40 would probably be slightly better, but its hard to say right now

A-20G-25 - Potez 633. the a-20 seems to be better in every way, by alot. the potez is a pretty lackluster level 23 unlock with only 2x200kg, a single 7,5 mm nose mounted gun and a single 7,5 mm defensive turret. compared to the a-20’s 6 offensive .50 cals, 2 defensive .50 cals, and (presumably) much larger bombload

i also really hope that you devs learned from tunisia and gave fighters bombs this time around, it would greatly decrease the number of players that just suicide after shooting down a plane

But in terms of balance, it’s not quite right. The German machine gun is a mg13…is there any advantage to the Breda over that gun? Let me know if you do…I’m not talking only in terms of historical realism. There is also a balance issue.

If you guys are willing to lower the recoil of the AVT40 to the level of the FG42 and offer it three magazines, I think it’s relatively balanced, but is it ok? :sweat_smile: Or, provide PPSH41 to Soviet riflemen. Since MKB42 can be provided to riflemen, why can’t PPSH41. In addition, to be honest, it is more difficult for me to accept that the German army has PPSH41 compared to the German army where everyone is equipped with MKB42, so why should l play the Soviet army? I play the Soviet Army for PPSH41 because it is unique, even in the Berlin and Moscow battles I already had it. :sweat_smile:


I still think realism should come over balance. Just because something works, doesn’t mean it’s right. At that point I could just play Call of Duty or Battlefield. These games don’t care about realism, and I’d prefer if this game still cared about it.