Stalingrad Weaponry

Even though I will probably buy the full access pack (I have plenty of leftover GJN laying around), I have a suggestion for a possible “concession” in favour of F2P players:

What if they are allowed to receive ONE sample of each full-access weapon, when they unlock the relative level?

They wouldn’t be able to upgrade them or to buy more, but still they would get a taste of the full access content, and feel a bit less gap from paying players.

All camaing


even tho this is a stalingrad topic i have to question:

is the update ready to be delivered in 3 days?
will we get yet another BP extention?

Regarding Stalingrad weapons / overall weapons on all campaigns:

is it possible to show Bullet dispersion stats on weapon info?


since all stalingrad weapons will act diferent, and so players can actually have more info about the toys they play with…


This is going to be fun.

you already siad there will be premium squads…
nice try schlomo

@1942786, very important question, will we be able to transfer the same weapons between Stalingrad and other campaigns?

There are discussions about it on forum with predictions that it will be either limited or completely locked feature. Reasons could be difference in weapons damage in Stalingrad campaign compared to other campaigns, or just because of benefits that full access gives to players.


I really want to know…when will you add anti-tank gun movement function and password setting function for custom room? I’m so curious.

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I have a question to you: are devs planning to limit the accessibility of “general issue” (for all classes) full auto weapons? If so, how?

I’ve made a suggestion about the Stalingrad levels (how they should look like and how to “easily” fix the pay to win issue). What do you think about it?

when go talk to you about the new game mode that is to be added to the live .twitch announcements.

Will full access Boni stack with premium account Boni?

Full access description read like it’s all you need for making good progress and while I overall like the idea I wonder if I am paying for premium for nothing when I play Stalingrad.

Also the idea to exclude campaign lvls for F2Pers appears like a bad one to me. Everything that adds imbalance between the players is a clearly unpopular choice and making faster progress as well as getting better soldier and gun lvls should be enough.
I already find premium squads to be very close to the edge of P2W as they don’t just let you lvl faster and at some variety to your gameplay but were gamebreaking good at Moscow.

Yes, with premium account and Full access you get 8x XP per game

I never sayed it was pay to play, why would you deppict this as a quote even though you changed what I said ?

I wasn’t even talking about that in the first place. I was talking about putting behind a pay wall the possibility to give almost every of your soldiers an assault rifle.

And “Expension” and “Standalone” don’t really make sense together imo.

Ah that… yeah, it’s the ONE thing I’m not certain about. I’d prefer the mkb be limited to assaulters, and I’d even be fine if Soviets keep their AVT for everyone, but trooper mkb feels… strange :thinking:

Same, because honestly giving how high the recoil is on the AVT on full auto and how expensive it is to upgrade, it’s not really worth it anyway. But troopers with MKb, definitely useable in full auto, so definitely worth it (and just feels out of place anyway).

Truthfully, mkb42h for assaulters would probably be even more lethal: DF plans to “nerf” the mkb by limiting how many rounds every troopers get with it (I bet they will have 1 spare magazine, top) while an assaulter could easily get 200+ with corresponding ammo bag :thinking: I read somewhere they also want to fiddle with it’s recoil…

Are you sure ? I now they are planning to reduce damage of SMGs (which I don’t like, a bullet is still a bullet), but I’ve never seen them mentioning reducing the number of mags.

The ammo doesn’t depend of the soldier but of the weapon type, ammo bags included.

Giving it to assaulter would be way less lethal because :

  • The first assaulters you get are Assaulters II, meaning that they are much more expensive to level up (90 bronze order from lvl 1 to 5 against 36 bronze order for an Assaulter I), so it’s way harder to get the recoil reduction perks.
  • You can’t have them in a lot of squad, and when you can it’s only 1, 2 in rare cases.
  • Medics would probably have access to it but they are supposed to be “less efficient with SMGs than Assaulters” to quote roughly the DevBlog on Medics, this will probably mean they won’t get access to the previously mentioned recoil reduction perks.

On the other hand, if it fits in the “rifle” category as it is now :

  • Every infantry classes except Medics, Gunners, Assaulters and Snipers will be able to use them. Meaning that you could potentially have every soldier of any squad being equipped with it.
  • It would be accessible to rank I soldiers, meaning that they could easily have all of them with recoil reduction perks way more cheaply.

I would rather like them to not giving it to anyone except the scope version but at something like lvl 35.

That would be a good start.

Yes exactly. The MKB is now being classified as a select fire rifle meaning 1 magazine plus one spare like FG42, SVT etc where the MP43 gets the assaulter level of ammo like an MP40 or Thompson

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Yeah, that’s why I’d love it as assaulters weapons only… Oh well 🤷

I mean still with 4 magazines on engineers you can just build ammo like with the FG42 and lets remember…an assaulter squad will now have 4 PPSH41s and then 3 guys armed with MKB 42s