Stalingrad Weaponry

U are 100% right but i dont gona spend money (what i have) on campign which seems broken because who wants to play as Russian agnist 9man squads with “STGs”
hope thats some bad joke

uff, if only a german soldier couldnt play against 9 man avt…

its always a joke against us. not the only way around.

perfect example:
the jumbo was fine for US soldiers , flank it was the way to go., until the panther was introduced.


I have question, can player buy preorderpack only before campaigh release, or later too?

GIven the rapid levelling up that’s going to be seen in Stalingrad, I must admit to be concerned about how long (or not) the actual gaming fun will last before it becomes essentially a Bullet Hell game set in WW2.

Full auto run & gun all the time isn’t everyone’s idea of fun. Having squads with distinct roles and for different in-game situations is fun.

As for the axis PPSh, the thing makes my life hell in other campaigns and I loathe it so I reckon I’ll be sticking with the Király.

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Premium aces for 30euros - nah
18 dolars for Red orchestra2

we acually have choices XD

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Maybe the next campaign is a pacific? I’m curious about it.

I absolutely welcome the trophy PPSh for Germany. I don’t know about how common the use of the Thompson in this battle actually was but for German Veterans the PPSh was a favorite and for good reason. Also due to the enormeous success of the Germans up to this battle it wasn’t a rare sight in the Wehrmacht.

What I miss in this list is the MP41… but I assume we will see that in some kind of premium squad.

Also the Kar98k deserves more love by the devs. While even the regular Mosin Nagant army rifle is rated a step higher in this regard and while the Mannlicher was a great rifle as well the Mauser is considered by many to be the best bolt action gun of WW2 with a system that was copied as often as no other rifle and is still in use even today by many modern bolt action rifles that copied it or used it as their foundation to engineer upon. Therefor to use it - together with being the most used German rifle - as the entry gun just doesn’t feel right.


Most of u will not understand it but here a video from the Danuvia 39m and the paratrooper 39m/A variant.

And the later version 43M thx for Ian McCollum

Oh and any chance u guys put in the game the Mannlicher-FÉG 31 M Rifle
Or the FÉG 1934 and 35 rifles and Solothurn 36 M ( in other name Solothurn S–18/100) ?


Nice weapons i see but:
There are too many lvls behind a paid wall.I just bought early acces pack but i see a problem with free to play guys (majority of player base) . To put it simply when i see those late game lvls (right now) and most of them are just for pack owners i would not play it honestly(as free to play guy). Honestly they would not be competetive aganist full auto guns… I can get behind an idea(something could be behind a pay wall) but right now its just too greedy in my opinion.

Why in Gods name do the Russians have a Italian MG?..

you sould told that when soviet get panzerfaust in berlin
too late about arguing with trophy weapons

don’t think stalingrad as f2p game
think as package game but possible to play freely with some limit when doesn’t pay




Sorry if this was already answered, didn’t scroll 270+ posts.

Will playing Stalingrad reward with bronze and silver orders like other campaigns?

Will battlepass progress work as usual there?

keofox I really have a question. Will various weather be added in Stalingrad? Or Are they planning to add a variety - unique weather or time zones?

The sky of Stalingrad suits a gloomy atmosphere,

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Inb4 ppd vs mp28, now its the breda vs mg13.

After all, Moscow had a terrible chance of reaching the end of the bellows… …and there’s no hope anymore… …it’s better to hold on to Stalingrad, where there’s still a chance to fix it’s better to hold on…So I support mkb vs avt…

Yes, but the 4x exp bonus from full access doesn’t apply to that. You get bronze and silver orders at the same rate as everyone.

99% yeah, why shouldn’t it?

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Seriously, you deleted my comment where I agreed with @BandytaJeden ?
Did it get to many hearts?

Wow just wow.

The only thing I said was that I will not play Stalingrad and I actually am a paying customer, I bought gold and a year of premium which I still have 208 days of. I will not play Stalingrad as the advantages “full-access” players have over me is way to huge for my taste! And I really feel sorry for every F2P, because for them the difference is even bigger!

I am really puzzled that not more people realize the huge potential problems that this facts will lead to. But yeah, you were like “Chill dudes, calm down, they only lock the premium squads behind the paywall” … yeah right.


Tbh the Soviet should have the MG-26 (ZB-26) instead of the breda. If they want to compete with the germans mg13