Stalingrad Weaponry

Ultimately, in any game that attempts to have a damage model that is at all realistic will struggle with the balancing of semi-auto rifles and bolt-actions because, plain and simple, semi-auto rifles are better. There’s a good reason everyone moved on to semi-autos and then select-fire rifles in the century since. If bullets are generally 1-2 shot kills, volume of fire will always trump the single-shot damage of a bolt-action. Now, you can do things like severely nerf the damage or accuracy of semi-auto rifles, but then the game strays away from the realism that people are looking for.


That does not mean we need to have modern full auto for everybody combat.

Issues with full auto can be easily avoided by just not handing them over to literally every soldier.
Map and objective design is of course another problem.


and no f2p flametrower tanks!

no one noticed this?

Enlisted Meme III
Plus complain about ONE campaign being “locked behind paywall”


You mean no movable coffin that explodes in one shot, with the addition of the flamethrower, I don’t see these poor tanks set up well against pz4fw2 or kv1

fun litle toys tho :stuck_out_tongue: they could have a f2p variant.
like moto squads in tunisia.


I forgotten them, I don’t even see them anymore, the uselessness made a vehicle

they apear alot on custom matches and most batles i did in tunisia recently.

but , mileage may vary x) timezone, servers, current players and what players and so on.
tunisia is still a bad campaign imo. a desert on a desert but, i still do use bike squads prety much on my first spawn everytime

I’m not here to steal your fun, but it would be useful in some races, too bad you can’t mod the games

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I use them on occasion. They’re good for throwing down a sneaky rally point.


4 times more grind while locked out of the better half (11/26) of content. This isn’t free to play, it’s a demo version. As a demo it’s fairly generous, but at the same time the paid full version is too expensive for what it is. Which is 1/5 of the current game with uncertain future.

I don’t understand why they don’t offer a full-access pass by itself that costs like, $10 or $15 instead of a bundle with premium squads and other stuff. Then this wouldn’t be that bad. The way it’s looking right now is that you’re paying $30 for the privilege of being able to use all the campaign’s unlocks against full-bot teams when everyone abandons it after like a week (just like Tunisia.)

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Except Tunisia ony gave you TWO useless squads, no boost, no additional slots and no access to free prem squads… for 50 shekels.


Im not either to be honest >w> i would of liked to see the Suomi KP-31


I didn’t say I didn’t like it, I was asking when the features will be added to all campaigns, like shovels in Tunisia which has nothing to do with Stalingrad. I probably won’t be playing it but that wasn’t my question.


So the first submachine gun you unlock is the MP 28 on stalingrad then you unlock the MP40 at level 16. Why not make the MP40 the first submachine gun you unlock then the ZK-383 the submachine gun you unlock at level 16 as the ZK-383 has failed to show up on the eastern front campaigns so far.

Also seriously the MP28 as a starter submachine gun again ? surely the MP40 or even the MP34 would make a much better replacement.

Also both sides getting exactly the same weapon seems a bit off as both axis and allies will now be running round with PPSH-41’s with drum magazines. Perhaps the sukomi k-31 would make a better option for the Assaulters III as this has not yet made an appearance in the game.

I am looking forward to playing this campaign however there are a few weapon choices that seem off to me and some small arms that should perhaps be on the Stalingrad level list are not.

Also did the russians use the breda mod 30 ? seems abit odd its on the allies.

Also is the fedorov avtomat going to be added to the Stalingrad campaign ?

Thank you for reading :slight_smile:


no. the prem squads on that bundle are like the worst in it lmao.

you have the privilege to play a game fully, prety much ready to go
there is no microtransactions
soldiers come level 4 of 5
squads maxed
weapons on point.
3 extra slots for squads (costs premium time + 5 to 20 euros for 3 slots on other campaign)
everything avaiable to be played (no premium squads limited to people like me that can throw money as they wish in a game)

for the ones that want to boot a game play and go on with life, 30 euros, is nothing.
@ErikaKalkbrenner once stated something around this lines, premium could or can work for the ones that have the money, want to play the game 1 or 2 rounds a day with a fair chance to batle and move on with their lifes.

the problem isnt the cost of the campaign
isnt the rewards one get, isnt the playerbase active on stalingrad, isnt (insert complain here).
the problem, lays only on f2p players that didnt had any intention to support the game befor, and still want everything free yesterday.

People still can play stalingrad on a limited pace, there is no other store i know that let you play a game, enjoy it and after you compleat it the user can decide if they want to buy it or not.

this , imo, its a nice monetization system. its just f2p players that DONT want (not the ones that cant) are still bitching and want everything with no effort/costs. just that.

everyone can read how they want, but its basicly this.

  • i choose to be a f2p player spending hours in a game
  • i have the money to support, but choose not to (not talking about the ones that would but cant)
  • i want everything right now because they as a company should give it to me.

theres is also a small group of players in this thread i saw stating in the past "i would buy premium squad if they where like 20-30 and not 50, devs give the option to have multiple stuff unlocked, squads upgraded, 2 vehicles, decals , a brand new campaign , easy grind (4x or 8x with premium) and they still complain about it. wtf people want ? srsly for darkflow to pay them to play?

f2p players, still can play it, still have 4 campaigns with hundreds of hours of gameplay content/maps/game overall , still have countless hours of possible fun inside this free game.

i srsly dont feel any empaty for the ones that could, would but wont.

for the ones that would, but cant, its a diferent story and i do feel for them.

30 bucks for a full experience , few matches of grind , soldiers at level 4 , squads upgraded, weapons , no microtransactions vs a 4 man premium squad with a 50 euro price tag.
choose one. (i do own 35-40 premium squads and i would trade all of them for this type of monetisation right from the start. my wallet would thank me from that. and probably, more people would spend money in it.

rather this 30 euros once, than premium squads limited to their composition of 4 soldiers. 1000% this system and i didnt even played a single round yet.



Gentle reminder.

Still no STG-44 / mp44 in berlin



I would of thought it would of been available at the same level the Russians got there ppsh-41


Too manny captured weapones, and mainly 2 most known soviet things - T-34, Shpagin both locked for free to play players?! - bad idea

And mkb as trooper weapon? thats really bad joke - i hope :confused: