Stalingrad needs More map!

Why There are so Less Players in Stalingrad Campaign?

Some would say it’s because of the campaign monetization and the Demo thing, and That may be partly true a bit. But the most problem isn’t about the Design of the Campaign and its level system.

The real problem of Stalingrad is a Map. Stalingrad has so less maps than other campaigns, which makes Stalingrad More Boring as you play on.

There is only 1 big map for Stalingrad, which includes the Train station. well, they split the map into serval pieces and try to make them look like there are pretty much maps at Stalingrad, but it’s all the same map.

and This is why there are so less players at Stalingrad. Nobody wants to play the same map over and over again!

Moscow had at least more variation than Stalingrad when released, even Berlin and Normandy too.
Stalingrad was released in hurry, Unfinished. Devs should have made at least 2- 3 more maps for Stalingrad, Like the Tractor Factory and the Grain elevator area.

found a 2x2 Stalingrad Tractor Factory area map at In-game files, unfinished, but still in WIP.

If they have released Stalingrad at least with Tractor factory map, even still there are fewer maps compared with other campaigns, there would have been way more players at Stalingrad than now.

What Stalingrad needs now urgently is not a new campaign level or Design changes, Stalingrad Needs a new Map.


Cant wait for guadalcanal for play on the beach and airfield for the rest of the game


How identical and Unique, a beach landing and an Airfield! I’m sure that I haven’t seen those maps before.


I wasted all my money on this dumb shit.


If it had more variety of maps to play.

Yes it’s the next map of stalingrad as far as I can get.

And it looks pretty similar to WT stalingrad map.


It is, but it will be more detailed I suppose. Just like Berlin compared with WT y know.

And it won’t be covered in snow. That’s sad actually.


Should be better. But, not right now.

Well, actually there is a winter version of Stalingrad. Not Tractor factory, but there is.



It would look something like this:


MKB, AVT for everyone. Genuinely ruined the campaign

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Urgently need more maps.
Besides that I do enjoy or Alot.


I wish there wasn’t so much clutter on these maps, I like how big Stalingrad feels but there’s just so much stuff on the road and in the streets it’s a freaking nightmare to use tanks on

In editor, game_rendlist (don't remember it correctly) object you also can find factory objects.

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Well, I guess that’s the reference for this map

The two things that make me quit stuff are boredom and frustration
The boredom in stalingrad comes from, as you said, there being only one map but the frustration, at least to me, comes from the bots not being able to navigate the complex environment with lots of rubble, windows and verticality leading to most of my squad getting separated from me and dying

That’s also for Berlin, Moscow, Normandy and etc. It’s not a big matter. The real problem is lack of maps for Stalingrad Campaign.

and Bunch of driveable/or none driveable Tractor objects at file, it would be part of it I suppose.


and the one for Aviation map too. 16x16 size.

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It is a big problem. Actually its the biggest problem