Stalingrad needs More map!

If it was the biggest problem, everyone would be playing Tunisia. Obviously, that is not the case, Tunisia Axis being the most underpopulated campaign by far. SFs don’t do anything except speed up the flow of gameplay, wich most people do not seem to mind, as can be observed with Normandy and Berlin being the most populated campaigns. This seems to be just a you issue and not something the community as a whole cares about.


No, SFs ruin the game. Period.

Nobody plays tunisia because it is simply a boring campaign. Same unlocks, same stuff, nothing new.

SFs ruin the game 100 proc, it causes braindead, skill less full auto spam, makes gameplay too fast and uninteresting.

Your logic doesn’t add up. If a campaign exists where the biggest issue in the game does not exist, would it not make sense that it would be the most played campaign, as this is the issue that trumps all else, including the grind?


For reasons listed above, thats why it is not

And the reasons you just stated contradicts with your other arguments. If SFs were the biggest issue, would that not mean it trumps literally everything else, a boring grind included?

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Dude, you are the only person complaining about this I’ve seen. I reached level 14-18 in all the eastern front campaigns and not even once I was bothered by an automatic or semiautomatic weapon, actually I barely even notice what weapon killed me besides AA guns, tanks or planes

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When you play for over 1 year at this point, this issue will start to rise for you too

Nah, I’ve been playing on and off since the berlin closed beta and never had this problem

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SFs and auto weapons are the biggest gameplay problem in enlisted. They ruin the gameplay, make it too fast paced, wipe squads instantly. Needs to change

There were also other nations in Stalingrad, such as Hungarians, Romanians or Italians. When do you see them in game?