Squad and weapon presets

Weapons and equipment, along with their possible tactics, in Enlisted continue to increase with each update. Sometimes you want to play differently, but it can be very time-consuming to rearm even one squad for it. In the new Enlisted, with combined army campaigns, without such an option a good commander would miss a good chunk of gameplay altogether.

We made sure this wouldn’t happen and have introduced the presets feature — create several combinations of units and weapons for your favorite tactics and switch between them with one click! That’s a feature you’ll find in the upcoming major update.


This functionality is available in the squad menu, and is incredibly easy to use — it simply memorizes the squad presets you’ve lovingly put together. The order of the squads themselves and the soldiers in each of them, equipment, weapons, vehicles - literally everything you so diligently selected.

Click on the menu, save your set, and you can collect a new one. Let one be for infantry battles, and the other — focusing on the tankers. One has a mass of assaulters, and the other with better rifles. Dozens of options!

You can return to a saved set at any time with a single click. At this stage you will have 3 sets in each army. We will consider expanding the number of slots after the release of the new Enlisted.

Note: Sets are stored on the server, so if something happens to your game client, you will not lose your saved sets. You will be able to use them when logging into your account from another device.


The same set functionality, but works a little more precisely — remembering the weapons and equipment of a single soldier.

Equip one soldier of a new squad? Memorized a preset and applied it to all the others — saving you time, and mouse and thumb power.

Or just rearm the soldiers of a single squad under a new tactic in a few clicks, without touching the entire army of your squads.

We put the automatic equipment selection functionality into this menu as well (and improved it). Here you have up to 4 presets per squad. That should be enough for any situation.


This great feature, so invaluable to many commanders, is based on the suggestions you leave on our forum. Find such a thread and thank its author directly.


Finally not an add


Fascinating to see, can’t wait to give it a try!

Quick question, does this mean we will have all our equipment pooled together in some sort of interface to see how many we have available? I often find myself digging out some old squad in a campaign where I find I missed some grenade, TNT pack, medkit, or even at times weapons which I’d rather transfer to a different squad, and it becomes hard to keep track of everything I have and how much of what I need to buy.



Clear and concise. We know we have 3 slots per army, which is good to start (you guys will probably sell more, like for squad slots.)

Keep news coming.

a very awelcomed addition from me :slight_smile:

my only “complain”, 4 preset of soldier equipment per squads are not enough in my opinion.

due to for example, upon merge, having more than 4 weapons or loadouts at player’s disposal.


Looks nice.
Will we be able to change the names of presets? So it’s not just Preset I etc.


Great update. When will it be available?

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Follow the news :wink:

This is excellent. Will also be super helpful when we go to axis vs allies mm

very curious what is going to happen with Italy and Britain when we go to axis vs allies mm and Tech Tree

So the upcoming BP season update will not come with lots of new stuffs like previously? Also since not much coming, so will be refreshed as planned time right?

If you are in a race with HLL developers, you should do things a bit different than just copying War Thunder :wink::smile:

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I think after Enlisted release, it will someday merge with WT… Especially the new tech tree, is a great step away from original Enlisted, which is said to be a DLC/campaign based game. And after Stalingrad completely failed… And newer campaign also unsuccessful… OMG, another disgusting grinding game comes.


This is one of the best changes ever, it takes a ridiculously long time to change out the gear for all your soldiers individually and it takes forever. this will save up so much of my time.

My friend suggested this on Reddit and ppl were actually against it and saying how it barely take anytime and even Quadro were against it. heck he even made a video saying how fast it is, despite the video taking 10 minutes just to swap out a few squads.

warthunder you just change your tank to a new battle rating and thats it, enlisted requires way too many clicks and time to change out your squads and especially if you had more slots on infantry and vehicles

Though please add more slots and please dont make the extra slots requiring in gold, this is only QOL changes thats much needed for the game and playerbase

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Don’t say such frightening things, I’ll have nightmares. I ditched wt for a reason…

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4 are no enougn? :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:



Keofox:That’s a good question. I understand what you mean. Let’s ask the developers and publish the answer in the third devblog.

Based on the announcement, it can be concluded that the technical team is inefficient and not making any progress. The announcement is the result of discussions held a month ago. The images shown are so crude that they look like they were created just after waking up this morning using the Windows default image software.
And the content of today’s announcement is not the third announcement that answers all questions! False advertising once again!
Please mind your credibility! Virtue! The spirit of contract!
@1942786 @ChuchaDrucha


This is huge.


I look foward to babysit my soldiers and do a preset for every scenario :slight_smile:


A great commodity with the current system, an absolute necessity with the upcoming one. Good.

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Excelent! Just don’t forget to add more slots later please.


We need the number of presets at least equal to number of different battle ratings, so we can switch between different battle rating quickly.

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