Squad and weapon presets

Lol stop complaining for the sake of complaining. Looks like you didn’t even do any research.
The answer you want was already released in the dev blog on 17 March.


People would prefer you work on the 5000 open bugs instead of “cosmetic” stuff. I feel the peak of enlisted is already reached. Let’s see who’s right


Except this one isn’t cosmetic, it’s a major QoL feature.


Look @65767292 pointless statements like this clutter up the forums with drivel.

In 6 months this game will be more popular than ever.

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The guy that fixes bugs is a different guy from the guy that does gui changes, so luckily they can do more than one thing at a time


That’s not the answer I want, it’s what df is against!17 March~14 april。laugh!

Don’t be like the other guy who always thinks everyone else is an ignorant lowlife! I’ve been highlighting this contentd fresh for over 1 month now, and I have independently compiled a summary, translated and relayed each QA.


LOL, the question you posted is just asking will there be squad preset in the future. The answer is yes. So what other answer do you want? The question you post didn’t ask for details.

And you still ignore the fact that the answer of the question that you post had already been answer.

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Will this allow if my entire squadron leaves the tank because it is necessary for all of them to leave to protect the one who is repairing or putting out a fire in the tank, that they regroup in the positions they should have? because it’s kind of annoying that the one with the loader perks suddenly becomes the driver and such stuff


I posted the content accusation. Do self-righteous people like you have to think it’s a question?

So this is not a question? He literally said it is question.

This is an OK change. I guess, sure, why not.

But what I really hate about the system, is that it is not dynamic while the match is in progress. Hear me out!

We cannot control the map or the game mode. So a lot of times you go in with a fixed set of squads. There are maps where I wish I could change to a Sniper squad or change to an Engineer squad or maybe I need that Radio squad to make a smoke screen so it helps us attack and push… maybe swap to a Figther Plane squad because we get dominated in the air.

This would incentive us, to level up and gear up, useless squads that are abandoned and never see play.

This is why meta is boring everyone just selects 2-4 of the same squad type to compensate in firepower that fits most scenarios.

It could come with some limitation, like you can rotate one squad or two per match or have some 1-3 reserve squad systems etc.

Allowing to swap squads mid match would make it like “bring the right tool for the right job” style of play. Like chess. Right now…you give us a hammer and good luck hope it works on everything.

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add something similar for tank crew,it’s a shit when for a need your squad need leave the tank and the guy who have the reload perks is now the driver,the driver with perks is now commander and such


Fantastic news!
That’s what many of us have been asking for.

Delighted you listen to the community in this regard.

Thank you!



one question, will be uniforms a part of presets?

can i swith to a preset how got snow camuflage in a snow battle, and so on, and on?



dunno what nor how you set your squads.

but as i have riflemen for defense, riflemens with different weapons, loadouts for assaults, loadouts for defense, pve loadouts, and others.

definitely not enough.


So, what are happening with squads in general? Are you guys merging them or will we keep every single squad per campaign. If it’s the later, will new players or players who haven’t progressed that far still be able to achieve them after the update?

The truth is, I probably only do 1 different preset, if a lot, the truth is that when I finish the campaign I use random weapons closing my eyes xD

What impresses me is that you can do more than 4 combinations, the truth would not occur to me

Okay nice, since we got to soldiers management, here is what we need:

  • let us keep unused squads empty, there is no need to store soldiers there
  • let us choose a weapon and press “equip all”, thus assigning this weapon to all available soldiers
  • let us “remove unnecessary” gear without dragging eac the soldier out of the squad
  • let us automatically switch equipments between different classes (as much as possible), e.g. I want to swap a rifleman for an engineer but keep all the equipment intact

squads empty, & soldiers empty too, for those of us that liquidated our basic rifles, which really should just be considered as the empty slot, a 1star basic rifle & knife, as the empty slots, instead of being items at all…

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@1942786 This is a killer idea.

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