"Spam" of singular gameplay styles ruins the enjoyment of the game, explanation and solutions inside

You got and actual very good point, i mean i like to play planes but sometimes is just unfair against others if planes are removed i’ll not be afected but why about the people who is playing this for the planes? I mean they are annoying and we can agree about that but is their way to enjoy the Game and grind it as quickest possible.

The same applies to tanks there’s people who likes to play with them and some of them are very good at it.

But what about the infantery players who don’t care about this and just want to play with soldiers?

I think that all of them vehicles/infantery mains should be equal, i mean as i mentioned before in this same post, both vehicles and infantery should have the same possibilities to kill each other, the devs judt have to make some ajustements to the grey zone spamers, penalize kamikaze pilots and make the planes/tank reload slower, little details that make the game more realistic and fair at the same time…

Over all, we just need an actual balance between both types of players.

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Ive always just thought in my own opinion, that greyzone can be fixed by making the enemy zone the same as the friendly zone. But thats pretty much all I have in mind. Kamikaze pilots can be fixed by setting the timer from 3 minutes or 4 minutes (i don’t remember exactly) when they crash or die to 5 or 6 minutes. It will still happen but will discourage them from doing it repeatedly, or make it so that they have to swap to infantry at least once before they use another plane. But then again, that is forcing a player to do something they don’t want to do, so can be an issue.

My solution is if the Game detects that your are spamimg shells, You Will start to recibe damage as if You were on the grey zone, unless You move to the battlefield where You can be killed but You can kill them too, You can shoot 3 or 5 shots but if You stays there for all the Game well… It just sucks ngl

It don’t works like this, when You did with a vehicles squad You have to play with an infantery squad then You are able to use vehicles again.

Isn’t an issue i think that is fair that the Game obligates You to play at least with 2 or 3 squads before use a vehicles, remember that if You want just walk and die them repeat and you sre able to use vehicles again.

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yeah, go away
AA guns already make flying almost impossible, especially in rough matches

the good old "ive tried NOTHING and im outta ideas

the amount of times enemies do literally nothing to push back is hilarious. Perhaps we should remove infantry weapons from the game? because the enemies kill me with them when I just run at them doing nothing, its unfair /s

yeah this kinda sounds like rage bait, the “arguments” presented here hurt my soul

Why so angry? I have done nothing to provoke you. If you do not like my arguement, then state clearly the issue instead of venting. Please act maturely.

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Number 1. AA guns will not solve the problem of suicide bomber planes. The reason why, is apparent. All it does is give you the score for the suicide planes. It doesn’t fix the problem of the kamikaze planes, because they want to die. Making it difficult to fly does not fix the problem when you are actively trying to die, and taking things out with you.

Number 2. I have tried giving my ideas but it is apparent that people like you will just immediately drop to insults and act rudely in response. Maybe because of the tag in my name. But ignore it, and speak to me properly.

  1. If the arguements here hurt your soul, don’t respond or acknowledge them. You aren’t obligated to complain or vent your anger because you disagree with someone. It is bad for the soul, as you say. This is a public forum and we are free to say what we want, without the fear of being reprimanded unfairly, which you have done.
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because I actually bothered to think what will happen to the balance of the game (which is already extremely lopsided for a lot of matches) where a team only has one or two decent vehicle players and they get banned from using their vehicles for SIX MINUTES just for dying
and enemy team has two heavy tanks parked in gray zone mulching everyone

sounds like fun
and I’m doubly angry because this incessant whinging about “fixing” something that 99% of the time isn’t even a problem in the first place gets annoying after a while, especially considering how damaging the “fixes” would end up being

It honestly feels like these suggestions came from someone who hasnt actually played the damn game much at all

literally get good?
AA one-taps planes. If they are dead, they aren’t doing anything. They will get mad and stop after you BTFO them a few times in a row
there, problem solved

Then in this arguement, greyzone is the issue. Either that, or the tankers are not as good as the enemy tankers, if they are using heavy tanks as well. They are barred from using their tanks because they should contribute to the team by staying on the point for at least 3 or 2 minutes, because it will help the team win and make the game more challenging.

And you are angry because of whining. I am not whining, I am speaking and giving my input about my idea on the issue. I am not your therapist to vent to, do not be angry at me. Be angry at those who are treating you wrongly, or giving actual points which are purely incorrect.

I understand why you can get angry at this when many player are barred from using something. But without balance, how is this game supposed to thrive? With some sacrifices, it can benefit the overall community. You cannot have everything nice, there will always be things which are bad.

And “Literally get good.” Do you not understand the words, “Suicide Bomber?” When you shoot a plane down, they want to die. They want to bomb. They will do it over and over again, and they will aim for your AA gun. It will not fix the issue at hand, which is suicide bombing.

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And this, is factually, I believe incorrect. I have seen instances with my own eyes where AA guns have tried stopping kamikaze pilots, futilely. The plane is destroyed, but the bombs are intact, and they still end up dropping on course or slightly off course, still inflicting damage on the team, and they can just immediately do it again, and keep on persisting until the end of the game. The guy died a total of 23 times. over 20 minutes. that is a near 1 plane every minute. How exactly is AA supposed to stop this?


Quite sure devs never intended planes to work as suicide missiles.
Id guess they expected just little bit too much from the playerbase and havent fixed it yet.
Aka broken mechanics.

Im quite sure regardless how many detours I take, I simply cant take the cap point with me and move it to inside house or cave to prevent suicide spam.

abusing broken mechanic, problem aint the abuser but everyone else.


another partial cry about mines,waste,they arent op,learn to throw grenades,so even invisible ones (its a bug) will kaboom, for rest ok,americsn rocket spam is way more toxic


Tell me more

Lol Just aim for head.

If I want to play as a Tanker - I will play as a tanker.

If I want to play as a Sniper - I will play as a Sniper.

If I want to play Assaulter - I will play Assaulter.

Removing the ability of players to choose the same type of playstyle will solve nothing.

If tanks are OP, then all nations need good AT launchers.

If planes cycle suicide attacks, then suicide attacks should get nerfed - not planes themselves.

If Assaulters get spammed - the other classes should get buffed, or the maps, gamemodes and Rallies should get changed to allow for more long range gameplay.

This discussion is irrelevant and such implementation will only hurt the game, no one likes being restricted in their play style.


i think that most suggestions are bad cause they are just forcing your playstyle on the whole game. are there abusable strategies? yes, but there should be counterplay available for most of them.

  • AP mines - introduce friendly fire or AP detection perk within certain range if you are walking.
  • suicide plane cycling - just make resupplying actually faster than respawning in new plane(e.g move air spawn to twice distance)
  • spawn camping - redesign maps so that it is impossible for tank or infantry to shoot another tank or infantry default spawn.
  • air spawn camping - default spawn and maybe resupply point need to have bot AA to protect them.
  • gray zone - not really a problem if there are adequate counters. higher caliber AT guns are WIP and i hope that US and japan will get better rocket launchers(if nothing else than at least panzerfaust).

otherwise i disagree with suggestion and this is coming from infantry main that sometimes hops in tank or plane. we dont need to nerf vehicles into oblivion just cause you dont play vehicles in enlisted.


I would personally like to see a few options for the US and Japan going forward. Currently, they have these ‘be all and end all weapons’ for them at BR V which makes using anything else feel redundant.
The problem is even if I decide to not use these weapons I would be severely punished in BR V. Which in my opinion is a game of attrition. Compound that with the fact that I am a veteran F2P player. So I am forced to play with the meta line-up given my lack of options.
With regards to the vehicle spam though I think there must be a cooldown. Or the person concerned should get a certain number of battle points to spawn in the next vehicle.
Overall, really good suggestions. Hopefully, some of these will get take into account. Not quite sure about putting restrictions on the repetitive gameplay loop in terms of a certain class of soldiers. This was tried in the past and recieved a huge backlash. But restrictions on a certain type of equipment can work as well.
Lastly, love your YT videos. Keep up the good work!

Methods are thought up by people
Just like those players who can effectively utilize the terrain and equipment performance
Some players will use terrain and shovels to block tanks
Some players will use smoke and anti-tank rocket barrels to interfere with or snipe campers.
Some players will use their knowledge to ambush or sneak into the rear to attack unsuspecting enemies.
So what’s the problem with using aircraft as precision guided missiles within a reasonable degree?
When you are bound by the common sense or morality of other FPSs, all that awaits you is the cruelty and death of war.

On more than 80% of occasions, I was able to send the engineers to the side of the capture point within 1 minute and 30 seconds and place the assembly point in a relatively safe place or move along the edge of the map or inside the building to avoid the AI ​​being bombed.
So I can’t understand your situation
Can you tell me how you move around the map?

This is a PVP game
Isn’t it common sense that the side with superior skills wins?

Such a wall of text and still you dont have a point that could be considered even remotely intellectual.

With your logic your just fking idiot if you dont utilize 3rd party softwares. Just saying.

I could build a rally in middle of CP, that is entirely irrelevant and doesnt justify abusing broken mechanic.

By abusing broken mechanic ? No.