"Spam" of singular gameplay styles ruins the enjoyment of the game, explanation and solutions inside

Isn’t it true that none of the 9 people in the team can (stay away from the bombardment point) or can’t (try to counterattack or cover the line of sight)?
No wonder he was massacred

Idk what you mean by this

For AP mine spam, in this case only clases like the engginer should be aviable to put mines

Them we have the Potato launchers… Well limit them as You said in your post.

Tanks spamers and greyzone ga… Sorry, players: If the Game detecs that You are not in the battlefield your Will be recive damage as if You were in grey some unless You move to a spot where You can kill enemies and enemies can kill You. Also the reload Will be shell by shell, the Spawn point Will be a little bit more close to the battle field

And the planes… The worst rats… Move the reload place more far like 5km should be enough, and the suicide pilots, if the Game detects that your are spamimg planes and then suicide, it Will force you to play with 3 infantery squads

Artillery is fine i mean, it gives You some time to take positions and resist and then avoid it. But a 1 minute cooldown more should be fine.

Complaining about suicide and, meanwhile, constantly having two-digit death counts because of efficient gameplay is kinda ironic, not gonna lie.

And consider your post posts, discredition is a big issue for you because you do it yourself.

Which all comes down to crashing planes.
Very multi-faceted and responsible.

What now? Do you even read what you write?

But what about your incentive that Enlisted is apparently a teamplay game and how much you cooperate? I think this should include being able to cooperate with morons.

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I played 4900 games
I have done all of the problem behaviors you mentioned.
I clearly understand the intended audience or tactical nature of these actions
So I also understand how bad the players are who are actually the victims of these behaviors.

You abuse overpowered / exploitative strategies

It must be the fault of the players on the receiving end of your exploitative, abusive, no counterplay strategies. As you say, they are disappointing incompetent idiots

Like this?

This is not called abusing overwhelming equipment or mechanisms
It’s just that these tactics and equipment are very effective for players who don’t think and are selfish.
Astonishingly good
If they really don’t like these things and have no means to fight back
So why can’t they even take detours and use the terrain?

I can still see a issue, if someone was forced to play on a cooldown just to use a vehicle they would deploy as said squad and suicide just to get back into a tank 10 seconds later. I vote for it to be a infantry squad and it must be played for at least 30-60 seconds before they can get in another vehicle. If they die sooner then it forces them to play another squad until that time is up.

Thank you for your post, some very interesting points and suggestions here.

For myself: Like you I like WT for aircraft and tanks.

I HATE planes in Enlisted, they are a pain to fly and basically useless since other aircraft often arent around when youre flying and no one marks enemies so Im just dropping bombs by guestimation which isnt fun at all.

Likewise aircraft bombs are super annoying as infantry.

Tanks are okay in principle, but again very annoying to drive (hear hear to all the comments mentioning how poor maps are for vehicles), can be difficult to kill but as you say the main issue is that some joker gets a Panzer III N or Panzer IV. It takes a LOT of effort to kill that thing, but then they just get another one and barely even use infantry the whole game.

I like the idea of making it fairer between premiums and F2Ps. (Im F2P) when it comes to vehicle spawns.

In my opinion Id like to see the game focus on infantry and non-tank vehicles. Sometimes its like wannabe War Thunder, while we have zero Universal Carriers or halftracks to use.

So yeah stop emphasis on aircraft and tanks, and give us more vehicles like trucks, halftracks, Hobart’s Funnies (eg bridge laying vehicles, trench filler etc.), jeeps as a part of squads, M3 Scout Car, ambulances as mobile medic squads, towable AT and AA guns. Trucks that replenish engineer build points, bulldozers to clear all the junk off the roads, the list goes on.

WWII was a mechanised war yet that is rarely acknowledged by games. Tanks in Enlisted either just hide out of bounds and spam HE for hundreds of free kills or go off and do their own thing. Its very rare to see tanks actually supporting infantry. (hell we cant even properly sit on tanks as infantry).

Planes same thing, they either do their own thing (sometimes even ignoring marks by infantry) or just become God Mode to get free kills. As your post correctly mentions, its not fun at all sitting on AA waiting for ages for a plane to turn up (which when it does usually kills you).

Add more AA guns and SPAAs (eg M16, the Sdkfz 231 I think it is etc.). Make it much more rewarding for shooting down planes. Maybe even manning AA guns at all gives you some silver or XP.

My post is a little all over the shop, apologies, I guess I could summarise to say the fans and devs need to decide what we actually want Enlisted to be.
Is it some lucky few playing War Thunder on their own with infantry running around as free kills? Is it infantry only where tanks and plane spawns are limited so they are quite rare?

Or is it proper combined arms where tanks and mechanised infantry work together and the emphasis is on infantry support (think British Army doctrine)? Infantry uses vehicles to get to new objectives quickly and also flank and so forth, while tanks move with the infantry for fire support rather than acting like a sniper armed with a HE firing cannon.


I hate this idea because it throws the baby out with the bathwater. If there is an enemy air player, I wanna have fun trading with them as long as it takes to get on top, not end up locked out of my tools for god knows how long.
If you wanna punish suicide cyclers, punish the suicide part, not the dying part ffs
A single asshole camping flak 24/7 would mean some maps and factions become basically unplayable, since air is often the only way to dislodge some tanks that will otherwise just slaughter your team

I don’t suicide cycle and I think this idea is braindead.

Every single AA gun in the game will 1 tap planes if you hit it right

Briliant idea /s
Can’t wait to have to run at enemy KT sitting in a grayzone 10 times before I scrape enough SP to kill it

I never bother hitting infantry marks because there is NEVER anything on them. You can and should spot your own shit when you are flying anyway

People will always have conflicting views on these topics. But I think that there should definitely be a balance to some things to bring new players fairness, even if it means limiting. But arguing over it is not a good way to get your point across.


Actually the devs should put more effort in infantery gameplay than vehicles because this is not WT this don’t means that, vehicles gameplay should be removed, but iw would be like mortars, effective but very situational

Unfortunately, the devs will cater to what brings them the most money. Even if we all deny it, it is the undeniable truth. I hope that Infantry will become the main focus of the game despite this game being combined arms. But people who use combined arms as an excuse usually only use vehicles. I question this and ask, how is this fair? But i myself don’t have an answer.

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Please remember to post in English here. Thanks.

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No i mean that infantery should get more attractive equipment, tanks have Big cannons and some of them very good armor, planes are fast and very annoying ( special the american ones) so why not bring to infantery an upgrate like: prototype but very interesting guns, or special antitank granades ( ye i know demo packs but there we’re a type of granade specialized for vehicles acting like a mini panzerfaust) or what about more soldier classes, or more simple, more incentives to play with infantery over vehicles well. Thats sounds great in My mind

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Sorry bout that. Was trying to tell him something which i only knew how to explain in chinese.

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No worries. Maybe PM him instead? :slight_smile:

I agree that infantry should get more attractive equipment, but there is only so much that Darkflow can skirt on the edge of historical accuracy to give to the community. And considering that many are prototype weaponry, there is a definite ability to call these added things “oppressive” or “overpowered,” depending on the item.

Prioritizing infantry in a combined arms based game should be the top priority, as the infantry is the backbone of the army. Having vehicles be the top priority of the developers is unfair to infantry players, undoubtedly. But how can we make it fair for infantry players?

I can’t think up of any reasons on how, which is why i am here reading to give myself an idea on what to do. I think that removing tanks all together or planes is a bit too radical, in a change of movement. And catering only to infantry in the future can also be troublesome as there will inevitably be people who will be opposed to such actions.

Some people find it difficult to fight in infantry, as they lack the skill to fight on the ground. Rather, they are better in the air. But those who are better in the air, can sometimes be “oppressive” to those on the ground, as they can expertly use their arsenal of explosive weaponry to their advantage to easily massacre infantry targets on the ground.

But removing planes all together will force the players of planes to play on the ground. If they don’t enjoy it, what is the point of playing this game exactly? But at the same time, we sacrifice the enjoyment of 1 man for the enjoyment of many others. So what exactly is fair here?

I feel like this issue is like the trolley problem. So i will watch and see what conclusion is made.

Hopefully it will be kept civil, arguing over such things is not an acceptable way to get your point across.

ill give it a check, thanks

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