"Spam" of singular gameplay styles ruins the enjoyment of the game, explanation and solutions inside

Then play combined arms in Enlisted

Such a vehicle would be very cheap to spawn, as I mentioned above different tank classes would get different SP requirements. This SP cost also doesnt need to be overly expensive, all It needs to do is prevent an infinite vehicle cycle.

The SP system would also allow custom loadouts for planes, the more payload you equip the more SP it costs to spawn, so that is also something that It could bring.

This would make the life of vehicle mains even worse then the SP system, so Im all for It!

There is no combined arms in enlisted.Tanks farm infantry from distance, infantry farms tanks from up close. Not combined at all and hostile to eachother.
And planes farm everybody else and eachother.

What the frick do you think a vehicle cycler is? Someone who solely plays vehicles. Does nothing but bring out vehicle after vehicle after vehicle. Go play one of the many games that cater to that

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This is fine. Especially if heā€™s pushing up and being proper infantry support. This is mainly about wannabe Japs

If he is pushing, he dies no matter what I do. I canā€™t check every damn hole by myself.
If he doesnā€™t push, Iā€™m bored because I have nothing to shoot at.

0 combined arms.

Actually why do I even write this? Nothing will change anyway and Iā€™m only getting myself in a negative mood.

It should incentivize working together more. I agree


you have to understand one thing
This is a (war) themed (team) (PVP)
This means that an arms race is very legitimate and teamwork is important
And morality is just an excuse for selfish, incompetent or discriminatory people

In most cases, mines are located where they can be seen (or in blind spots)
And they can be attacked and destroyed
The incompetent would rather walk into a minefield like an ignorant fool and get blown up than first clear the area where there might be mines with shelling or explosives
And call this behavior spam and abuse

Camping and airplanes
I believe that all individual anti-tank equipment can be obtained through research and development.
The upper limit of the ability of this type of equipment is determined by the player

Engineer Corps and Advanced Engineer Corps can build anti-vehicle fortifications
Except for Japan and the United States, I believe other camps have no problem fighting tanks.

Most tanks have anti-vehicle capabilities spanning one tier
You can even use smoke shells to obscure enemy tanks and cover friendly forces.

In addition to most of the early models of the US military and a few other aircraft that are difficult to use,
Most aircraft possess effective anti-tank capabilities

As long as most aircraft are not too unlucky, they have a chance to counterattack enemy aircraft in air combat.

The vehicleā€™s suitable attack path and supply time are almost fixed.
And it is susceptible to various factors that affect the killing efficiency.

Is the problem the victim who refuses to fight and evade the vehicle or the player who is slaughtering the incompetent?

grenade launcher
Most grenade launcher massacres involve ambushes
There are obviously so many roads to take
Why would you gather your soldiers together and keep walking these roads full of ambushes?
Or maybe you canā€™t even sneak behind to counterattack or use smoke cover?
in addition
Now all impact-triggered individual weapons have vicious bugs deliberately created by the official
The failure rate of high-explosive ammunition is about 3/1. The failure rate of anti-tank ammunition is about 6/1.
Moreover, it is difficult to conduct close combat due to the explosion range.

I used to be one of these idiots
But when I started thinking about it, I began to understand how stupid, incompetent and selfish my previous actions were.
So when I look at the behavior of the bottom 7 idiots in most games, I feel a deep sense of powerlessness and disgust.

I can say responsibly
These problems are entirely caused by laziness and poor skills of oneself or the group.
Learn to think and use your equipment better and form a team instead of crying here that you are willing to be slaughtered by the enemy.

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Limiting has been brought up time and time again.

Their answer is always the same ā€œwe dont wont to limit anythingā€

My view has always been this is a pittyā€¦limiting increases the value of squads and counters


Reasons against restrictions

1 These problems all come from the incompetence and laziness of oneself or the group.
The normal group of players should not be held responsible for your stupidity and incompetence.
This will only make the game more toxic and chronically suicidal
2 This is a war game. If you donā€™t want to see vehicles and explosive weapons, go play CS.
3 3+1 full purchase players make basic choices. Please be responsible for your own choices instead of greedily yelling that you cannot use aircraft and tanks at the same time.
4 The official map and equipment have provided sufficient ways to fight against vehicles. Is it difficult to use them?
5 The reason why more than 90% of you will be killed by explosives is your own problem. Is it difficult to study?
Take responsibility for your own incompetence instead of allowing good players to be restricted and punished
6 Idiots cry over vehicles
7. The airport is just a joke. Japan has proved it right.
8. Point exchange will only make the disadvantaged party even more disadvantaged.
9 This is a (team) game. Please cooperate instead of complaining that you canā€™t choose 1 between selfishness and responsibility.

Perhaps the biggest problem is that these are not problems at all
The real problem is the people who are incompetent and selfish enough to ask these questions to make themselves look like victims.

The map is already friendly enough to soldiers
Itā€™s just that some people are so incompetent that they donā€™t look so good.

Enlisted is an easy gameā€¦

Having more Depth or thought to counterplay would be welcome

No matter how simple or casual it is compared to other games, it is (War) (Team) (PVP)
Thatā€™s why thereā€™s no point in protecting incompetent guys

If someone canā€™t even turn a corner or hide behind a wall
Then they must have been slaughtered voluntarily.

Enough has been sacrificed for these idiots
including but not limited to
Terrain changes. Tank machine gun. Tank ricochet. Grenade launcher. White phosphorus bomb. Impact grenade. Penetration ability of heavy machine gun. Rocket explosion range. Flamethrower penalty. Infantry killing ability of anti-tank weapons. Communication bomber. Squad Rebirth restrictions

The results have proven that they are so incompetent that they cannot be saved by weakening the above content alone.
Is it really necessary to continue to sacrifice more things to protect these selfish and incompetent people?

Keep it civil.

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What do these stitched pictures want to express?
Is it used to discredit others?

I am often responsible for multi-faceted support
It is normal for squads to sacrifice themselves in order to quickly change squads and conduct high-speed strikes.
In 90% of the games, my tactical choices produce the expected results.
When Iā€™m completely disappointed with those idiots on the ground
I will start the irresponsible suicide wheel
Why do I do this?
Since they donā€™t want to win
Why do I have to be the only one who works hard?
End this stupid massacre and jail as soon as possible

nice man
Infantry are all idiots to you? Thats really nice to know, thanks

It depends on their abilities and intelligence

I respect people who can use terrain and equipment effectively
But I hate those burdens that make up 60 to 70% of most games

Ah, when your team isnt enough to carry the dead weight of a player sitting back from the objective the whole time. They are all disappointing idiots, as you say