"Spam" of singular gameplay styles ruins the enjoyment of the game, explanation and solutions inside

maps dont have to be more vehicle friendly, it should be more infantry friendly, vehicles are fine as they are

Then it’s an infantry game with vehicles and not actual combined arms game. End of story.


if anything it should depend on the terrain, if intantry are more out in the open planes should be do more damage, if they are in a forest it should do less damage

it should all depend on the condition of terrain, we in the military call it terrain masking, basicly what it means is that if your in a forest area it should be harder for a pilot to see you to the density of the forest while if your in the open of a field then oh well

That would be cool and all if marking literally didn’t exist. And few times I actually get in a plane, I can easily see infantry, even if they are in cover.

And besides, being able to cycle vehicles that are able to obliterate an entire team in 20 seconds without limitations is criminal.

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do you even know what the role of a CAS is? i feel like your not even trying to understand both sides here

basicly in short, CAS stands for Close Air Support and is being used by both sides in a match, planes in nature are very strong and there is plenty of us who like to play this role same with tanks and other roles, if the spam is a problem well as gastan said, limit the squad use of idk 1 squad and fix the maps making the forest/jungle maps better for cover, or building for example, there is plenty of stuff to do, jumping on one side and another will lead you nowhere

that would basicly be the better option then ruining for one side who like to play this and that

I had no idea what CAS is. Thanks for enlightening me.

Thus, all player should have to interact with the “Combined” part of that arms, playing infantry, and vehicles


All those people who feel that this change would “ruin” their gameplay can feel free to play War Thunder


ah yes the good ol “go play certain game” if you wanna play a class

Infantry win games. You absolutely CANNOT win without infantry. Vehicles are added flavor. They are entirely unnecessary to win a match

If you want solely vehicle gameplay, there are games that cater to that


And if I want combined arms, where do I go? Serious question.

never said i wanted sole vehicle gameplay

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Arma games could be a good pick if you’re into that type of games

Not a fan of skill locking certain aspects of the game. If the newb wants to rush in his Pz II and die, then that’s entirely in his right to do so. However, he can’t do that when you need some 3000 points to spawn in his vehicle squad that he likely won’t achieve in a reasonable amount of time, AND that the vet can easily get and repeatedly abuse the entire match even if the vet dies at some point. Let everyone have their chance. Cooldowns or more widespread crew locks would be better

I feel like I’ve been attacked. Lol

Those points could be generated pasively for everybody at the same rate.

Could be interesting to give every equipment such cost and make a mode with no BR restrictions. But it won’t happen.

I don’t think there is a more milisim game on the market.
I just want to play on weekends with my friend. He play tanks, I play infantry and support him. We had much fun doing this in H&G. Nobody expected 9mm parabelum in face when running with bazooka in hand :smile: