"Spam" of singular gameplay styles ruins the enjoyment of the game, explanation and solutions inside

i mean i can give you my youtube if you want to and you can look througth all of the 160+ episodes for video evidence

Shhh he doesn’t want his preferred playstyle nerfed.

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I don’t need your youtube. I play the game, I know how the game works.

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well i was just saying im more then happy to show you video evidence

Only on the surface. It gives such impression but it’s as combined arms as CoD with vehicles.
Same goes for AI. “Command your squad” yeah sure.

All just marketing lies. You expect one thing and get the other, completely different but technically correct. I guess you can call this “defying expectations”.

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huh? what do you mean on surface?

That’s the simplest solution, just play one infantry squad before use another vehicle nothing who is gonna ruin the gameplay just a sort cool down

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that i agree with actually

3 squads minimum tho. People could just run 3 man radio squads and kill themselves to cycle quicker.

3 squads minimum would be to harsh for newer players

im more for gastan,s option

…You know normal cool down is two squad…

Using our brains, ladies and gentlemen, we can conclude that the game is primarily infantry.

And secondly, yes there are already things to fight vehicles, but they are less than adequate.

AA for instance, can only be constructed by a fully (or near fully) upgraded Engineer squad.

And secondly, when a player just spawns in a vehicle, they only support their team by killing, which is debatable. I mean does HE spam clear the point? Yes. Does it kill their rallies or prevent them from just heading right back? No.

I mean all HE spam is really good at doing is making numbers increase. If I wanted that, I’d just look at a number counter.

The infantry is the primary focus of the game, this is not exactly WT where it is 100% vehicles. This game isn’t exactly a 50-50 split either. The game is mainly infantry, with the ability to “support” the team in a tank or plane.

The vehicle spammers of this game use the game’s flawed system, take a quote from Pole-Carew, and proceed to make the game less appealing than the Western Front in 1916. Hell I think the soldiers in the Somme suffered less than this tbh.

A clear limitation to the said vehicles needs to be made.


It’s labeled as combined arms only becuase it has tanks and planes.
But the game overall is not suited for vehicles, they are an afterthought. This is clearly visible by map design that doesn’t care about vehicles at all.

I whish this game was actual combined arms and not infantry game with vehicles.


not really, i will go by what Major said here, its a map problem not vehicle problem itself

i mean more rider stuff is planned

It doesn’t change anything. More guns/vehicles won’t fix the game.


Vehicles should have a different cooldown because, unlike infantry squads, they have much higher damage potential and can make a much bigger impact on the match.

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thats where maps comes in

For 4 years devs did nothing in making maps more vehicle friendly. I don’t think they will do something now.

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