Soviets panzerfaust

Yeah, i feel like a throwing a stone and just kill ONE guy :joy: Would be nice if they have a bit more damage against Infantry

I prefer not. It would end up like in any BF, with people running around with rocket launchers to ā€œsnipeā€ infantry (3 in one go).
We have rifle grenade launchers exactly for that.

Eh not a big fun of them, but i get why the panzerfaust doesnt do much damage to infantry balance-wise

They donā€™t fit current run and gun gameplay because they are slow to use, but other than that they are great.

This is exactly why I figure they do basically zero damage to infantry.

Panzerfaust are the only effective infantry AT launcher in the game currently. (IMO)

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I think anti-tank guns donā€™t have much damage against infantry, so people would depend on rifle grenade launchers more against infantry. Thatā€™s fair, tbh.

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Well i have one of them on my infantry squad, they are fun from time to time but semi-autos are just better than bolt-actions which are the current rifle-grenades

upgraded semi-autos outclass bolt guns in every possible way. Which is unfortunate because the progression feels incredibly linear.

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Yeaah, i would prefer to get semi-autos later on campaigns and not like lvl 7 in berlin. A bit more gameplay relying on bolt-actions would be nice, at least imo

Making them not straight up better than BA rifles would be better in my opinion. If they were equal, more people would use them instead of switching to semi.
If you extend grind, itā€™s only delaying the problem.

Eh still especially in maps in campaigns like Berlin, semis will always be better since the just shoot quicker, way better for close quarters etc

Thatā€™s the problem of map design. We have CQC maps with basic weapon being bolt action rifle.

As they should :+1:

I mean, semi-autos should feel better, but the progression being as linear as it is, IMO isnā€™t so great. Iā€™d prefer more sidegrades.


maybe weā€™ll get that in tunisia with hopefully semis are one of the last unlocks since britian didnā€™t have any native ones as far as iā€™m aware

I think both weapon systems could be more situational. Half of what made bolt guns viable (lack of availability of magazines, reliability) are not implemented at all.

I mean, I donā€™t get why bolt-actions get less ammo than semi-autos to begin with. You could just give bolt actions 100 rounds of ammo each, which would if nothing else mean you can spam them to your heartā€™s content.

Also maybe buff the damage more, perhaps unrelaistic, but being even more reliable at one-shots would bolster bolt actions to a good degree.

Maybe also give bolt actions bayonets across the board where historically accurate as well by default.

There are things that you can do for bolt actions to bring them more in line with other weapons.

Iā€™m sure they will get Garands or SVT-36ā€¦ :anguished:

Standard load for a British rifleman through all of WW2 was 50 rounds for his rifle, 2 magazines for the Bren + another 50 rounds in a bandolier specifically for the Bren.

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garands and m1 carbine were the only semi autos britian had anyways because of lend lease with the british getting alot more carbines than garands so if we were to see britian getting any semi autos i wouldnā€™t be surprised if garand is premium due to limited numbers they actually got and carbines as squad weapons

lol. Probably that or some experimental enfield 20rd bullpup from 1945.

@9411513 IMO a 30call rifle shot to the chest from a mosin should ā€œkillā€ someone. Hell Iā€™ve seen a 7.62x54 nearly blow someoneā€™s arm off. hit the elbow and just left some connective tissue and tendons.

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