Soviet weapons suggestion

There are a great deal of Soviet prototype and experimental small arms that could be considered.
1.Mosin M91 modified by Fedorov and Degtyarev in 1924, fed from detachable magazine

2.Mosin M91 modified by Tokarev with swinging bayonet

3.Tokarev 1908 self-loading conversion of Mosin M91

4.Tokarev 1912 self-loading conversion of Mosin M91

5.FN Brauning self-loading conversion of Mosin M91 with box magazine

6.FN Brauning self-loading conversion of Mosin M91 with rotary magazine

7.Yasnikov self-loading conversion of Mannlicher M95

8.Fedorov-Degtyarev light machine gun, caliber 6.5mm

9.Fedorov-Degtyarev 1924 light machine gun, caliber 7.62mm

10.Konovalov SVK 1925

11.Fedorov 1926 self-loading rifles, caliber 7.62mm

12.Simonov 1927 light machine gun

13.Kolesnikov 1927 light machine gun

14.Tokarev 1928 self-loading carbine, caliber .351 WSL

15.“KoKo” No.2 self-loading rifle designed by Degtyarev, Kuznetsov, and Bezrukov

16.Moshchevitin self-loading rifle

17.Maxim-Tokarev 1927 machine gun

18.Kedar self-loading rifle

19.Tokarev SVT 1930

20.Tokarev No.1 full-auto pistol-carbine

21.Popov water-cooled AVP 1930

22.Popov AVP 1931

23.Simonov AVS 1930

24.Simonov AVS 1931

25.Degtyarev AVD 1932

26.Degtyarev-Lewis light machine gun, fed from flexible strips

27.Prilutsky submachine gun

28.Kolesnikov submachine gun

29.Korovin 1930 submachine gun

30.Avtomat Korovin 1933, caliber .351 WSL

31.ONK 1933 self-loading sniper rifle

32.Korovin 1934 submachine gun

33.Tokarev AKT 1934

34.Mamontov SVM 1936

35.Goryainov SVG 1936

36.Degtyarev PPD 1937

37-38.Rukavishnikov-Bulkin 1938 self-loading rifle
Rukavishnikov SVR 1938

39-40.BNK-4 self-loading rifle
BNK-6 self-loading rifle

41.Soviet copy of Czech Holek self-loading rifle, with scope, developed by the engineers of TsKB-2

42.Korovin TsKB SV-6 light machine gun

43.Korovin TKB-135 light machine gun

44.Degtyarev DP-39, fed from metalic belt

45.Degtyarev KB-P-260

46.Goryunov GVG 1941 machine gun, fed from Maxim canvas belt

47.Maine pistol caliber carbine

48.Slostin KB-P-85 pistol caliber carbine

49.Korovin 1942 submachine gun

50.Shpitalniy 1943 submachine gun

51.Shpitalniy 1943 pistol caliber light machine gun (belt-fed submachine gun)

52.Tula TKB-340 pistol caliber light machine gun (belt-fed submachine gun)

53.Silin TKB-264-42 belt-fed light machine gun

54.Bulkin TKB-335 1st model light machine gun

55.KB-P-290 self-loading carbine, caliber 7.62mm M43

56.KB-P-330 self-loading carbine, caliber 7.62mm M43

57.Rukavishnikov SKR 1944, caliber 7.62mm M43

58.Simonin SKS 1944, caliber 7.62mm M43

59.Savin SKS 1944, caliber 7.62mm M43

60.Korobov SKK 1944, caliber 7.62mm M43

61.Petrov SKP 1944, caliber 7.62mm M43

62.Simonov AKS-M-P-44, caliber 7.62mm M43

63.Bulkin TKB-392, caliber 7.62mm M43

64.Avtomat KB-P-315 No.1

65.Avtomat KB-P-280 No.2

66.Avtomat Simonov RPS-MZ-P-44

67.Avtomat Kuzmishchev 1944

68.Avtomat KB-2KB-P-280 No.4

69.Avtomat Shpagin No.4

70.Avtomat Tokarev 1944

71.Avtomat Korovin 1944 No.1

72.Avtomat Korovin 1944 No.2

73.Avtomat Bulkin 1944

74.1942 Vasiliev’s full auto device for Mosin Nagant, caliber 7.62mm Tokarev


Wow! That’s spectacular!


I absolutely love researching too, so to your awesome list, i can add some weapons too, the amount of potential is soo big :wink:


The '44 assault rifles would have been perfect for Soviet paratroopers.



You forgot the most important one!
Mosin with underbarrel flamethrower:


I would absolutely love an underbarrel flame thrower.
Sadly I think It would be a bit too OP.
Maybe it would be doable as an event weapon for the flametrooper squads.

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The flamethrower had like a 1/20 percent chance of lighting because it used the fire from the exiting bullet.


I think your suggestion is very good, but it would be great if you could also add some for the Axis. That would be more complete, right?


Axis has 5 campaigns, pick a weapon.
At the moment the content when combining campaigns should be directed for the ussr, usa, japan


Ok, if that’s your opinion…


It’s an armament table opinion. Germans have everything they need, unlike the US, ssr, Japan. Therefore, the content should be directed to the USSR airplanes, US tanks and assault rifles, any armament for Japan.

What to add to the Germans?
In my opinion it is better to add something Italian and British, there are a lot of German weapons. Just to give you an example, there are six variants of stg in the game


WOW! Quite an impressive list, there’s a lot of weapons that I didn’t know about, could you link the sources please, very curious about them


Soviets have great weapons, they literally dont need experimental guns.
Im ok with lend leased guns but fantasy weapons with fantasy performance are not healthy.


German premium squads are like


In fact I am not the author. He commissioned me to publish this post.
But I am sure he will be glad to provide it to you.

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Мg 42 / mkb /pz4 f2 in moskow?

No one has cared about history since the m2 carbine and the jumbo in Normandy.

Mg 45?

This is not the fantasy most mass-produced fg 42 2 that every man in Berlin was armed with. It’s different, you have to understand that.


That’s only avs 36, avt 40 was even more.

Yes, but without that, the Germans in Moscow would only live on 250 kilograms of airplanes. That’s basically how Americans have lived since the beginning of their existence in the game

No, just someone forgot to give it a bayonet, a choice of fire like on many such guns. They also forgot to give it recoil


It does have recoil, that is why newbies complained about FG42 when they unlocked the event Paratrooper squad in Normandy.
If you want it to be a lazergun you need to memorise the recoil pattern, same goes for AVS36, AVT40, SVT40 and SVT38.
Not my fault most Soviet players are used to OP drum mag SMGs and spray and pray so they never had to bother to improve.


Only it’s a fg 42, not a fg 42 2.

Wonderful, the Germans have forgotten how great mg were before the dispersion change of all weapons.


Poor way of puting sorce imao. Not saying that numbers arent true but most of us cant f read cyrillic, glagolitic or whatever eastern language it is xd