Soviet-Japan front?

Now that the merge has happened and there are no more separate campaigns, there should be a map or two featuring Soviet vs Japan. Of course for balance reasons, Japan will need a few more weapons to compete against the Soviet Armyโ€™s full auto arsenal. It would be a really cool and interesting front to see besides going against US again.

By the way, Iโ€™m suggesting the devs add the Manchurian fronts during the Soviet-Japanese war of 1945. Scrap that. Khalkin Gol is early war, so it should be BR 1-3 for early war stuff (and better balance)


whatโ€™s interesting is that they were broken in just a month?
But we need such a confrontation. Each nation must play against 2 other nations


I too want a Soviet-Japanese front but only limited to BR 1-2(3), i.e. Khalkhin Gol.

I hate the idea of fake/wooden mockup/maybe it existed on paper vehicles and weapons of Japan top BR so I would rather see the at least somewhat realistic low BR battles like T-26 or BT-7 vs Chi Ha.


I would rather have necessary bug fixes and rebalancing before any of that.


I would be in favor of both Khalkhin Gol maps (for lower tiers) and Manchurian maps (for higher tiers). It would be an interesting addition to the game for both the Japanese and the Soviets. Additionally, it would relieve pressure from the Japanese on the Allies and from the Soviets on the Germans, which would offer more games of Germans against Allies across all tiers.


People are right now also discussing how Tunisia is very very rarely played nowadays - because the matchmaker needs to fill pacific lobbies with Allied players - which means if the Japanese would also get a chance at playing against Soviets this could solve some matchmaking problems.


khalkin started like 3 months before WWII offically begun so idk if it would count as a WWII front. But low BR khalkin gol seems like a good idea too

^^^ this

i would very much like a soviet-japan front, if not for anything else, for pure symmetry purpose: 2 enemies for each army.

but it should be kept in the same field as jap-usa, meaning, up to tier 4 max. cause im afraid

wont be near enough to face soviet br5. even germany fall short in certain fields agains soviets, japan would be completely obliterated.

What about scrapping the idea of BR5 soviet vs Japan? It could be just Tier 1-3 Soviet vs Japan instead for balance reasons

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Iโ€™ll just repost this Campaign draft I made with a friend a while ago

It was made with the old system in mind but shouldnโ€™t be that hard to adapt to the new system since we did include a bunch of BR4 worthy stuff for Japan, if it would be enough for BR5โ€ฆ eh.

how do you propose we balance the game without braking the current weapons. as for bug fixes any change creates new bugs and rebreaks old bug fixes so they will be plugging holes as fast as they can.

Bugfixes can come first. Iโ€™m not asking for a new front right away