Soooo uhhh I did it again

This my last time I did this

This to now recent events

Ppl I’m sorry
I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize.

There’s a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn’t. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.

I want to apologize to the community. I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the predictions. I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by the posts, But most importantly I want to to myself to the true victim.


next time suggest a belt MG for germay thank you : )


Could you make a similar reverse psychology post about AI improvements?


I won’t



ah common man germany is the only freaking nation without a belt mg, our mgs are great but… Can the devs stop ignoring the fact that Mg34 paratropper models isn´t enough or what about the mg15 this thing just sucks


All do respect tho the MG pat is pretty good and very accurate like it’s scary how accurate it is

But tho I do have plans in way I thinking to suggest for Germany but I’ll keep that to my self for now

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keep this consideration i will apreciate it if is added
; )

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if you read my recent post, you will see it happened same for me with murata,trying bring shotguns to japs, I get a bingo :stuck_out_tongue:

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