I also posted this on reddit as well. I just wanted to make sure the developers had a chance to see (and probably) shoot down these suggestions:
With the new test server upon us I’d like to re-address some issues before we jumble all our squads together in the merger:
Can we by option have our squads (non-premium) empty at the start of the upgrade and equipped only with their knife and/or radio or non-buy able stuff ? It would allow us to see at a glance how many of each type of weapon and soldier type we have so we can start composing the squads we want for the tiers for each army. We also would need an ID (next to the badge maybe) of what type of squad it is, such as Rifle I, Rifle II etc). Better yet have a preset to allow us to “clean” a squad of all soldiers and equipment from a squad would be a great addition.
Failing that, can we get the edit equipment and squad composition from the choose squads screen ? Otherwise we will have to waste one of the slots for inventory/squad solely for composition management and its a pain in the butt. Essentially we have to
a) Select the squad and dump it into the dummy army slot. We have to do this to even see what it is composed of, much less the equipment etc.
b) Clean the squad, but we have to keep a minimum of soldiers in it for some reason, along with their primary weapon.
c) If we do not want to use that squad, go back to the choose squad screen and replace it.
d) Lather, rinse and repeat for each squad for ALL of our squads across ALL our armies.
Basically if we can get the screen we get from the main screen were we can change soldiers but access that from the choose squads screen would be VERY helpful.
Can we get the current tier number next to the badge icon ? It would also be nice to be able to add a small note (e.g. “Generic Tier 1/2 engineer” or “Squad has special pistols”) to help us organize the mass of squads we have.
It would be nice to add a note to a soldier for the same purposes that we can see in mouse-over (e.g. “special pistol equipped”).
An inventory overview of ALL interchangeable squad equipment (grenades, med pack, etc) and weapons we have. We should be able to see the total and how many are actually available. It could be in a tabular form that we can filter (e.g. all manual rifles)
For weapons it would show how may we have total (including their 1-5 star ratings) and how many are currently available for use. For example having 100 rifles total and 40 available would be Rifle 40 of 100 (40/30/15/10/5). The last 5 numbers are the star rating of each type (total).
Managing the inventory (especially at merger) is going to be a nightmare as it is, especially for those of us with multiple armies to contend with. And the inevitable arguments about which weapon belongs in which tier etc etc will be ongoing. If the interface is right, the rest will fall into place (eventually).