Some glaring issues with germany

My thoughts are left over from warthunder. There was a time where its flight model turned like a demon. But ive never really felt the urge to use it much. Its a very nice looking plane but i have always favoured the 109 f4 and g-6.

As for enlisted as i have the premium g-10 so I tend to just default to that. Havent given the K4 a chance because the g-10 premium pretty much does everything anyway. Its hard to give up the satisfaction of a 30mm strafing run :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

But im sure its still a beast. Maybe i should give it an outing too.

when some more of the fiat g.55s show up i will be all over them

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No fighter-bomber, no low BR paratroopers… but no one is complaining that even a light mortar can destroy heaviest WW II tank ? :sweat_smile:


Hehe cos no one plays mortar :stuck_out_tongue:

I do like my mortar squad

Don’t get me wrong high Teir axis fighters are amazing at their intended role, but that intended role is really the only role it can play, and strafing in this game requires people to be in the right places at the right time and tanks at that teir have too much Armour. I would just like to put some bombs or something on these planes, there are models from WT, so it isn’t that hard. The reason why is because just being in a plane without any armament feels like I’m wasting time and tickets that could be used on objectives


Played a match not long ago with my br 2 gents, in the Hurtgen something open map.

My squad lasted til the last point. Both mortars had 12 shells and both engies, more ressources.

On open maps, it’s hilariously good. Great when you’re tired and don’t feel like rushing.

Enemy team must’ve been soooo annoyed…

But, you’ve seen my last picture did you?

I effectively wasted LESS tickets while keeping air superiority and protecting the team from constant rocket rain. Not what I call a waste :slight_smile:

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During the hurtgen forest campaign mortars were absolute monsters, they exploded on the tree branches and made an airburst mortar with woods shrapnel included, and I think it was the primary source of allied losses there