Some glaring issues with germany

Germany has quite a few issues, but it is mostly overlooked by salty US mains whining their heads off about the KT or whatever else they deem OP. But here’s the thing, germany is more than just the KT or Stg of FG42.

issue 1-no fighter bomber:this just isn’t fair, the US gets the most broken and spammed plane in the game while the Germans just get a stupid little FW for a “counterpart”, and this FW is quite honestly terrible, it does have an okay armament , but its flight characteristics make it unusable, not to mention.and that armament I mentioned, it only has 2 wfrgr rockets, the same ones on the BF110 but only in half. And the P-47 has 8 insanely large rockers that wipe the entire team off an objective easily,and a 500 pound bomb for any survivors or tanks.and what better yet is the P-47 has a better turn time than the FW so screw you if you wanted a fighter to be better at fighting than a bomber. And the P-47 is a flying metal brick,this thing just dosnt care about AA unless you get it face on and empty all your mag into it, whereas the FW is quite fragile. And the BF109s that can deal with this plane are absolutely useless once you finally kill it due to only having having a rocket and MG high Teir plane is needed for Germany to have a counter to the retarded P47.

Issue 2-no 100 round MG:some US mains are going to say oh but 25 more rounds isn’t going to help, oh allied and soviet 100 rounders are bad, when in fact, both of those are lies. Now granted a few more rounds in an MG42 isn’t going to di much with its ROF, but adding something like the MG08 or the Mg15 NA might work better for that. And these so called bad 100 round weapons you talk about are fine, the 1919s ROF is more beneficial than you think, you still have the same damage at a ROF that gets them out fast, but you conserve a lot of ammo so you hold down left click or the trigger for a lot longer, and it still can work in close quarters. The vickers is absolutely stupid, high ROF, good sights, and on paratroopers, so that bad recoil while standing you can stop that argument because you land right on the enemy team and pyu don’t need to worry about recoil control, especially since it can one shot, and this can be used at long range when tap firing and crounching/laying down, and besides you can just pick up weapons from the crate if you feel so inclined to do so (and you can give your soldiers 40% recoil so there you go) . The soviet ones are quite good, the DP belt fed does have some recoil, but with 40% recoil and crouching it is very manageable, and it’s just a version of a pretty good tech tree LMG with double the ammunition, highish ROF, good sights, and fairly good reload time. The RD44 is one of the best guns in the game right now, it has amazing sights, high ROF, less than normal but still adequate damage for its ROF and magazine count, and it has almost no recoil. The maxim tokerev is the RD44 with just a little more recoil and less ROF(which makes it more controllable) but also a full caliber round, so now. you can have one shot capabilites. And besides having some dated Ww1 MG isn’t going to be good as lmgs that had 20+ years to be designed

Issue 3-no low tier paras/OG43 squad:there are no low teir paratroopers for Germany, while you get 2 quite good squads in BR2, the lowest BR squad we have is BR4 and is a joke, the OG 43 squads equipment is terrible, it’s gun is very severely outmatched, it being a T1 gun at heart, and the rest of their box being trash, the sniper and LMG are from BR3, but oh they are also the worst in that teir of equipment. And don’t get me started on the AT loadout, what TF is a GrB39 going to do to a jumbo or is2, not to mention even T3 veichles. The only reason why it is so high is the stupid flamethrowers they have, which belive it or not aren’t as good combined as just bringing a normal flame squad,these flamethrowers are terrible, they have almost no range and fuel, and you have to manually switch between all members for it to be “worth it”, but they are most often than not are just a fine paste when you need to switch to them for their flamethrowers. Just bringing a normal flamer squad is better because it’s flamethrower you can work with effecincently and can go to BR3 and be way better prepared for BR5 than this squad because they can bring functioning weapons and equipent for the BR they are at.

Issue 4-paratrooper balancing:these paratroopers avaliable to the allies are just better, and here’s why. The premium paras have the Thompson 100,which is quite stupid considering you just drop onto a point and have that just in your hands and not in the box or anything, and the krieghoff FG, which is alright, but compared to what the allies got is just inadequate.the event squads are the vickers LMG against the FG42 GL. You would think one of the best weapons in the game with a grenade launcher would be amazing and better than the allied one, but quite the opposite. The vickers has a high ROF, good sights, and one shot potential, all while being able to drop on top of the point, so recoil argument is invalid, and it isnt even that bad with 40% recoil,and you can just pick up a long range loadout if you feel like doing that. The FG squad would be Allright, but here’s the thing, it only has a few grenades for each soldier, which would be fine, but they only have 3 reserve mags on a 20 round high ROF automatic weapon. And this grenade launcher takes time to put on and load,and is often very hot or miss, whereas as soon as you land with the vickers squad you can just start moving down the crowds of people on the point. The bsa well gun squad and the og43 squad would be alright together if they were the same BR, BR2, but because it has those inadequate flamethrowers that are worse combined than the first flamethrower. it is 2 BRs higher with an AT weapon that has a very hard time with the tanks at its BR,BR2, it’s impossible to do anything to something 3 BRs higher than it. And the gun they have is considerably worse than the well gun, 12 less bullets, not great sights, and a reload that leaves something to be desired. And the box options are similar to the well guns squad, but slightly worse, you get the car am sniper compared to mk4 sniper, which is way better, the ZB26 is worse than any allied LMG, and the M1 bazooka is infinitely better than the GrB39.
And for the US mains crying while reading this just remember that you are getting the Pershings soon, so stop crying about it and wait, but if you can’t wait and can’t kill the KT here some advice, just flank it bro. This is the same exact BS you told us with the jumbo, and guess what?not even the KT can pen the front plate, I’m pretty sure that that isn’t supposed to happen. So there you go, and if that advice didn’t work go into your stupid P47 and drop the 500 pound on it.


Fiat G.55 and Re.2001 CN are a fighter-bombers.

What for 100 round MG ? Stationary MG-34 is way better than M1918A4 and Maxim.

They are alright fighters, they just have a pretty small bomb load and are just in no way comparable to the P-47. And the 100 round MG doesn’t have to be an MG34 or MG42 it would be quite boring having only those 2 Mgs be the last few with the only break being the Mg15 which isn’t that good. It could be an MG08 or an MG15na for ww1.

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I aint reading all that
But im happy for you
Or sorry that happened


IAR81c fighter bomber with 2x 50kg. and 1x 250kg. equipped with 20mm. cannons and MG.


Just about every Me109 has 4 x 50kg bombs bro what are you talking about


The only ones that are really good at dogfighting don’t have bombs

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It is a good plane yes, but it only has 1 20mm cannon and its effectiveness greatly diminishes when it goes up in BR as planes get a lot more armour




btw i will just repeat this video on how germany suffers with 75 round MG, totally unplayable.


Edit that text because it is a mess, make it a little more readable. It is well know that the balance of the para box is mess so pretty pointless to talk about that . Regarding the lack of German fighter bomber we only need to fix the FW FM/instructor, the D12 has pretty decent raw performance and armament. And it is very likely they will add the F8 which has pretty good payload. Remember that Germans have no equivalent to HVAR and similar rockets spam, they used used bomb and cannons for their CAS mission.


How is the FW terrible? It’s hard to fly, sure, but there’s two versions. One with rockets and one with bombs and the cannons on it shreds enemy planes. Personally, I use the bomb variant. Since I would rather do multiple passes and it’s easier to spread the destruction with bombs.

I will agree though the P-47 is superior, but at the same time you should always try to ambush the enemy planes, whether your plane is better or worse. Whoever gets the first shots off almost always wins.


That is the problem.
It always boils down to P-47 and now even AP-4,carrying way too many rockets.
Salty US mains keep blocking any logical approach.


Germanys got a very decent air force IMO,…solid all round

p-47 sure is great for easy kills (but its not like german planes cant get easy kills)…I dont even like the p-47 that much. Tempest is the boss

USA is solid now, but will be on equal ground with the new tanks coming IMO. honeslty all factions are shaping up pretty well


I dunno, I don’t really see it as unfair that the American team gets a better fighter when Germany gets a better tank.

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All I want is to a little bit reduce the number of HVAR rockets carried.
P-47 would still be amazing with 8 rockets and AP-4 would still be the best all around fighter for US with 4 HVAR rockets, but this nerf would heavily reduce toxic explosive spam.


That MG isn’t all that great though, it’s ROF is way too high and it has more recoil than the MG42, and the sights are bad.and besides it eats through ammo way too fast. I and many other players would honestly choose an MG 42 or MG34 patronentrommel just because they are easier to control and have normal sights


“equal”? Look at the pacific now, it is already filled with cancerous US veichles and whatnot making the Japanese faction next to unplayable for people wanting to have fun with all the P38 and jumbo/Sherman spam that the japs can’t counter. Adding these tanks isn’t going to solve this, its going to make it way worse, the Pershings are going to make it even more unbearable in the tank aspect, and all the existing T5 weapons and stuff, so M2 carbine, P47,M1919, so on. And their new tank destroyer isn’t going to solve this issue anyways, even if it does have good front Armour when it comes to the game, which the Pershings most likely won’t have to deal with the problem that everyone faces with the jumbo, not bring able to kill it without aiming for pixels.and the open top means planes will have a way easier time especially when it is going to be primarily P47s. So making the US “equal” with germany is just further digging the grave of japan


Bit over dramatic isnt it? a few tweaks and and Japan is very solid.

p-38s only real issue in the pacific is the air spawn. Japanase planes are no slouch (honeslty downrght scary)

The Only real spot I would suggest to improve is adding the Chi-RI to face off against Jumbo.

Well unless somethings changed in the last month or so (havent been paying as much attention) they “cant” see any of this stuff ATM, so as it is its pretty good. Maybe that changes with the new TD but that remains to be seen.


From one side. While the other side would remain as toxic as ever.