Solution to vehicle spam - remove vehicle slot from f2p players

Some ppl complain that players spam vehicles instead of playing infantry (as intended).
So to fight with vehicle spam I propose to limit them by removing the vehicle slot from f2p players.

Of course I’m dead serious and I’m totally not making a troll post to mock the idea that paratroopers should be premium only to prevent their spam.


Make vehicle squads premium only.


and premium ammo, that would improve the game
not just tanks, planes (bombs, cannons, guns, rockets) guns, grenades all premium all the time


Also make Assaulters and Apcs Premium, give f2p only rifleman and engineers so they can support p2ws while they carrying the match



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This is the way!

We should also reduce xp income, because players gain too much!


Great idea, why dont we make a monthly tax of 50 $ for everyone this would reduce enemys so its more easy to win vs bots


Make it that you could only spawn a tank if you own one IRL. Actually make it for the guns too, only Americans will be allowed to carry guns, while rest will be running with melee weapons and molotovs. Just as the God intended.


Or players need to pay 2 $ for infantry spawn and 5 $ for vehicle spawn, also instant v2 strike for 100 $

No Money = no life

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How about we also force them to pay for reloading?


Haha, well said. I am totally serious as well if you cannot tell. All jokes aside, I agree with you on the para issue. Limiting classes to vets + whales is just scummy and not useful

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Lol. I feel mildly targeted here

I’m going to ignore your sarcasm and just agree with you so that I can spawn my tanks whenever I want. :smiley:

All seriousness aside - drives me nuts when the enemy has tanks that are pulverizing your team, and some randoms are taking the tank slots and they are no where to be seen. You wonder if they’re in the back practicing maneuvers or something.

They are looking at the tree leaves from closer distance because you know a tank commander seat can act as a nice and stable ladder for your botanist adventure.

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I think of better solution, just ban poeple who complains about so called “vehicle spam”. This game is obviously not for them.


Dont make vehicle spam limited to whales but to everyone.

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Also remove bots from f2p players squads

Sounds like a buff.

remove backpacks, and tools from them to, as well as the second primary but give them a second secondary so they can go akimbo

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Bro I would be so BROKE
For something like an StG44 with an ammo pouch I usually end up reloading it like 25 times before I actually run out of ammo lol

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