Do you want para troopers in the tech tree

I see that you totally didn’t get what I wrote.

So vehicles can be counteredy by fighting back but paras can’t?

This sounds like a problem. A problem that could be adressed by adding an in game limit to how many paratrooper squads can be active (just like vehicles).
I wonder why we can’t have that? Hmm…

Also I like the imlpication that f2p players will spam paras and this will be a problem, but 4 teamed up players spaming paras is ok because they payed for this.


Free limits are gay. Only paywalled limits can prevent total collapse.

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It takes an average of more than 20 seconds for 2 tanks and 2 aircraft to reach the combat position.
There is a possibility of being intercepted midway or there is no chance of making a mistake.
A paratrooper regiment of 18 to 60 people that completes the airdrop within 30 seconds of the start of the battle and simultaneously attacks the stronghold, builds a rebirth point, and even seals off the gray zone.
The gap is indeed quite big
Even if vehicles appear at the same time, you still have a chance to destroy them one by one.
At least I can’t think of an effective way to combat the latter

in addition
They will still be rewards for chests (theoretically) and events
It’s not something you can only get for a fee
I don’t quite understand why you keep thinking that he is a project that forces you to pay.
Are you just here to protest that he doesn’t have something that’s easily available to him?

they have been weakened
How else do you want to limit it?
Shared cooling?
Or is it based on the number of possessions on the field, just like vehicles?
I don’t think this is a good way

This will just turn into a malicious variant of using shelling or vehicle espionage

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They should be grindable at BR2 or BR3 for every nation in a TT no question asked. One at low/mid BR and one at High BR.

Aha, 100k silver for a 0.1% chance knowing devs’ geneorcity.

Apparently not enough since you are complaining they will be OP.

I forgot, it’s OP only if filthy f2p players can get it. Parwalled features can’t possibly be broken!
4 stack players dropping on the objective with premium paras? Perfectly fine.
3 f2p dudes using paratreoopers? God forbid! This needs to be stopped!

Yeah, better to not allow ppl to use this feature at all. Faaaaar better solution.

Limit works for tanks, works for planes, will work for paratroopers.

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Not really.
Tanks stay in greyzones and inf therefore take a bit longer to intercept them. Tanks who are outside and close to CP are no issue because they are dead. So I dont know where the midway is.
Usual counters to greyzone tanks are other tanks and planes and some nations have superior tanks ans planes cannot spawn in the first minute.
People who think FLAGGOT pilots can be easily intercepted, are said FLAGGOTs. And there is only midway for other planes if they won in lottery twice, have quadrets four times and won a gold order in daily rewards because this chance is not really common… or they spawncamp, which is not really midway.

I dont know. If you can repeatly headshot wreck FLAGGOTs and greyzone tankers midway, slow ass dropping paras midair should not be a issue for Grandmaster Skill here.

AA Gun, Machine Nests and basically all handguns.


Why not? You bitch about possible spam of paras if ot becomes F2P so obviously limit the available units on the field?
Nah, that is too much for Rocket Man. Rocket Man does not like actual limits that are not P2W.

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Thrash idea. No need of more paratroopers. At the moment there are:

  • 2 squads for USSR
  • 4 squads for USA
  • 3 squads for Germany
  • 2 squads for Japan

After introduction of veteran lootbox, new players will have access to old event squads.

Should we tell him that you can also use planes to shoot down other planes, including paratrooper planes?


Yeah, just pay 1m silvers for 0,001% chance of getting a random event unit.
Thank you Wiedoof, and especially DF.

How about free paras for everyone but you?
Problem solved.

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“Other planes can’t shoot me, when the ground shoots me first!”



If we follow this logic we need:

  • no more rifles
  • no more SMGs
  • no more vehicles
  • no more soldiers
  • no more maps
  • no more anything

:heart: the game is already perfect :heart:
No changes are necesarry. Just give us silver and exp sink so we can grind for the grind.

You are really that dumb or just clowning ?

Toxic cycling of squads (paratroopers) is the same toxic as constant cycling of kamikaze planes, or even worse as paratroopers are unlimited as an infantry units.

So lets make this toxic thing paywalled. BRILIANT!
Completelly won’t piss off the players and won’t cause mass negative reviews.

FFS! Add para trooper limit (at least for air spawned ones) just like vehicle limit and problem is solved!
But then poor premium players also won’t be able to spam paras. We can’t allow that! They need their privilages even if it will hurt the game in the long run! Liberum Veto filthy f2p peasants!

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Funny because all of these issues are mainly made by whales and P2Wers. So it cleary shows that paywalling works.
Makes you wonder if certain people just dont want to lose privileges.


Wait, how is this toxic?
F2p players can’t cycle planes, only premium players can. So it can’t be toxic spam because it’s limited to premium users only. No?
Maybe we need to limit it further? For example: Solution to vehicle spam - remove vehicle slot from f2p players

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An event of para squads are low and veteran boxes are loot boxes so it not even guaranteed to get a para squad

Yeah but the issues is ur gambling ur not guaranteed at those paras

Plus the whole situation with paras that again new players can’t have a guaranteed access to such squads

Also reread after typing ur sentences

Finishing research of each campaign should unlock a global squad slot - giving people reason to grind all the nations

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I like a little historical immersion and faction integrity.

For example, I don’t like when I’m the Japanese Paratroopers and my AT slot is a prototype rocket launcher made in 1945 and I’m fighting on Guadalcanal 1942

I also don’t like when I’m a British Paratrooper and my entire box is filled with American gear from the Johnson LMG to Bazooka to Sniper Garand

If we’re able to customize our Paratrooper boxes I can at least do it my way

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Not quite a necro, but I think Paras would make a great TT squad.

The US in Normandy before the merger, had 3 squads from the 82nd and 101st Airborne. I would love to see those being able to be air deployed, and revamped.