So merge is coming this year or nah? What do you think

As much as I want the merge to happen ASAP, I got some squads for gold I wanna buy on the Christmas discount. Kinda worried some’ll be gone or more expensive after the merge.
Anyone know about the Ki-61, Boomerang, Mosquito, FW 190 D-9, U-2 and AKT-40 squads after the merge?

We already had final sales before the merge, so theoretically there shouldn’t be any until new system is implemented.
But since DF is well known for their false and disillusional marketing, it means basically nothing.

Pretty sure it going to be discontinued: boomerang, AKT, U-2.
Pretty sure it not going to be discontinued: Ki
I don’t remember: FW, mosquito.

You can search the topics in which they did mention it by yourself tho. I am too lazy.

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That was a pre-merge sale. Doesn’t mean it’ll replace the Christmas sale which is annual. It’s just a season where many companies do discounts because many cultures across the world have people with some extra spending money that they’ll likely drop somewhere where they get the most bang for their buck.

Ah so it was mentioned in the previous posts? Will have a look, thx.

Yep, first was sale for Normandy stuff (with mentioning they will discontinue these squads after merge)
And then final sales in which was mentioned everything else.

And I do speak from perspective of PC players. I am well aware that consoles do have completely different sales. But squads will be discontinued on either platforms.


You’re welcome.

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Oh I just came here to show I also found :laughing:

So no AKT-40’s, U-2 and Boomie if the Christmas sale happens after the merge. Damn, was looking forward to those.

Kinda reading coffee grounds here but:

“we will also be significantly changing our premium squad lineup. We have already removed the bundles, and are now optimizing the offer so that it does not contain a large number of squads with weapons that will duplicate those already presented in the progression lines.”

Might mean they’ll add new squads alongside removing these. Pretty sure anything released between now and Christmas won’t go on discount. Too bad, had 100 bucks worth of stuff lined up. The three high-performers I really cared about are still good though. The FW, Mossie and Hien.

So, with that I hope the merge will happen after Christmas :laughing:
Sorry guys, been waiting so long for it might as well postpone a bit more for some more discounts.
If it happens sooner I’ll also be happy because then we finally have the merge.

Who knows.

This was written before major update with Pacific map and new campaigns levels in several campaigns.
You really can’t trust them.

Btw. i do remember this topic is named something like “final sales before the new meta” or smth like that. AllnI could find now is final sales in store.

I wonder if they changed it or am I just being disillusional, idk.

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Ah I take it “next major update” is referring to the merge. Based on this:

since the upcoming major update will involve a massive redesign of the progression system, we will also be significantly changing our premium squad lineup

They both reference the next major update and the new progression system at a time when in their own planning both were the same.

Ah well, if they discontinue those squads before the Christmas discount then I’ll have nearly 6500 Gold for any other new goodies they add. Always fun to buy something brand spanking new…especially if they are rifleman squads with bolt actions. Alongside aircraft those are my favourite squads. Irl I have a background both bolt action rifles and aircraft so always gravitate to those. The premium squads with 9 bolt action dudes are always so good.


Jungle fire was next update major update. It’s simply incompetence and false informations.

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Whatever it is, hope I’ll still get my discounted squads :slight_smile:

I am quite sure, the tech tree they showed us was meant as BR and merge was planned to be released instead of fire jungle update.
But since they saw extremely negative backlash, they tried to damage control it. Said players only misinterpreted mentioned tech tree, and explaining it shows only progression levels and nothing related to BRs. (Which is just hilarious, since everyone including helpers and moderators acted like it supposed to be BR tech tree until this explanation came up)

But that’s just my speculation, I really do not trust tho.

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Yeah really nit sure what to expect. Thats why I’m scratching my head at what the Christmas discount will look like.
Kinda frustrating, they started super transparent…then what they seemed to have more and more gaps in what they revealed…and now basically what they’ve said so far turns out not to be true…
wish they’d come forward and be clear when the merge will happen (roughly, if they can’t be certain themselves) and when those squads will be gone.

I’m basically done with my “merge grind”, aside from 1 Japanese aircraft that I can live without if needed. Just those discounted squads really, is what I’d want before the merge.
But tbh, from the 6 squads I wanted to get, the three getting discounted were the least needed.

I might quickly grab the U-2 right before the merge if they suddenly announce it’ll be really soon. It’s the cheapest of the 6 and for some reason the low speed makes it very interesting. If only for meme purposes.

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There’s anniversary next month, there should pretty nice sales too. (Not sure about sales on consoles tho).

It’s very unlikely they would rush merge and release it on anniversary, so there can be still hope for you.

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Ah I know War Thunder has their anniversary on Nov 2nd. Enlisted too in Nov?
Console packs are hardly ever on sale but the Gold squads match the PC sales.
If so, then I’ll grab them then.

Yep, on ±10th iirc

Last year:

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Lol, just found it too.
Yeah that gives me hope I’ll get my squads even sooner! They did 50% Gold squads sale last year too. Actually doubt they’ll remove those squads before then.
That’s great. Might even pick up the Chauchat squad if they bring it back again. Love that gun. Nice slow and steady doof-doof-doof. I love the slow fire on the newer BAR’s and Johnson LMG, the Chauchat seems to have a similar RoF.

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Yep, chauchat is one those MG who acts like heavy but worse AR. Very similar to Lahti for example I would say. But I am not very comfortable eirh chauchat’s sights.

It can be definitely interesting after merge tho, It could be on pretty low BR.

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Yeah we’ll see. If it’s there, I’ll grab it alongside my 6 gold squads. Damn, gonna be a big one to the gaming budget. Glad there’s nothing in War Thunder I need.
Most important I get 4 out of the 6 gold squads.

  • Ki-61 to backup my event A6M3.
  • Mossie since it’s an amazing attacker and bomber interceptor.
  • Fw 190 D-9 for some carpet bombing, and player/AI aircraft interception.
  • The U-2 since its low speed makes it veeeery accurate, but also vulnerable which’ll just be excruciatingly fun to do. If you survive the bomb drop the slow speed will make it accurate to drop the crew behind enemy lines and do some general interdiction/AT mine laying.
  • Yeah, Ki is extremely good plane in Pacific. I would say even best Japanese one. (Dont have experiences with new event/premium one tho. I missed that event)
  • I’ve never had a good luck with FW. xD But on paper it’s very good plane, yes.
  • U-2 is currently unusable for me. It spawns always to high. And I am extremely impatient, always breaking its wings while trying to descend.
    Hopefully we’ll get some kind of airfields for every map. I would love it.
  • And I could buy mosquito as well in sales.
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I think Vne for the U-2 is 190kmh. So if you just cut throttle and nose at 185-ish, then you can just steadily descend towards the side.
I’ve tried it in test flight and even the 50kg’s I destroy the (stationary and non shooting :laughing:) tanks. Everytime the bomb drop has the hit markets from actually impacting on the tank, it’s so accurate.
But yeah, counting on it to be a meme aircraft. It’ll be great to just spawn in occasionally not committing to high performing gameplay.

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Maybe this is optimistic, but I was thinking that it would be at the end of this pass after it gets extended a couple times.