So... If I'm an alpha tester I get nothing?

Yes that’s the problem I know it isn’t good but knowing I’ll never be able after…
I hate exclusives for a reason…

Well, it seems that’s why start of the OBT is advertised at the first point not by its content but by locking of current premium SMG squads. To make even more people buy them.

Yes I know I am falling for it but I guess it’s just FOMO

well, it depend. as a dev answered here:

and here;

the mgs, no.

while the assaulter squads, it’s not clear if normandy ones as well are going to leave.

but to the main question,
personally, i wouldn’t reccomend them for a few reasons.

the first being, you can only use those smg weapons ( example the mp41 ) only on those veteran soldiers already present in the squad. and you will not be able to change them and give those weapons to others soldiers or give others weapons to those veterans.

second of all, as said before, it’s meta. and being strong squads, there’s a chance of getting almost addicted making you lose interestr of others things as those are " ever green " ( for moscow ) while in normandy, they are a bit weaker if not used correctly.

second thing, you will have to grind up with the normal assaulter squad in order to put more veterans into the premium squad. and from what i heard, it has several issues regarding campaign level and accademy.

so again, it’s your call. honestly, i would wait for better squads. those are expencive, and gives just false opinions about the game, and creates alot of confusion among newer soldiers.

countless time i had to explain the differences.

overhall, as said before, too much pricey for what it offers. and for those few that actually bought premium squads, destroy the overhall balance of the game.

this is my opinion. take it with a pince of sault. there’s full of vidoes out there although and feedbacks from forum as well.

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Yes I guess you are right, I prefer making the game more enjoyable for every one over owning something that gonna Destroy other (new) players experience and fun


Yeah, all SMGs will be exclusive

Don’t worry! All testers will get super lucky helmet for Normandy campaign. It will give + 50% to vitality!

Historical prototype


if you are really into premium squad smg and want one,

i suggest the american m2 hyde. it’s a good weapon, and overhall, in normandy it’s not that overpowered.
but it’s for the americans.

so, if you play americans, and want to support the game, do it.

but if you play germans, avoid the mp28. it’s really basic and only slighly better than the mp40.
such a waste…

not to mention, MP police wearing field hats makes me sad even more. but those are preferences.

hope this can answer your question.

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Nah I want my IS-3 and king tiger 2H ! Don’t forget the vehicle mains

Testers should get something for their contribution to the development.

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They said the new squad and logistics system mentioned in the previous dev blog will be implemented.

But that looks like it’ll limit snipers but not assaulters. Pure speculation but only sniper limits have been confirmed.

There will be max 3 assaulters in their squad instead of 4 like now

Not all of them only the ones who actually gave feedback and didn’t just said “dead game lol”

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This is exactly what the devs want us to feel. I don’t blame you bruh.

A last ditch effort to keep the ship afloat.

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To be fair, alpha testers (or at least those active on forum) were pretty enthusiastic “back in the old days,” main load of salt came after CBT with premium squads, and it kind of sits here layers upon layer ever since.

It’s just hard to suggest stuff next to all those issues

But I still (at least I think) make suggestions as much as I can

That’s why I think alpha testers should receive something, especially those who posted since September

I agree on this, but nothing that breaks balance or becomes an exvlusive meta in the future.
The example for this is the alpha tester Tu-2 sitting at 4.0 in War Thunder, which is by far the best aircraft in the 4.0 Squadron battles, giving owners a massive advantage.
Either a reskin, camo, poster or some sort of visible medal would be very nice in my eyes.

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A cuff title on german uniforms or a CIB for the americans would be cool. :slight_smile: What do you guys think about that?

Maybe an alternate set of posters?

I don’t like comparing FPS with War thunder, it’s a completely different gameplay

I do agree on this