So... If I'm an alpha tester I get nothing?

This is a news section regarding CBT is ending, Hurry and get a Founder Pack - News - Enlisted

Are only payed players getting stuff to remember the early stage?

What about us Enlisted testers?

Are we getting nothing as a punishment for not paying for premium squads

The only reason why I didn’t pay for them is because I never pay for something that is p2w

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what can we say.

i suppose this?:

I think bigger problem is that they are moving to OBT without adressing the biggest issues are talking about from the beggining.
Actual listening to the testers about key problems > some shiny prize



i have the same feeling about that…
this game is getting rushed just to get those money as soon as possible

Monetization > Functional and stable game.

i suppose they runned out of passion.

Yeah, in their announcement they said:

  1. Nothing about making maps more open
  2. Nothing about adding more weapon limits
  3. Nothing about removing the premium gold
  4. Nothing about balancing the premium CBT squads
  5. Nothing about fixing campaigns

It’s said that even for CBT players, their only compensate is 4 out of print premium squads.

I don’t want to be too critical of them, as I know that even a small shitty game takes a ridiculous load of cash to get working, let alone an mmo.
And being f2p, they may be getting short on cash and want to secure some more funding as soon as possible.
We don’t know what’s going on in the studio and its financial situation right now, so I’m not willing to choke it all up to greed just yet, like is usually the case with war thunder.

But I do agree they should take as long as they possibly can to develop the game and address all issues before it jumps into OBT.
Securing a successful OBT is the most important step if they want this game to take off.


oh yeah, perhaps that poster?


Don’t worry, we understand clearly the need for money when developing the game.

But what is irritating is the system they chose, which looks like some kind of mobile game, where everything is monetised and ads for that monetisation pop up almost everywhere. And of course P2W stuff.

Even now, they don’t advertise coming of the OBT on its own by showing how great the game is/will be. They say “hurry up and get our premium pack because they will not be available later”. But we all now that new pack are (99% sure) to come as soon as OBT starts.


weather i could agree,

i disagree. for the simple reasos, they didn’t thinked twice in making this game appealing for those with bigger wallets. while we could argue all the day about how wrong or right those microtransactions are, it’s not the main point of the issue.

it’s the idea that is wrong, from it’s principle.
i don’t know about you, but when i work, i don’t wake up just to get the paycheck. and like many others people, there’s must be passion in the work.

or you can see the poor results.
this is whole sytem is a sorry exscuse to even lure testers that are supposed to the test the system by making them pay in order to test this said system.
so… i don’t know about you. but this makes me laugh and sad at the same time.

and we should be the one giving money to a project that most of the voted suggestions by players for the good of the title has been ignored since years?

sorry chief, that’s not how you threat customers.

and above all, people even proposed micro that everyone wanted to see and most of them willing to actually invest money in/on it.

because it’s not what even this title has been proclamed.
if i knew that this game would have becomed p2w, i wouldn’t even have bothered.

because that’s my opinion, you don’t need to BEG for money, because if you do a well polished product, money will arrive for sure.

hope this can answer to you for how i see things around.

that’s also the other point.

do you go in a restrant just to buy some raw and under cooked meat?
and you pay extra to have it how it should?

no, i don’t think you will.

doesn’t looks like.

as this game has been massively critiqued by almost everyone that tried this game.

and the issue that comes is like people thinking like @Old_Decard . no, i don’t hate him. i just don’t agree with his ideas ( which it’s fine ) but it’s the main reason why enlisted is what it is today.

Yeah, better always blame somebody

you see, it’s not about playing the blain game.
not at all.

if you think it’s a blain game, i’m afraid you are wrong.

first of all, get over it.
i don’t hate anyone, unless they prove me otherwise.
simple as that

i just mentioned you, because you are one of the correct example for that context.

you think almost everything is fine,
i mean, only in enlish forum.
I translated a couple of your messages to understand better in the russian community, and you didn’t disappointed me.

although, a bit sad to see different outcome from forums.

You can Google translate everything in both parts and you see everybody here wants this game to be better. I not a big fun of prems or health perks but the main reason for me to be here is find some bugs and make game more historicaly accurate. I have a degree about so I see purely where is some mistake. As soon as everybody understand a purpose of forum - bugreports and feedback about - everybody will be much happier.

well, i suppose no one managed to fix those. did anyone?

because what we have here… it’s far, much far from being even close to be named historicall accurate.

you don’t show them too much often my friend…

i would, and somewhat, can agree.

but i’m a bit pissed off that 2’000 people on this forum and yet those things didn’t changed.

does really need an open beta to change this overhall product?

i’m afraid not.

Oh yeah? I think its quite enough. But more is coming, I promise😄

at this point. i’m afraid that it doesn’t matter anymore at this point of what you, and me and others did or did not.

i’m just worried that the ovehall feedbacks about this game and it’s p2w nature will bother many people at the point of killing it.

saw too many titles did the same thing.

but, i suppose we’ll figure this out.

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@ErikaKalkbrenner @Old_Decard

I just want you to remember that this post is mostly about giving rewards to alpha testers

I don’t think devs will “loose money” if they give us something for testing the game FOR SO LONG

And they should reward us for testing

gotta love the fact that you are worring more about a shiny price than the overhall game.

good… job?

i mean, of course i’m somewhat joking. but still.
shouldn’t be this one least of anyone’s priority?

Mmmm is it bad that the fact the SMG Squads gonna be exclusive making me want to buy them all

i mean, if you wanna ruin someone else fun just for having a pleasure of obtaining meta?

i don’t know, you tell us.

i mean, your money are yours.