So Axis players, whats the solution?

Give axis players the secret project gun known as STMG-42 (Sturm Machine Gewehr-42)
A Shorter lighter version of the MG-42 that did the following:

Utilized a Bullpup desing to maintain the barell length and shorten the rifle while not just mainting it’s accuraccy range but boosting it due to Krupp hammer forging.

Dramatically decreased the weight by shortening the gun and ulitizing Polymer for it’s stracture.

It was chambered on it’s own round, the forgoten 7.62x39 Kurz a composite-case cartridge that combined the velocity of a 5.56 with the stopping power and range perfomance of a Russian 7.62x39 which was a simplistic copy since the Russian could not replicate the sophisticated composite-cased polymer design.

Modularity due to the forgoten Werner rail system later coppied by Picatinny, so it could mount the ZF4 telescopic sights, various grips and even a canted ZF5 Reflex sight.

Last but not least it could fire the APAF 40 (Anti-Personen/Anti-Fahrzeug 40) a dual purpose 40mm grenade which could go through 100mm of armor and was later copied by the French in the 50s.

This gun is a MUST to counter Russian smgs, it used a 35 round mag which i know is half what the PPD/PPSH have but the overall damage output, muzzle velocity and high enough firerate can make up for in CQ. In addition it’s multi-role capabilities due to the round, scopes, controlability and anti tank capabilites, could also balance the AVT at the same time. It’s killing 2 birds with one stone! On the DOWNSIDE though it was a bullpup so expect a long reload maybe even above 4 seconds due to Russian bias.

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Well, I have suggested dynamic balance based on each match’s player count.
But dev is just being lazy.
So, what about keep increasing Allies’ match difficulty?

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Paywall the game
But that ship has sailed

they let us vote on whether or not to paywall it…we can only blame ourselves.

Yeah let us vote
Just like Mr Putin always gets 110% of the votes every election
Russian elections are about as fair and valid as American ones


We already know the answer
add more
Nothing boost axis winrate than this see berlin


i think making the different axis campaigns more unique sounds like a good idea.

but if they were to do so they would have to bring in a ton of guns that were either experimental or was never there to be able to fill the levels. and i am pretty sure people hate the ones that are in game already. its not as easy to just diversify the campaigns without a fuckton of repeats or sacrificing alot of historical accuracy

i think the repeats is just a fundamental flaw that comes with the current game model, and there is really no good way around it without reworking much of the game

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I’m thinking… SIDEGRADES!
Mostly vehicles. Troop transports, cars like jeeps/kubels… Mobile AA that YES could be used to mow down infantry (but would be food even for things like t60), medium machine guns, like Maxim! Etc.

Those things could diversify campaigns a lot. Providing they don’t copy paste the same things for axis across 4 campaigns.

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This isn’t about Axis / Allies / USSR. Just look at Normandy. It isn’t as atrocious as Berlin, but it’s still very bad for USA. Germany tends to be on the receiving end more often than others, but the core issue is that the entire game is very one-sided. It also has lots of incentives for players to benefit from imbalance instead of trying to fix it.


a solution many players have been asking for is to add an xp bonus for joining both sides
currently there is no reason to do that(from what i heard it might even be broken) further increasing the player imbalance

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This balance feels SO good

Close match

Once again, I repeat, you are a man of good taste. :grinning:

The Producers (1968) - Springtime for Hitler - YouTube

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You mean the FINAL solution?
So my final solution would be: Beretta in Moscow get its 40 mag and thats it. Game is mostly “balanced”.


As a axis main in literally every ww2 game I play: “win rates mean nothing in a ww2 game, wehraboos are just often very casual gamers, no offence”

I wonder if we can ever have this discussion without massive generalizations being made.


“i once saw a dude as german player doing 100 kills in the first 10 min of the match” = all german players are sweaty gamerlords
“my team sucks and here, have a print of me doing 70kills” = all german players are wehraboos.

there is no mid ground. a player point of view, its always the right one ever…

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I prefer buffs over nerfs. Unless something is obviously game breaking OP, with stats to back it, then YES, nerf.

I play both sides evenly in most campaigns and I’ve noticed the bomb and rocket loadouts for Allies are always more appealing. Like only giving most Bf 110 two 250 kg bombs where they could have added a couple more 50’s that would give you two payloads per trip. One payload isn’t even worth flying. Or the 110 that has the 30mm underbelly cannon but no bombs? At least give it a couple 50 kg bombs.

Play at EU servers. Allies teams cant do anything against Axis almost every time.