So Axis players, whats the solution?

After having read several threads with people posting win rates for each faction its clear what most of us already know; the Allies win considerably more for MOST people.

So I ask whats the solution here? Proposed nerfs or buffs? How do you get a solid player base? Is it the campaign split causing it? I’m really curious as to what everyone has to say especially the Axis mains out there.


If i had to guess its the lack of motivation in the tech trees to appeal to people.

Look what happened when the tiger was added to berlin

Look what happened when STG added in nirmandy.

A lit of people play the game because they love WW2 history, the iconic weapons. Now when they see that moscow has stuff like MKBs that they dont care for they wont play it. Where are the PZIIILs? The 88s? Halftracs? Better SMGs? Stug III A? Better K98s like with an AT grenade launcher? Maybe even a rechambeted PPSH to 9mm. That is what would get a new player to go for these vehicles and weapons.

Where is the STG in berlin? How can i want to play berlin with an MP40 all day?

Now if you look at the allied trees theyre mostly complete, with them having their PPSH41s, Thompsons, most vehicles. The only things that are missing on the top of my head are the T34 moscow, IS2 Berlin, sherman 76 normandy.

When the levels are finally complete i expect the win rate if axis to increase


My humble opinion as a veteran playing ANY faction equally is this:

I win pretty much the same amount of match whatever the side (when I decide to play seriously)

The ONLY difference I might make about Axis faction is that it’s generally a “late bloomer” side. While allied side gain good equipment pretty soon, axis gain great equipment later. Maybe that’s why we vets have no problem winning as Axis, but newcomers have harder time?

To support my hypothesis let’s take when Berlin was first released. Axis had pretty much a loosing streak here. Now, things changed. There’s a bit more people with good stuff, and those guys are fearsome opponents.

Maybe allied side is more newcomer friendly?


Thats true; having completed Berlin and Moscow as the Axis I found no reason to grind Normandy axis as it all feels identical and almost completely is. I played Tunisia Axis until level 13 or so but again…all the same unlocks


I think the Russians are more newcomer friendly but I think a big reason is the “Allies” are completely different leading to two different core of players vs one Axis. Russian and US are completely different with unique unlocks while Axis are almost identical again and again to the point of bordum for all but the most dedicated Axis players


I think that it is necessary to make the faction of the axis more “popular”.

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Yes for sure but how? What needs added?

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is the problem, normally when a new player enters the first thing they almost always do is play with the allied faction and leave the axis faction relegated

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The rest of the stuff.

Moscow: PZIIIL tank, Stug III A, H35 magnetic mine, K98k with AT grenade (might be cool), stuka cannonbird

Berlin: STG44, Panzerschreck, Stug III G, King tiger, Me262, stuka cannonbird, more cool gold order stuff like the einthossflammenwerfer 46 as secondary for everyone, Faustpatrone for everyone


the axis should have something that makes it special, something that draws the player’s attention, like having the half-track vehicles or maybe the uniforms who knows, but something that encourages players to use the axis faction, what to defend just as fun as attacking


The thing I’ve noticed with the Axis is when they release new stuff people flock to it, get it, play a little and leave. I’m 100% guilty of this myself. People dont seem to stay long term for the Axis as much

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Grinding the K98 schleissbecher and MP40 four different times does suck tbh.


Yea because the ammount of drip feed is insane. Berlin is the best example. Like yes the Tiger is cool but my infantry gameplay hasnt changed one bit. Its still K98k, MP40s, G43, MG42 - the same stuff. Now if there was an STG i would play berlin so much more nowadays.

I unlocked the tiger, played with 3 hours, saud fuck it, unlocked the FmW41 in moscow and now im running 2 FmW squads there. Way more fun because i feel that gameplay changed unlike berlin

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My solution:


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More than 4! There’s the ALL NEW !!!AT!!! rifle grenade launcher in Normandy!!! And you bet other campaigns will have it as well! :smiley:


And it only costs 3 silver orders now! Seriously who actually spends 3 order on it?

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Oh my gosh! What an amazing deal!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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is it even good at blowing up tanks? lmfao

I tried the M1 Garand grenade at the practice range and it was abysmal

Why is why I play Axis Tunisia the most, at least the stuff IS different, even if not by much.
Just worried the later campaign stuff for this becomes all the usual german junk from other campaigns

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