Smoke for your tanks and mortars

No army has ever been able to create a perfect protection from enemy weapons, that is why throughout history commanders, trying to improve the survivability of their soldiers, have been looking for ways to not receive enemy fire at all.

The High Caliber update will introduce one of those ways — smokescreens.


This kind of ammunition is already familiar to you thanks to the smoke artillery and regular smoke grenades. Neither opposing players nor enemy AI soldiers can see you through a heavy smokescreen, allowing you to easily pass through dangerous areas to the enemy’s strategic points.

In the High Caliber update, another type of smoke ammunition will appear — mortar shells. Each mortarman will receive smoke shells in addition to their regular high-explosive shells!

You can easily switch between these ammunition types during shooting. Even a single smoke shell is enough to cover a capture point so you don’t have to worry about sniper fire, for example. What? Your enemy wants to fight? Then they’ll have to come a little closer.


During the battles of these steel giants in World War II, smoke was used everywhere! In Enlisted, there will be several ways for the tanks to disappear from the enemy sights.

Smoke grenade mortars will be available for some German, U.S., and British vehicles. These shells fire in the direction of the turret and create a thick smokescreen, allowing you to retreat to repair the vehicle or get closer to the target.

Also for many tanks, whose armament historically included a smoke shell, it will become available in combat. To use this ammunition you’ll need to reload, but it’s worth it: you can fire a smoke shell right under the enemy tank, blocking out their sight. Or, just like the mortarman, create a safe route to the target for your allies.

In addition, the cloud of a smoke shell is denser and more voluminous than that of a smoke grenade, and the projectile itself does not lack kinetic force, and thus is capable of causing damage upon direct hit.

We have no doubt that you will find the use of this tactical tool in various combat situations.


Lovely was waiting for this, so this will definitely add value to mortar teams, which I have started main’ing…

However on console, Ps5 I have logged bugs such as black smoke appearing at certain angles when looking directly at smoke on all campaigns, mainly seen Moscow Fortified district, but on Berlin, SG, Tunisia and Normandy. Multicolour smoke (although this seems a lot less common too)

Please tell us this is being investigated and will be fixed as I see console users experiencing bugs like the aforementioned post next major update.

Ps Hispano cannons and Stalingrad please Santa :wink:


These are actually pretty good changes, good job!

Smoke should be utilised more to benefit attacking teams as still defending is MUCH easier than attacking, and now they are more easy to use which is a good thing.

the projectile itself does not lack kinetic force, capable of causing damage upon direct hit.

lol imagine getting hit by a smoke projectile and dying


Yes, we are aware of this issue.


Thanks for confirming, maybe adding a small XP gain for smoking out a point and someone taking the cap or getting kills (similar to attack points, defence points?) Might be good too…


Very nice!

Looking forward to working tank hull mgs, as always


I Def gonna enjoy this one. Thanks!

One day, to make this even more perfect, we could change our loadouts and select ammo we want just like in warthunder…

One day…


And working hull machine guns…


definetly a nice thing to add

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Its always great to see how this game is growing, developing, and evolving little by little over time. Little changes like this really are cool.

Its funny because literally yesterday I said to myself mortars should have smoke shells, and look here they are now


can we get a more friendly way of measuring distance with mortars? it would be a lot better if we could drag the distance marker around the map rather than placing a new one each time, also, how about distance being shown on the map already rather than having to close it to see?


It was a marker on minimap during alpha times.

I donno why it changed but it’s more “real” this way.

But yeah… Was kinda way too easy befor.

Not that is hard now

i meant on big map, i played alpha test


How about adding more types of icons for minimap markers and displaying player names?

For example, a smoke icon, telling teammates that smoke coverage is needed here

Generally speaking, this function is OK, looking forward to the changes in the game


absolutely required!

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How about allowing players to customize the amount of ammo of different types instead of splitting them equally?

How about allowing all premium vehicles to buy and customize their camo skins?

How about an additional engineer for older premium and event reward squads?


Imagine if players actually used smoke.


One huge question here.

Tbh the green tank pen shit should be removed


Imo aiming with mortars should be changed to how it works in BF games.

It wasn’t easy, it was convinient.

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Will the larger mortars in Berlin have a larger smoke coverage or longer smoke?


Nice. Very nice. I may even consider putting back a mortar team in my roster now.

However smokes will be somehow useless for tanks if you can still see the green indicator.
=> You aim at the smoke, look for green penetration marker and shoot.

Smoke should make impossible to see green/red penetration marker.