Small Suggestion Thread

Consider renaming the APC Driver to just Driver as only the premium squads get actual APCs, while F2P as of right now only gets unarmored trucks that aren’t APCs, given their lack of the A.


Add cloth covers to the APC squad trucks.
Also consider adding ammo restocking boxes to all APCs and transport trucks, to make up for the lack of engineers.

Lower dispersion across the board, specially on all semi automatic rifles and select fire rifles. As of right now dispersion punishes good aim which can be extremely frustrating, so if a flat out removal of the mechanic isnt possible I suggest the following changes:

  • Semi-Auto rifles should be just barely less accurate than manually operated rifles.
  • Select-Fire rifles should have dispersion lowered in both firing modes, with a bigger reduction in semi auto to reward good aim and shot placement over mag dumping.
  • Machineguns and Assault Rifles should have dispersion lowered across the board.

Introduce soldier sorting akin to squad type sorting, including an option to sort by soldier type and class tiers (e.g.: Rifleman I/II/III)


Remove the minimum soldier requirement for squads in reserve so that unused squads can be left empty, alongside with a “Remove soldiers from reserve squads” option akin to “Disarm reserve” to make better use of the feature.
Additionally introduce an optional filter to the “Disarm Reserve” and “Remove soldiers from reserve squads” options to filter out squads assigned to squad presets from the disarming/soldier removal.**

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Reduce the frequency of the events, the constant fomo cycle is incredibly annoying and burnout-inducing, since the merge was announced there have been more event additions than normal tech tree additions, and many of these event rewards should have just been added to the tech trees instead.


Weapon presets should have an option to choose which items you wish to save to it or which you wish to apply to a soldier instead of overriding every item so as to allow presets to be modular, for example having primary weapon presets for each tier and then more specialized equipment presets for your tools and explosives.
The best example I can think of is the Hunt: Showdown loadout system.


Match surfers should be punished like the scum they are

And I can only assume you are one since this message was hidden

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I agree.

I agree there needs to be a bit more division between the tiers. Having t3 be a wildcard tends to result in a LOT of players quitting out of higher tier games and only wanting to play against t1-2.

As far as the APCs go, they need to adjust some core gameplay mechanics and rewards to make it more valuable to push in with the transport vehicles, as right now players only ever park them off to the side rather than pushing in with them.
This has resulted in them trying to monetize the ones with weapons, where they are the only ones that players are deeming worthwhile to push in with.

Giving players points for kill assists from passengers, or delivering squads into the objective is much needed to combat that issue.

I guess I haven’t really noticed much.

I very much agree, and think there are a ton of things that could really help to combat this issue.

  • Payout bonuses for ranking in the top 3 of a game
  • More payout for support gameplay
  • More payout for a win streak
  • Milestone rewards (such as 1k silver for every 1k kills or assists, or x number of vehicle kills, etc.)

I’ve said this thing many times, and honestly, the best solution hands down would be to have a physical location where the artillery is fired from, that can be countered by players in aircraft. This in turn helps to reduce the constant plane spam hitting infantry over and over and over.

I greatly DISAGREE.
Radio operators are extremely powerful as it is. In addition, giving things like ammo and med drops to them removes the uniqueness from squads like engineers, and medics.

I agree

I greatly AGREE. I think suppression should be more severe according to the amount of lead raining down in your vicinity. So its heavily dependent on how long you are taking fire for (MG nests will have an advantage in this department), and the caliber of the rounds hitting near you (HMGs and Autocannons will have the most, while lower caliber weapons like SMGs will do significantly less).

While I agree that there needs to be counters to greyzone camping, I don’t think that it should be done through making the kills null or whatnot. Instead, here is my best suggestion on this topic.

I agree.

I agree.

I agree.

Don’t care either way personally.

Then the guys in the back wouldn’t be able to shoot out, and you would be a sitting duck… HARD PASS.

The ONLY way this should be implemented is if you have a character of a corresponding type in that truck.
Otherwise, you are taking a lot of characters’ unique traits and just handing them off to another class that is already used in abundance.

The last thing we need is more laser-like accuracy. The dispersion can already be reduced by upgrading your weaponry. Once it has been upgraded, you are perfectly capable of hitting targets at the intended ranges.

So if you are trying to use a weapon outside of its intended range, then there needs to be dispersion effects to counter that.
Additionally, people tend to fail to realize that dispersion is a very real thing. Guns have dispersion.

sure why not.

Seems fair to me.

I disagree. The extra rewards are quite welcome. The only thing that I don’t like about them is their strange rules about only being able to progress every two days and such.

no opinion.

Lastly I’d like to add my own suggestion to this “Small suggestion” list.

  • Let players chop down/ remove trees with the axes. They are available on ALL nations, so they should be given this utility use.
    It would be vastly useful to a wide variety of players. Engineers, tankers, snipers, MG squads, etc could all make use out of this.