Small Suggestion Thread

This post is a thread of comments (for the sake of individually rating) with suggestions that I think would improve the game.
The idea is that its easier to see which suggestions are liked or not by making them individual comments, also anyone can provide feedback or add their own suggestions.

First of all:
Remove the requirement for players to purchase every item in a line before purchasing newly unlocked items. You shouldn’t have to unlock every single item in a line to be able to get the latest items if you can research the new thing in the first place (given you already had the previous item in the line).


Remove tier 3 from the tier 1/2 and 4/5 queues. Additionally id remove tier 4 from the top tier queue, pairing it with tier 3 instead, given how tier 4 gear is in most cases just marginal upgrades to tier 3 (M1 Garand and Johnson for example) while tier 5 gear is a massive upgrade compared to 4 (G43 and FG-42 II for example). The only BR change I can think of as being necessary here would be moving the Panthers out of tier 4 as they’d club every other tank in their tier.


Stop adding mass produced/commonly used equipment or squads such as all the actual APCs (trucks are not APCs), paratroopers and vehicles like the Firefly or Chi-Ha as event or premium squads. In the case of infantry carriers it’s especially bad given the M3 and Sd.Kfz. 251 were produced in massive numbers and still were added as premiums for no particular reason, despite being the best options to add as a late-tier (actual) APCs for their respective user nations.


Weapon stars should be more consistent with the tech tree progression and their place in the old campaign system, the Garand is a good example of a weapon that’s a middle ground in the tech tree as it was 3 stars in Tunisia but only 1 in Normandy, I believe it’s unreasonable for it to share a star rating (and upgrade costs) with the current top tier equipment but it also shouldn’t be the lowest a TT weapon can be.
In my opinion tiers 1-2 should be 1 star, 3-4 should be 2 stars, and 5 should be 3 stars.


Have a BR0 for the new players so have three queues
0-1 / 2-3 / 4-5
A haven for low tier battlers and a more even battlefield for other tiers

Increase overall silver gain, both for match payouts and especially for BP level / daily task rewards.
As it is right now both feel far lower than they really should be.

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Artillery should have a direct counter, such as a counter-barrage ability for radio squads with the effect of silencing enemy artillery for, for example, 3 minutes.


Radio squads could have additional support options available to call in, such as ammo/medkit supply drops and a rally drop on the same cooldown as the offensive options, to expand their team support abilities.

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NO penalties or Punishments for desertion until :

The MM/BR/Maps/Modes is sorted out

Smoothen out environment interaction. As of right now when you try to climb or go prone sometimes your soldier gets hung on the animation, which is rather frustrating. Overall climbing should be a lot more consistent and for lower obstacles the soldier should do a quicker vault over it instead of the current climbing animation (it would also look cooler).


Make it free to reset perk points … Why is there a charge anyway ?

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Add penalties yesterday

No. The only exception I’ll make is having BR I be its own island. Leave the rest as is

Add suppression mechanics for all MGs, with a heavier effect from fixed MG nests to counter the vulnerability from being static.
Additionally the suppression effect should cause heavy weapon swaying, along with some visual effect.


lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Some counter to grayzone camping should be introduced alongside with mobility buffs for tanks (playing tanks in the active battle zones as of right now is incredibly clunky with how bad they handle obstacles compared to, for example, War Thunder), one possible way to do so would be to make any kills from the grayzone null, not draining tickets from the enemy team nor adding any score to the player shooting, potentially even allowing respawning with the same squad for the player that got killed from the GZ.


Make it easier for vehicles, especially tracked ones, to knock down obstacles of all kinds, be it trees, walls or random (breakable) props in the map.


Make it easier for vehicles to roll over destroyed obstacles. As it is right now even when you manage to knock down/break certain obstacles like destroyed gun or car tanks still get stuck on them. A solution to this could be making the destroyed obstacles almost completely flat.

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Make more decorative props destroyable, for example the german portable generator is incredibly annoying to deal with.

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An End game plan:

Clan/squad Battles

In game Clan chat lobby

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