Small Collection of Ideas for Ze Economy

So since you are eager to collect the same feedback people have given for months now, I would like to take part and share some ideas about the economy.


  • Remove the biased 50% Win Bonus and give it either to everyone or, at the very least, to the top five losers. The winning team members should get a battle award, which should be higher than an average battle award but not so high that it becomes an essential American waitress tip level of reward because of piss-poor silver conversion rates.
  • Make 1000xp = 100 credits bigger by 5x or even 10x times. This is still based on the old order, where prices were not that bad, especially for soldiers and gear.
  • Fix cost issues of guns that are clearly at different tech levels but cost the same. The MP40, for example, costs as much as the StG despite being worse and a T3/ BR2 weapon.
  • Make unlocked stuff free, as in the old order. I do not know why this was not kept (I can assume the reasons, though).
  • Make more newbie-friendly rewards that can only be achieved by newbies.
  • Give newbies an XP/ credit bonus for their first time so they can, at the very least, fully equip their fur basic squads. Consider giving newbies a credit of silvers for gearing up when starting the game.
  • Finally, adjust the battle pass and event silver rewards by at least two times. At best, they have been updated once, and they are still a joke.
  • Reduce costs of pistols. A Mauser costs as much as the PPSh41.

Please feel free to add your own ideas or make corrections.


Weapons above tier III should not have the same price as Tier IV and V. Proposition here would be adjusting Tier II weapons from 1500 to 1000 to help the newer players. 1500 for Tier III, 2500 for Tier IV and 3000 (Possibly 3500) for Tier V.


They should not cost as much as they do.
Here are some proposed changes to pistols,
500 silver pistols are fine as is. What needs to be adjusted are:

  • TK 1926 (1000 down from 1500)
  • TT (2000 down from 3000)
  • Mauser (2500 down from 3000)
  • S&W M1917 (1000 down from 1500)
  • Webley MK IV Revolver (1000 down from 1500)
  • M1911A1 Colt (2000 down from 3000)
  • Browning High Power (2500 down from 3000)
  • Walther PP (1000 down from 1500)
  • Walther P38 (1000 down from 1500)
  • P08 Luger (2000 down from 3000)
  • Type 1 Pistol (1000 down from 1500)
  • Type 2 Pistol (1000 down from 1500)
  • Type 14 Pistol (2500 down from 3000)

This would go a long way to helping silver economy, and encourage people to bother with buying pistols. There could also be a few new pistols added to each faction, such as the type 26 revolver (Japanese), Colt Pocket Hammerless 1903 (Japanese and Americans), Bodeo M1889 Revolver (Italian), and the M1911A1 Colt (Lend leased to the Soviets) that are available for purchase of silver. Allowing a greater variety, and options to spend silver on to balance out a small amount of the silver cost the player would save.


Soldiers should not have a level of RNG to their stats, All of the other RNG was removed from this game this being the only exception.

When a soldier is purchased they should be at their maximum possible stats. This will reduce someone wasting silver just because a soldier isn’t at their maximum And they’re having to resell to recoup some of the silver that they lost.

Soldiers also should not have perks automatically applied, This goes for soldiers purchased, earned through events or premium soldiers.


Vehicles I would say are justified and need no change to purchase price of the initial vehicle. We could use the occasional vehicle upgrade order given a little more often than it currently is. Possibly through events we could get a extra 3-4 minimum a year to help with silver costs.

End Note:

This is just my proposals for adjusting silver without upping the overall amount earned per match, excluding silver bonus for join any team since it has not yet been introduced.


Can’t believe you still have faith in DF. I don’t think they will listen to any of these and even if they looked at it they won’t make any real improvement because making real improvement is the opposite of their business model.

That 50 win bonus can stay, but should be awarded to well performing players on the side that performed worse (kinda disrespectful to word it as losers so here you go, quite a mouthful). The criteria for that can be discussed such as the ranking. Also general silver gain (dare I say xp as well) should go up 200 percent and the cost of things lowered. For example, upgrading weapons cost too much. And yes pistols should just cost 100 silver or something like that. Charging 3000 silver for a barely useable pistol is just utterly criminal.

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again I post this;

you should make a real profit from just selling off dead-weight 5-starred troops; enough to then immediately buy their one star replacements!

gives the randomness a point, these aren’t supposed to be ‘supersoldiers’, they’re meant to be ‘grunts’, most of them are going to be mediocre and die a thousand times to artillery fire or some random machinegun without even being able to fire a shot… regardless there should be an incentive to stick with them until they reach 5 star status, and then you can sell them off for profit!