Profitably Send Soldiers to the rear

Basic Idea: Five Star Soldiers can be “sent to the rear” for more silver than it takes to hire a replacement one star soldier, making a net profit (in silver) for the user.

this would encourage “cycling” troops in squads, and keep the number of 5 star troops “down”, such that they do not become an impediment to new players.

in WW2 Experienced pilots, at least in the US, would not be kept on the front lines, rather if they made ace, they generally were reassigned to training flights.

any thoughts?


We do currently have some refunds for sending soldiers back to gulag. (just joking) But yeah the refund should be more than what it take to purchase a new enlisted.

It would really help with the RNG in stats since currently non maxed soldiers are basically useless. And you still lose silver even you train them to five star.

Yet again. DF is too mean on player profit. Way too less sliver and exp per match. It would be a shitshow if the game ever make it to steam.

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You already make a crapton now. I went through and sold all of my old Riflemen that didn’t have a star stat and make over 50,000 ES

yes but how much for each soldier, and how much would it cost to find new ones?

sending a 5 star rifleman to the rear rewards 2850 silver currently,
it costs 3000 to replace them with a 1 star rifleman.

I’m saying keep it a constant flow!

Honestly I’m just happy we get something. It was like less than 10 Bronze Orders. Now we get ES

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It would be interesting if we could level soldiers for profit - like you say it would mix things up a bit and give non-max rolled soldiers a purpose. Rather than just throwing them all away until you get max - we could level them before selling them.

Nothing extreme, maybe even reduce 1 star sale price to balance an increased 5 star price.


I’m mostly thinking about how it would make the more expensive, higher-tier troops more feasible to buy.

right now I’m basically using my old Tier 1 assault troops