(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

you need to massively increase economy. iirc someone posted calculations that showed economy earnings are down ~30% from premerge and i was having problem buying and upgrading weapons then (without having to buy vehicles also).

when people research new weapon, they want to play with it, not to grind another 5-10 hours to be able to equip it and then another 5-10 hours to upgrade it.

basic economy improvement you need to make is to increase xp to silver conversion from 5 silver for 47xp to 10 silver for 50xp. even with this change people will have problem with economy, but at least it will be much better than now.


I have tens of millions of excess research and millions of silver. DO NOT convert my research I don’t need the silver. Make this optional


This must be the 2nd worst post ive seen since the sorry ai cat

not just taking the silver from noobs by farming em in br2 now im gonna steal all the battle rewards so they cant get any silver.

should just att a reward that says ‘‘Best at everything’’

And dont remove this post for talking about steam reviews would be great.


Make BR2-3 guns cost 50% less to upgrade and not just reduce the cost on MP40 by 100 silver and pretend it’s all rainbows and sunshine; make respeccing soldiers 50% less expensive, make pistols 50-75% cheaper on average, get rid of the soldier stat gacha and or let us skip buying vehicles we don’t want. Bam. You just massively improved QOL for everyone especially remotely new without having to improve silver rewards any.

Indirectly you also incentivize people to experiment with soldier builds for different weapons and BRs by not skinning them with downright oppressive silver sinks.


Played a faction enough to accumulate, say, 5 million exp in the bank?

50k silvers for you.

Which is uh… Enough to purchase and upgrade 4 guns. I guess.


Comrades, WE hear your feedback and will work on more ideas about the economy.
P.S Also please take a note that bonus on “play for any side” will be DYNAMIC but no less then 20%, so if needed, devs can tune it to a higher value sometimes if needed, but never lower then 20%.


Honestly the news of this quote on quote “update” already has me wanting to leave bad reviews it’s like their actively working against the player base


I have 4 million on some factions and it will be only 40k of silver that is useless. I wont play the game anymore if You will rob me that way.


thats exactly what i with 500 000 silver need. most important issue

i would suggest you implement incentive for not deserting in join any. e.g. you get 10% increase up to 100% xp bonus for finished join any battle. if you desert join any battle, that bonus gets reset to 0 and you need to start again.

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So DF is stealing my millions of banked RP for an actual spit in the face amount?
And the battle hero awards should just multiply your silver earnings same as it does XP


Dynamic % is a nice thing.

25k maximum xp is a bad thing though.

Could devs consider it to be optional?


Only if they’re lowish tier guns

I think too many people are focusing on the 1:100 conversion rate and not that it really doesn’t help new players at all. Most players aren’t going to be setup to play “join any team”. They def won’t have spare exp to get auto converted to silver. And they won’t be getting lots of medals if they have any vets on their team.

Honestly the 1:100 wouldn’t even be bad if it was optional and could be done by player choice. It only impacts us vets who play a ton anyways (that’s why we have so much stored exp).

To help new players, costs need to be reduced for BrIII and below. Why is their Br2 gear that costs as much to as Br5 gear? Most of the “iconic” stuff is around BrIII as well (Garand, Thompsons, MP40, MG34, PPSh box). Let players get hooked before forcing them to really grind.

Side note: maybe don’t do something that harms your most loyal players? There is a reason they have so much stored exp, it’s cuz they play the most (even after skipping the grind).


Also by all calculations, many players can get up to an 80% boost in silver. For new players, we will prepare other interesting bonuses soon.


Show us these calculations, and we’ll believe you.


The players in question must be doing really badly if 500 silver (Max from hero awards) is 80% of what you make.

That means many players are making 625 silver per match… Which is kinda the whole problem in the first place.


You need ideas (again)?
Remove the biased 50% Win Bonus and give it either to everyone or, at the very least, to the top five losers.
Make 1000xp = 100 credits bigger by 5x or even 10x times.
Fix cost issues (e.g. MP40 costs too much for its tech level)
Make unlocked stuff free, as in the old order.
Make more newbie-friendly rewards that can only be achieved by newbies.
Give newbies an xp/ credit bonus for their first time so they can, at the very least, fully equip their fur basic squads. Consider giving newbies a credit of silvers for gearing up when starting the game.
Finally adjust the goddamn battle pass and event silver rewards by at least two times.



I want to keep my surplus, to keep enjoying unlocks AT MY OWN PACE.

Unlocks at veterans level, which is to say the only ones who could get surplus,

Cost around 180k xp. What am I supposed to do with a ridiculous 25k???

We want it optional.


By what mathematical standards?