Slow down everything (Different gameplay discussions)

ain’t sure about each of these suggestion, though i’d love to have an authentic gameplay experience, where weapon is deadly, soldiers shoot from behind cover and run only from cover to cover. What we have now is just run straight in, hip fire the objective all day long, actually interesting to play squads are underperforming compared to automatic weapons, it’s just not feel right for the graphic, scenery and everything. The gameplay doesn’t match everything else in the game. ain’t sure if devs don’t want that or they simply aren’t capable of making it happen, either way i’d really love they’d make that happen


ahh no, most guns in game have too much recoil as is compared to real life as it is right now

while i would like this lmgs are already wildly inaccurate even when mounted or standing still

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I guess it’s the same as adam’s one.

If me and @61839981 and some other people who ask for the same thing we would have a slow paced gameplay.

But unfortunately for the time being we are outnumbered by zerg rush and rainbow 6 siege and cod players.

@XxNelsonSHxX do not bother talking to him no matter what you say you’ll never convince him that the FG is bad

Now you are just twisting my word, please, quote where I said they have “unplayable” accuracy before you talk further

Sir please stop humiliating yourselves in the internet

Arcade and “Fast” Pace doesnt necessary mean shit fast matches.
When BF1 first relased their France, I had matches that went for like two hours AND they were fun and interesting.

Enlisted matches nowadays barely reach more than 10 minutes and they are not making fun anymore if you have some sort of needs. But for some reason, people enjoy those 8mins 30m “stand-offs” against the dumbest AI in this century to the point where still people ask to nerf AI.


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I mean, devs use the same device to make decisions so it has to be good, right?


Probably Made in China.


What isn’t?


Humore. Because CCP doesnt allow this crapitalist degeneracy.

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Wrong. Pooh didn’t manage to eat it all and they are exporting honey.

Casuals usually just understand nothing in balancing and mostly want doing hip-fire and lemming rushes again and again and again, not caring about bow their gegegegegegmplay kills half of armament and mechanics in game. Though enlisted will never be close to HLL in terms of speed and teamwork- F2p are basically less IQ anyway. But animations and some reloads defenitely need fix

The games on the market that don’t have to fill their lobbies with bots masquerading as players

@MR_87 I agree with pretty much everything you are saying.

As others and I have also suggested, increasing the durability and difficulty of removal for defensive fortifications would help toward both slowing the game down a bit as well as potentially give more power to AI in terms of countering players.

Windowed sandbags are a prime example:
If they added these to where you could place them in a window and the AI would automatically take up positions looking out of them, it would significantly help to direct their fire to where it has a much greater effect even on players.

At the same time, it pushes players to get more resourceful and creative in order to bypass or destroy such positions. Even making snipers for example more useful eliminating troops barricaded like this.

Even standard sandbags should be used in a similar manner, where AI will automatically attempt to make use of them when nearby as a means of protection and stable shooting position (as right now they tend to stand up straight behind them, and not attempt to brace their weapons and such which would greatly help with immersion and gameplay).

Even barbwire is currently set more in doorways and such rather than out front in the fields and such, which is where it would have been historically, to prevent enemies from running straight up the front. However we all know that barbwire is far too easy to destroy and remove right now, so using it in the fields is only really possible if players take the time to dig trenches for it or if there is a buff made to it.

Such as?

Speaking of F2P WWII multiplayer FPs, of course.

Well. HnG had bots in staged and it is THE definition of death.
And maybe WW2 Online (I think they have bots).

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Agree that gamepace needs to be slowed down.
There is too much running around shooting from the hip, soldiers moving like idiots running here and there, up and down, too much firing Heavy Rifles while standing up,
too much throwing explosives left, right and center, too much spray n pray, too little movement restriction,
too comfortable Air Combat and no need to land and go airfield to reload/refuel/repair (would be so nice to be able to repair),
Crosshair on tanks makes it too easy, impossible star wars tech live feed hit camera that should only be for replay. there’s a lot.
Too much about goddamn building that high tech radio station spawn, should be way more restricted and on cooldown, maybe even in only select pre-determined place you could set up one, like a radio station, cottage, village center etc.
way to fast respawn, no friendly fire, too simplistic, yet useless squad commands, no tactics. no community, no player comraderie, no teamplay, no need for tacts etc and so on

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