Slow down everything (Different gameplay discussions)

Because he thinks he’s more important than players who enjoys current Enlisted.
There’s lot of such disillusioned individuals here on forum. But their in extremely small minority in overall playerbase number.

The really bad things starts to unfolds once one of them will become YouTuber.
Because for unknown reasons, DF and primarily their community staff is extremely biased towards YouTubers.
You know, YouTuber’s discord servers has more relevance than official forum nowadays.

And it will be abandoned while “unrealistic” regime will still lack of balance for example

Bruh, you can grind the MP717r without buying the $talingrad bundle, just take the L and accept that you are pulling shite out of your 4ss


Using Content Creator view to adjust the game is just bad

I don’t think they even try to hide it since CC can be Moderator in this forum lmao

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I must accept something to a Venus citizen who says that FG-2 and STG are unplayable and inaccurate. I bet if you got maus, you would lose to shovel carriers

This game should focus on expanding and the groundwork is there to cater to both sides. A RO2 type slow paced, nitty-gritty would be cool as a separate mode alongside the squad version we have now. No gameplay overhauls necessary if DF plays their cards right; not the focus right now though


These are horrible “solutions”, to be honest with you. But, the AI part is okay. I also want them to take cover more often.

In enlisted you have a whole squad,and rally points are easier to build than HLLs

You mean the half of an shrinking playerbase that are not bots?


+we can add spawn on points and even spawn on party memebers like in BF

There are ways to make a sremi-realistic game that is not a walking simulator but one needs to move his ass and do something other than crying.

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Extremely weird meth but okay.

These changes are not mainly for realistic, but to highlight the characteristics of enlisted AI squad

Oh, so the playerbase is growing and healthy and like 40% are not bots?



The zoom has got to go

Put my thoughts to words. Well said OP, agree entirely

Classic disillusioned murican with very relevant argument.

Sorry but the actual majority of players would clearly prefer a slowed-down experience, zoomer. This game barely has a consistent population except us forum lurkers, meanwhile tactical games like HLL have 30+ full 64-player servers at any given moment


The biggest part of our playerbase is made of casuals. I doubt they would love to play without zoom or with other suggested ideas in this topic.

So it doesn’t really matter how much triggered you’ll be, it will not change reality.

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The day when zoom haters will gift everyone else a 32+ inches monitor and a RTX 3080 or higher.

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