Slow down everything (Different gameplay discussions)

After two years of playing the game, my current understanding of this game is that it is a fast-paced AI butchering game. The atmosphere of the World War II battlefield in the trailer is gone. The way to win the game is to compare who is better at killing AI. Tactics and cooperation are almost non-existent (Of course, some toxic gameplay are exceptions), we have long been used to this style, however, I think this style of play does not well show the unique mechanics in this game

I believe the biggest characteristic of this game lies in the player-led squads. However, at present, “led” mostly means dragging a group of respawn points that are almost useless against other players. I believe that currently, over 95% of the kills in this game are caused by player-controlled soldiers,and i don’t think that’s normal in a WW2 themed game. So the developers are also trying to improve the AI, but I think the main issue isn’t the AI; it’s that players have too much power. When combat occurs, instead of seeking cover and return fire, we hold recoilless automatic weapons or even squad weapons while crouching and shooting on the move. This isn’t a game about heroism…right? So, in my opinion, the solution is to make all weapons harder to use, similar to the weapon experience in “Hell Let Loose,” increasing the survival time of squads in combat. Specifically:

  1. Greatly increase weapon recoil to make it more realistic.
  2. Make it almost uncontrollable to move and shoot with a 10-kilogram light machine gun, like the heavy weapon mechanics in the Battle of Stalingrad.
  3. Increase the impact of weight on soldiers’ movement speed.
  4. Remove or reduce the zoom effect when aiming.
  5. Increase weapons natural sway to encourage players to crouch or go prone.
  6. Significantly increase reload times and animations, rather than takes the magazine of the weapon and
    simply reinserting it.
  7. Perhaps introduce suppression effects (distorted vision, severe weapon sway, etc., when under heavy fire).
  8. About grenade (mostly nerf)

As for AI, enhance its ability to seek cover alongside players, making the combat scenes more like “Company of Heroes,” but in a first-person,the entire squad an extension of the player’s firepower,In this way, using the squad as the core of the gameplay, rather than a single soldier, will also provide more expansion space for subsequent game content, such as more combat command, real squad weapons, etc.

While infantry receives significant nerfs, it is also necessary to limit vehicle spam, which can be achieved by adding an SP (spawn point) system like “war thunder”, making fighters, tank destroyers more valuable, and SP also can be used to restrict powerful squads such as flamethrowers and paratroopers, which also allows devs to have more options for the balance of future stronger premium squads
To address concerns about potential snowball advantages gained through the SP system, adjustments can be made to the SP gain multiplier or score limits for different unit types. For instance, giving CAS planes and heavy tanks extremely low SP gain rates, while providing more rewards for fighter planes and tank destroyers when eliminating enemy vehicles. I believe that the SP system will not create further imbalances, but instead provide more opportunities for game balance adjustment.

I know these ideas aren’t just small suggestions, but expectations for a very different style of play, and I also know it’s not my place as a random player to tell the developers how to make their game, but I do want gameplay can be unique and enlisted can achieve success like war thunder.


Huge recoil isn’t realistic but okay.

Extremely lame idea

I would probably quit the game at this point. No need to read further for me.


I heard HLL is a nice slow paced “spend 5 mins walking and then get sniped, prepare to walk 5 mins again” style of game or have you maybe considered taking up gardening as an alternative?


Why is it so hard for people to understand that ADS zoom is a QoL measure compensating for the fact that IRL vision isn’t restricted to a few inches monitor?


I don’t agree about no zoom but in general I’d like to have a gamemode with slower firefights and AI that isn’t shit.

Imo that is the biggest potential this game has: big, semi-realistic ww2 fights with tons of various gear. But sadly we are stuck with SMGs in 20m wide rooms.

I hope custom games will do something in this matter as devs clearly won’t.

(I can already hear somebody with a stroke angrily typing about a walking simulator.)


You listened with your a…something but not ears probably. HLL is about easy teleporting with just better gunplay, SIGHTS and sounds than enlisted, since you have at least one squad member with IQ>15. And i agree with one main thing-overspeeding breaks many features which even not very tactical. If you want so many SPPED SPEEDY SPEEDING, why not play fortnite or cod?

Enlisted is semirealistic game. We should judge things a bit by reality (becuz models and events somehow look and act like from real world) and by balancing/gameplay stability if you know what i mean. For example removing needs to eat and sleep is nice, while insanely increasing tank reload speed is dumm. What about overspeeding, I’d make more smooth reloading of many weapons like MGs or ATGs (replacing faustpatrons like they are light toys is clown), a bit slower skipping over obstacles, capturing points. If you know that with meatwaves you cap another school sandbox within 30 seconds, you will not do anything but building one rally and rushing B with most overpowered guns (like Fedorov, FG, etc.).

Somebody likes this low-quality meta-sucking idiotism? Well nobody will prohibit them doing skipping and other acrobatics with SMGs on a point with slightly nerfed speeds of capturing, loading, flapping, fapping, etc. But other mechanics will get at least bit more significance and beauty (like MGs which are played like low quality autorifles now)


Because I can play Enlisted.
I am not the one who want changes, you are. But you’re in minority. Meaning, your opinion is pretty much irrelevant anyway.



Actually who said that? Circus workers on steroids doing idiotically fast faust reloadings which also breaks balance between infantry and [bugged as hell] tanks? I don’t see anybody crying about nerfed jumping aim or other abusive mechanics tied to automatic weaponry. I don’t see people crying night and day about buffed bolt actions. So smoother animations will also be ok. Anyway nobody removes perks and cretinic big number of autorifles and MGs per team. Who wants ugly meat grinder-will get that grinder anyway


Recoil? The Devs seems to forget the soviet weapons a little to no recoil compared to other faction in this game

The game approach is to cater those casual players rather people from Milsim proven with the development of this game, the game is not slow paced at all

What drive people off the game is, the game is just not that fun or special comparing to other FPS if the AI weren’t this bad and being the core feature of the game

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Weapon sway exist, you notice that your weapon doesn’t exactly land on center when shooting them

If you want sway like Red Orchestra/Rising Storm serie, good luck attracting new players, I like those but they just won’t attract casual players

Btw I crouch a lot in this game, is a neat boost for shooting

soviet weapons

Meanwhile STG/MP/MG/FG/Browning/M2


All those you mentioned has recoil and spread

StGs and MPs has noticeable spread(Except MP717r and MP41r, mmmm what a coincidence, they are soviet weapons convertion)

M2 carbine has some recoil can very dogwater sight that you can’t see a crap with the smoke and muzzle flash when shooting it

All US MGs has recoil except M1919A6, tha thing is perfect

Soviet guns
SMG are pretty much recoiless and accuracy is laser compared to other
AVT40 is the best BR in this game, has less recoil than FG42, the stat is a lie, the gun is laser and very controllable
The LMG are all great except Madsen, that one scucks because is not really a soviet gun I guess?

Funny that mostly the non-soviet gun is worse in the soviet inventory

The Thompson has recoil
The Madsen is just bad
The Breda is pretty nice actually, better than the german one in Normandy


MPs except 43 have same uselessness at range bigger than 20m, as PPSH. STG-style and FG literally don’t have dispersion, some of them just have low caliber and damage but fire rate compensates this. If you cry about FG42, i remind you there’s 2nd model which is best lazergun in game except Fedorov which can’t be given to literally any soldier with little exceptions

Nonsoviet gun is worse than soviet

Was that about german PPSH which literally has bigger caliber and damage? Are u mad, dude?

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StG and FG42s has dispersion mate, the FG42 Sniper is even worse than the normal FG42 without any buff being a sniper

What fire rate? What are you smoking? Cuz every german guns except the MGs, bolties and Conders, has less rate of fire than the soviet counter part, you are telling me the 20rnd MAB 38 is equal to a 71rnd PPD40 in Moscow?

FG42 II best laser gun? Nah, ever tried M2 and AVT40? Those beats it and they comes with bayonet, specially the AVT40 since I can see shite when I am shooting in ADS it unlike the M2

German PPSH? The MP717r or MP41r? Either way doesn’t matter, both are worse than the soviet counter part

The PPSH41 still does more damage than MP717r and in 1000rpm+ vs 850rpm of MP717r, and btw, the Devs decided to delete it post merge so people who didn’t grinded it won’t get one

The PPSH41 box vs MP41r, one you can buy in the shop the other is an event weapon, yes very fair comparison mate

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more damage

7.62. More damage than 9mm. Oonderstud. Ezpert

Guess you don’t have a MP717r, cuz that thing is chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser, not 9mm, bruh, do you even own them before commenting? Yes please check them ingame before commenting further

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Finally something to read at work




don’t have 747

So you are so blind that you don’t see my only bought champaign. (Actually not only but Japan is pure shame)

Why asking to completely change the game? Try to ask about a “realistic” game mode instead.