
Add more slots, both regular and premium.


what you mean? pls explain

He wants:

F2P - 4 slots —> 5 slots
Premium - 6 slots —> 7 slots


Look now there are a maximum of 10 main and 1 premium slots for units, I would like to have more, for example (better more :wink: )12 main + 2 premium this will reduce competition for slots among units.

i am pretty sure they will never bring such a thing, bcoz its a gajjin game

As more vehicle, infantry types are added more slots makes more and more sense; this is low hanging fruit and something that would net DF more $$$ long term.

I think most of community deff supports a event slot being added for starters.


Nah no more slots needed because in each squad you can add other class which is ok. The main best squad composition for the soviet BR1-3 I think is:

  • Assaulter
  • Medic/Rifleman
  • Radio guys/APC/Flamethrowers
  • Tank/Plane

Which means:

  • assaulter
  • medic
  • rifleman
  • radio operator
  • APC
  • flametrooper
  • tank
  • plane

8 slots in total :expressionless:


Make six to eight purchasable for silver and refund people who bought them with gold before (if you are so nice).


Well, if you add more slots for free, I would be expecting a refund then.
Though it’s not going to happen, because gaijin is gaijin.

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Gaijin game called War Thunder lets you to unlock two slots for free, and next slots are significantly cheaper there than in Enlisted.

Everything is overpriced in both WT and Enlisted but those small MTX purchases are overbloated in price in Enlisted for no damn reason plus they are super stingy with Silver while in WT you can easily grind 500k-1mil silver lions a day if not more.

Slots are way more important in Enlisted and they paywalled them extremely hard, i have 10 slots and difference between free players and me is massive. I always bring 2 tanks + a single plane, 2x assaulters, AR engineer squad, MG squad, paratrooper and two bonus squads like another engineer or flamethrooper or meme squad like plane with 5x mp717(r) because why not or apc. While free player can only have 3 infantry squads and chose between tank or a plane.

They need to let everyone to unlock with silver two additional slots otherwise game will always stay with payer players advantage.


They will never give anyone free slots but they could add 2 more slots that we could buy for silver for every nation. Just like in War Thunder.

And price of additional slots in gold need to be dropped in cost significantly.

Or if you still wants them at that price at least give us them discounted every single time you have sale.

But even with a sale they are too expensive just by wanting to buy last slot for each nation i would need to waste $40 and that’s during sale!

Giving us a premium slot is a step in the right direction but that slot also should exist for the event squads. Right now free players got shafted again.


No Its just the squad of your choice because

First Slot:

  • Assaulter for soviets is a must with their best smgs in game

  • Machine gunner is not even worth it because their entire BR1-3 guns are shit

Second Slot:

  • Medic is absolutely best if you are just don’t care about your team as med box gives you chance to heal yourself or your teammate.

  • Rifleman is also best if you care about your team as you can get engineers to work, or destroy tanks with AT squad member. But its also best for grinding as you do need a lot of members in a squad to make high xp with xp bonus along with high score ig.

Third Slot:

  • APC is highly suggested (if its premium, its better) because it gives you free moving rally points where you can just move it so close to the objective without worrying others will destroy it because most of them don’t give a shit.

  • Radio squad is not much suggested for now because enemies mostly gonna hide or stay out of artillery strike zone. But also will hinder your teammate because of concussion that gets them wiped easily if you play as defense a lot. But if you are the offensive side of game mode, then its the best because they camp a lot in objectives.

  • Flamethrowers are also op if its always a close range combat type maps because you can farm kills better without any counters against enemy fires unless if you are on distant player’s sight. Thanks to engineers, you can make Ampulomyot launcher which is kinda op because it can destroy tanks and enemies quite well.

Fourth Slot:

  • Tanks are very versatile in any situation whether its camped up space or open fields as you just fire 45mm canon to destroy tanks easily but also destroy small amount of players which is good for getting more kills and score

  • Planes are not that bad, but in closed space combat situation like ruined cities area. They are absolute shit at it because you have to vertical dive bomb like stuka to get a perfect shot and kill without your bombs or rockets hitting random building’s hitbox. On open field, they are master at it.

So yes these are on par squad types so pick either one of my suggested squad to your own taste

And here I am wanting them to make purchased slots optional to fill…

But as for my go to:
F2P Follow TEAM

  • Transport
  • Engineer (Engi II squad preferred)
  • AT Gunner (Remember tank hunting actually can get you a ton of XP)
  • Machine Gunner


  • Assaulter
  • Assaulter
  • Assaulter
  • Transport
  • Paratrooper/Flamethrower/Engineer (Engineer Squad if I don’t have an event / premium engineer in another slot).
  • Mortar
  • Artillery
  • Machine Gunner
  • Attack Plane
  • Fighter
  • Prem Slot - Usually another plane

*If two fighters, one is an Air Superiority Fighter with no bombs and lots of guns (taking down air raids/attack plane player cycles).


I have played war thunder for like a year as f2p and I can’t even reach cold war vehicles because of shitty research and silver lions grind.

Unlike enlisted which also gives you nice reward for not being good at killing, war thunder doesn’t give you any reward for it. Worse they punish those players with shit ton of ammunition and repair cost. As like a mid war thunder player, I always die after like 10-20 minutes of game play with 1-5 kills and can’t even respawn with that same vehicle, So I just quit the match early which pisses me off along with shitty negative income if my team loses. So yeah its either you are tryhard veterans who is master at it. Or a wallet gamer with overpriced meta vehicles that you can’t even kill.

So yeah only I will agree is that:

  • Everything is overpriced which is expected from a free to play games
  • Premiums are balanced except paratroopers and Thompson 100 round drum which is outright op
  • Current silver grind is shit but at least dark flow understand and makes changes to their system like the one that is upcoming changes to silver economy in the roadmap. Unlike dark flow, war thunder with gaijin never listens to public about shitty silver grind until it took several days of review bombing, raiding their office, and other shits later just to give tiny boost to the economy and slightly reduction of those cost.

4 slots of 3 infantry, 1 vehicle, 1 apc or rider class is not that bad because you can add bunch of important ones like AT, engineer, and radio guys in a squad already. But also its not a game where its you that fight against others like solo with 10 vehicles lineups. Its a game where you need teamwork to succeed or else you ain’t winning the game. War thunder is like you go solo, look out for enemies and wipe their side first before heading to objective which makes it one sided team


for silver :rofl:

It will literally explode when you spawn a new one and you are forced to do so since you only have 3 infantry slot. Using your only vehicle slot for APC is usually not worth it.

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Warthunder slot prices, SL = equivalent of Silver, and GE = gold:

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You can spawn a tank or plane while you have this yes?

What I am trying to say is you can use it on infantry slot or vehicle slot but both of them have its drawbacks.