Slight shuffle of FG42, StG and MKb

That’s the thing.

Body armour really doesn’t work well in Berlin… Cause everyone is equipped with fully auto weaponry with insane ROF…

But. You wouldn’t know, because as you hinted, you’re not endgame yet.

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Unpopular opinion:
FG42, FG42 II, STG44, AVT40, MKB, Fedorov, Drum PPSH41, Kiraly, Drum Thompson, M2 Carbine, Beretta 40 rounder are all great and absolutely able to compete against each other.

Sure some perform overall better, some are better up close, others can be great at medium range, but guys… we are talking about the difference between “S Tier” and “A Tier”.

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I have already reached end game for Berlin for the axis and when people start working together in end game I don’t want to deal with a horde of squads covered in body armor and vitality I don’t have enough bullets to put all of them down and I can’t cover every doorway with an FG or MG42 with the stopping power to kill them.

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You can do this buddy! I have faith in you!

If I can successfully manage to do so with a simple, not upgraded, mp35 you can do it with fgs or mg42!


See this from the other side of the coin sometimes. When there’s a throng of axis defenders armed with fg42II or stg44, it’s difficult to push with allies all the same. Body armour or not.


Tell that to Soviets spamming PPSH and using fedorov And the Soviet arsenal specializes in room clearing and stop trying to defend the body armor and realize there’s a problem there.


I’m curious how the topic of discussion here shifted from German endgame weapons to “Soviet magic steel plates”


because OP is trying to make the STG a standardized weapon and make the FG42 squad specialized weapon.

Yeah, because of the atmosphere.
I created it mostly disregarding the balance. (If numbers can be whatever I want, who cares?)

Because if it’s not done right and the devs decided to pick up your idea for some reason will be stuck with it for who knows how long.

Well Allies have M2 Carabine, which is almost equal to StG44 thus why not?
It’s more semi-historical than pure FG42 fantasy.


I mean, both FGs and STGs are rather equal in killing power so whats the point? Just “atmosphere”?

To be fair M2 Carbines iron sights are horrible. Maybe it doesn’t belong into full S-Tier.

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I didn’t think I’d see this, but…

You’re like an axis Wastedwoodsman (praise be his name).

But in less funny.

Instead of moving M2carbine to assault weapons category, we move StG to battle rifle category? US faction could have M20E2 and Charlton automatic.
This would be far more balanced.

They are fine for me, definitly S-tier weapon.

STG is my baby
I will quote a line from the great US president conscript Joe Biden

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When was it ever implemented lol?

I don’t think auto rifles like the FG42 need to be shuffled. I understand the whole M2 carbine debate but I will say I’m not the kind of player who gets salty when I’m killed by this or that.

I just had a match a few minutes ago where an M2 guy killed my lead Assaulter, and I tried to rush him around the corner with my Kar98 and he got me. Womp womp

I have thought about auto rifles going to Assaulter or MGers. Perhaps they could be shared between a few classes. But overall for now I lean towards them staying a universal riflemen weapon.

I’m not entirely sure the M2 carbine should go to Assaulters. On one hand it’s roughly close to the SMG and AR family. On another hand it is a carbine like it’s brother

I think this is the best solution for all this Mkb controversy