Since the US has gotten a counter to the tiger 2,how about we get a counter for the P47

Vehicle performance is not the deciding factor in the winner most of the time
Thinking ability and cooperation are the key

You just want a game where you don’t have to think about it
Even unwilling to fight against powerful enemies (weaken or ambush)
Then stay in the most conspicuous place on the road all day
No wonder he was beaten into a monkey by P47

Yes, they do. JU188 is just as good if you have two brain cells to rub together.

Kinda crazy we’re still having this discussion.

If you spawn a 109, you have already lost. Especially if you are on attackers.

I saw you in a game once and I thought you were a bot.

I’m really starting to think that…

You got no idea what you’re talking about.

If against allies, there WILL be p47 spam in the air. It’s an automatic guarantee. Left unchecked, everyone knows how much destruction those bring.

The 109 prevents that. A good 109 pilot is often enough to discourage p47 spammers, thus helping the ground team to focus on what’s ahead instead of just exploding cap wide every fast plane pass.


Except how this game works you can shoot them down with 190 in 90% of cases. You can even kill them with ju-188 since they can never escape you. if you spawn 109 and kill them, and they never spawn again you have to suicide and gg you just lost 12 tickets for nothing.

It gets even better. The better you are at the game, the less time you want to spend in vehicles that do not contribute well. A 109 is like 2kpm, a tank or actual real plane is 20kpm.

We can play any time US server if you like and u can show me how good you are at the game or something.

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its the IF, since f2p player can choose just 1 vehicle.
IF he gets sent against sovjets the 109 wont do much as sovjets dont spam planes like murrica.

So germuts needs a good fighter pilot to prevent cas that is so easy to use anyone can do it ?
its kinda like saying the tiger 2H vs say jumbo was always balanced as it only required that one invidual being capable to pixel snipe the tiny weakspot of tiger.

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Hardy har har.