Since the merge the "Historically accurate" is not a valid argument anymore

It’s My personal opinion,there’s many changes like Gewerh 43 8mm kurz to make the Game “historically accurate” honestly this argument is not valid anymore due to the merge.

With this i mean that there’s no point to change tecnical aspects to weapons/vehicles because now You can See a M26 pershing in the pacific or a panzer IV J in Moskow, or italian tanks in Stalingrad.

Or other aspects like the fact that Japan TT is basically prototypes or things like that most of the bf’s series don’t have bombs (and are supposed to)

What about see italian squads in Berlin or the fact that You can see a Lot of cursed weapons in everysingle map

Or see a katana pistol? ( Well this one is funny XD)

Honestly the merge made the Game 100 times better, because we don’t had to grind THE SAME WEAPON
3-4 TIMES, and after the economy changes everything is getting better and better.

This don’t means that adding weapons like THE SCHWERER GUSTAV should be fair.

I think that some weapons stats and remember…
“some” should be manipulated for making the Game fair for all the sides.

In conclusion the merge killed the “historically accurate argument”, but it gave us a better Game ; )
With less frustating experience. But this don’t means that weapons that Will obviously break the Game should be added

Thats My opinion abt the topic i Will be reading your below : )


Pls - Kursk is a place in Russia

kurz is the German word for “short”

8mm kurz is the STG44 intermediate cartridge


well… HA argument often gets used as a convinience points by users AND developers.

just like the customization.
apparently, james claimed that the devs gave the reasoning as the current customization on why it’s the way it is, as " historical accurate ".

yet half of stalingrad and berlin customization were either anachronistic or not historical at all.

it’s becomes more of nitpicks for convinience.

but then, the type 97 being the most iconic and used tanks is locked behind premium.
yet the hori that never saw more than 2/3 proto, available for everyone.

same goes with stug III. most produced, yet locked.
fgs being given like candies, all good. but god forbid the stug.

and the list could go on and on.

with that being said, as a HA devoted supporter, i don’t mind opening choices and easing restrictions.

it makes for a wider and diverse gameplay.

P.S. most of the HA users uses HA as an argument to favor their side as well…


An M26 Pershing. “M90” doesn’t exist that I can immediately find

That being said, I really do think DF should work towards fixing the historical accuracy issue. I want more, not less

You know what would be fair? Realism and stats based off of IRL performance. No arbitrary and made up RoF’s, recoil, and damage

We just need a nice 180 and start fixing all the HA issues


If any at all mind you

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Stugs need alot of love. No MG and too high BR to make sense.

The devs obviously didn’t choose “Stug live”


If they cared about HA they would need to remove most weapons and vehicles from most maps and go back to the MM that would fragment the community again.

And a lot of premiums that were comonly used are locked behind a paywall while prototypes or weapons that already shouldn’t exist can still appear in 1945.

If they really wanted a HA game then we would for sure have way more factions and fronts, where is Battle of Narvik, Soviet invasion of Finland and then later war against Germany, where is Invasion of Poland, Operation Market Garden, Dunkirk, where is Italian campaign, where is Greece, where is Egypt, where is Leningrad, where is Kursk, where is Manchuria and Battle of Khalkhin Gol? How about Battle of Hong Kong? I could go on forever.



HA has already become an ultimate excuse for certain users. If their equipment is not good as good as it historically does, they will cry for HA on that specific stuff. If their equipment over performs they will just say HA is irrelevant.

Thats why i never belived in HA is actually an excuse for nerfing or buffing something that DF fines interesting

If Df wants HA so give us and FG42 with bayonet
images (22)

That actually isnt inaccurate. Italians fought in stalingrad but their tanks definitely should not be yellow

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It’s 7,92mm Kurz
kurz is wrong

In German you write “kurz” small, because its an adjective - however if it becomes a name so to speak, you can write it with a capital letter.

So it doesn’t really matter.

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welp technically it not a weapon it a vehicle since it technically a big train like how tank are vehicle sure you can call them weapon but are they really weapon? (not being serious btw just trying to be boringly funny)

HA accurate is a selective opinion, everyone has their standards of historical accuracy who can be focused or not on a determinate part of the game…

  • There are people who want 1:1 to a point who resent the maniacal

  • There are people who want HA gun and uniform and don’t care if the map is called, french 1 village

  • There are people who instead dint care of weapons but they want HA map 1:1 as was in real life


In my opinion enlisted is historically accurate over possible:

  • It features semi historical map based on real life battle zone
  • It features mostly accurate model of guns and vehicles
  • it features a mostly accurate representation of soldier of 6 nation

Yeah, I can whip up a paper model with a 200 mm auto cannon with 2 meters thick Stalinium armor


Devs should simply made a universal definition for the game/ their dev policy and stick to it or otherwise scrap it.

They arrived at Okinawa after Battle was over, so not so far to grasp.

Italians were part of Eastern offensive, gues you didn’t know, so not too far to grasp either

Yeah they need em to fill up the Tree, nothing strange about it, It’s what could have been had they decided to go for production.

That’s just so far for balance, like to see them add customise payload though.

no it’s not it’s a real weapon.

They only had to Merge Tech Tree and the Upgrade and now Economy changes.
There was NO need to ruin the Campaign based Squads/Vehicles/Weapons, as they had first before useless B.R

No because the Game does not include railroad artillery, and that be weird to balance, same as Nuke loaded B-29s. Does not have a place in Game, it’s not at that strategic level.

Absolutely not, what makes the game interesting is diversity, in all aspects, as in weapon techicals and specs, it should not be balanced for sake of balance, assymetri is what makes Weapons/Vehicles interesting and adds flair to different factions.
This is dumbest of all. At bottom line is weapons all have same stats with different skins, that’s a Game for kids and nocare idiots, we do not want that in Military Historical Game.

No it did not, dumbest shit ever.
Just because some is not exactly doesn’t mean all have to be broken or further ruined OR as built upon and further make it better both Gameplay AND Historical.
You even mentioned it here

That’s kinda what you yourself say here.

The Merge was in General good for Game, but they need to bring back the aspect of being able to have Campaigns with select Squads/Weapons/Vehicles back, by locking Squads and Tech to Campaigns.
both for that reason and for ‘‘Map’’ preference. AS in what you would liek to play now.
If you feel like playing British in North Africa with 1942 tech and you hit that to Battle and end up Pacific and all run around with 1945 Tech at a 1942 Guadalcanal Map, nothing ruins the immersion more than that.
It’s a Game and games are about immersion into a digitalized World, in this case a Historical Squad based FPS based on WW2, so that should be what to aim for and strive towards authenticity regarding said conflict.

Your post is not very adding nything or contributing fck all.
But too many of dumb shit like this and devs and players stop caring and striving for Immersion, this kinda dumb complacement that ruins Games, and makes them end up with useless microtransactions and No care whatsoever for Immersion and authethicity.
Believing you have to resort to either game balance OR Historical immmersion is jsut plain stupid, just because you or devs haven’t come up with good idea so far.
But nonsense as your post doesn not for helping

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