Since the merge the "Historically accurate" is not a valid argument anymore

The stuff you are talking about shouldn’t be consider in HA category anyway. I think it is more suitable to put it in the realism category.

Not really. Most of them were rejected. And is still not HA.

Current Pacific maps are based on a 1943 campaign.

Depends on the tanks though.
The Semo was not even present in Tunisia and used only in Italy.


We tried it with Ass-symmetrical balance since the stone age, and the result was unbalanced campaigns or a situation where the Japanese cant face the Soviets because they would nuke the shit out of them.

Well not all the posts are here to help silly some of the posts are just for have a little while of fun You know?
We are not obligated to post things that neccesairly need to give feedback. Who do You think that You are for give me orders abt what i should say?

Also break the Game? Exagerated…
Simple posts are not going to kill a Game