Since the fg family are getting full auto as default firing mode


You big meanie you!

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I was comparing it with P-47 besides that is probably the plane with most bombs in the whole game

But You must be secure that a figther plane Will be protecting You from enemies

And the AA too but with some skill You can deal with it

Well if a guy can use the MG-15 which dispersion is just sad what abt the Carabine?

The dispersion of MG-15 is not particularly high.
The old dynamic dispersion have been removed.

We also had a moon event so according to your reasoning we will get Wolfenstein treatment with mecha hitler and flying ufos.

You forgot a very important detail.

Moon event
Mechwarrior event
Zombie event

Were all April’s fool events.

Modern conflict event, was, as per devs saying, an experiment. And wasn’t for April’s fool. It wasn’t a joke.

If Enlisted survive long enough, and has enough playerbase, there will be modern stuff. We already see it with current powercreep trend.

It’s only logical steps.

all of these were experiments

everything is an experiment including the upcoming sov vs jap

No, all of these were April’s fool events.

It’s the same tradition with war thunder.

Moon gives us automatic defense, I never saw them again, mech event was all about spawn score mechanic, and zombies gavise us improvement on AI

on the carrier


Forget that, this tell you how much I play Pacific

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Forgot about it. Moon event was really fun, Forgot there was turrets :stuck_out_tongue:


oh i remember those turret tbh but i dont remember them hitting anything tho sadly

oh also the US soldier on moon speak russian weirdly enough (i swear they were)

Well no comments i’m gonna try it by myself…

Wasn’t it just Soviets vs Axis?

All loadouts were identical so I just thought of it as “red vs blue”.

It’s true there was floating Maus, Abrams and Tsomething thought, so you are probably right :thinking:

no the moon event have 3 faction US, sov and ger i know since i remember getting the futuristic thomson and that weird french tank (it look french ok?)

but again the soldier speak russian not english for some reason

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From what I researched and heard from General Burus, With vitality perk you get extra 3.5 health in both downed and normal hp which means you get 27hp overall.

Lets assume you are shooting a guy in around 100m which the distance reduces the damage down to 9.8.

Now multiply 9.8 times 0.1 then subtract the result from 9.8 because of body armor.
9.8-(9.8*0.1) = 8.8 so its around 1 damage difference

Now lets really check how many shots needed to reduce 27 hp into 0 with and without armor with FG42 II:

  • With Armor:
    27/8.8 = 3 shots needed to fully kill it

  • Without armor:
    27/9.8 = 2.8 which round up to 3 shots needed to fully kill it

So you will either way have to waste 3-4 shots on 1 guy in around 100m distance.

Now lets check STG44 with or without armor over 100m:

  • With armor:
    6.2-(6.2*0.1)=5.6 which round it up to 6 rounds needed to kill

  • Without armor:
    27/6.2 = 4.4 which is ofc round it up to 5 rounds needed to kill

So there is only 1 round difference in 100m range which you can overlook by ton because in BR 5, most of time its mid range - cqc combat unless if you want to complain with STG 44 sniper that “I can’t greyzone spawn camp because of body armor!!!” blah blah blah since you might be more than 100m away from their spawn. If you are that guy, then cope seethe mald :joy:

You only get 3.5 normal HP, not more downed HP, so 23.5

nope. normal hp gets you vitality perk, downed state is default 10hp(no perk works on it).

so to down you need to do 15 damage(vitality+armor), while to finish the kill you need 10 so you can use 25hp if you want.

most engagements happen is sub 50m range and there you have biggest influence of body armor. although it influences other ranges

well that is the advantage the body armor brings. you need to expand 1 more bullet than enemy to down and that is how enemy can downgrade your weapons from BR5 performance to BR4 or BR3 performance. cosmetics shouldnt influence balance of weapons specially since they are not part of regular equipment that can be bought for silver. also it is only available for one faction making it further unfair.