Since "historical accuracy" is back as an argument

Well players don’t want to use shitty vehicles, planes, and weapons. They actually want something good to grind for just to make Japan a bit worthy opponent. If this happens and Manchuria campaign exist, then most people will shift to Allies/Germany at that point because there is a lot of skilled soviet people that German mains always bitch on but also you will get a lot of losing rate for that.

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How so? US BR3 is more than capable. Japan Br3 vs US br3, don’t see any problem there.

BR3 Japan wouldn’t get uptiered so everyone would play BR3 while significantly less US, players would play BR3 because they can get uptiered to BR4 or 5 thus many US players would be uptiered turning that no go zone for US that just results in defeat.

In some points a good idea, I fully support the uniqueness of every nation.

Yes. But from their own arsenal (and not korea war stuff like the M20 Super Bazooka).

Dont need to be nerfed. It has a rof of 500 real and ingame (and absolutely stupid at current BRV)

…and decreased rof. 700 rof ingame is not correct.

Made my day :joy:

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I like it because you and Your_Local_NKVD had the exact opposite argument lol.

At the end it doesn’t matter, people shift from side to side all time. I hardly see US br3 being permanently dominant over Japan.

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lol that’s fun.
I don’t think he has been playing the game long enough to remember when Japan was only BR4.
But you been around for a while, you should remember when Japan exploited the BR system.
Allied Pacific high BR was a ghost town.
You were playing BR4 and risking uptier to BR5 Germany, meanwhile if you got lucky and ended up in Pacific you still got raped because all of your teammates were BR3.

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What I remember is that every time something new is added everyone switch sides and eventually gets slowly balanced again.

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Well the game was much better with theaters of war without the stupid BR system but one faction GE decided : ‘‘ohh i have to grind too much’’’ and guess what happened so every time GE community proposes a solution to something they shoot themselves in the leg… now I have to thinker BR V stuff for Japan while I was having very interesting pacific game without BRs …

Didnt know that only German Mains play Germany.

It was so much better that game was bleeding players and certain campaigns like Tunisia were empty even on clubber side.


Well not exactly Type 99 with scope , Kawanishi N1K , Nakajima Ki-84 If you want more spicy stuff
Japan modified British .303 Browning Mk II* Aircraft Machine Gun for ground use and used them in combat :

but the BR system in General destroyed realism in game since was introduced realism was thrown out of the window … the theaters of war had much more flexibility in what to be added to maps as number of equipment so there can be some form of balance…

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Yeah but for me was good I played Pacific and Stalingrad and I had a blast no King TIgers spam every games … it was good times to play enlisted

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What? Ok, a group of GE mains doesnt changed the Game most of the community agree about this change also the merge is 10 better (if we are talking abt games without 1 player and 5 bots per team)

The economic changes probably werent applied if the merge never existed

But personally the campaing system was fine the only thing that we needed for cases like: ( damm the same rifle 3 times) was have that rifle pre-unlocked in the other campains ( if it was aviable there)

But besides that yes… The freaking HA equipment died and honestly there’s any reason to change things cuz HA since the merge

And today all the factions are doomed looking for "balance"against the counterparts

Well, tell that to Soviets in Berlin. When that tin can arrived there, it was pain in the ass to grind and play Soviets there.


well they could have merged the European theater just and left the pacific on its own the US community there on the US servers what full of people you cant imagine how good was it… Even Ha-Go was playable since US didn’t even had a Sherman there … and not gonna mention if you had Zero …

The same goes to Jumbo spam in normandy.
Thankfully i learned the " special spots" for killing these things, but to late cuz now i have to learn where is ammo is every sherman XD

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Jumbo spam stopped second the Panther arrived though. Panther was arguable worse because the free Allied version was a open TD and they paywalled the Firefly.

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I didn’t play Berlin at all I liked Stalingrad cuz there was diversity in tanks not spamming doom turtles and the community there was not toxic after they made the merge I had to deal with all the wehraboos that I didn’t have to experience in Stalingrad …

Well the only exception was Japan if the rest of factions we’re doomed Japan was completly D E A D after the merge and now is not dead but is just funny to see protypes everywhere and just don’t talk about plane spam and sherman too

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well that’s why I brought it cuz Playing Firefly was so nice Germans where lazy never expected it xD

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I do not know how diverse tanks could be there if there were one good free tank or so per side, and the few Germans just used the III N and the F2 while Russia used KV1 and STZ.