🦖 Simulator mode: Weapon and vehicle parameters close to the original model (Lone Mode)

He is talking about the standard system for keeping skilled players from plastering casuals in multiplayer video games.

He never said that this is what the game is using, he is saying that it should be this way, not the BR system.

Ranked vs Unranked exists for a reason in COD.

I’m looking for a mod that gets rid of dispersion and gives guns their standard ROF. It utilizes recoil and sway, unlike the arcade, but allows me to play in a normal regular match with people, allowing me and my opponents to earn xp for the game. In this mod, I will only get paired with people who turn this mod on. Do you think you can create it, or do mods not do everything?

which… have you wonderend your self why that isn’t the case?

you all wonder why they didn’t do X or Y but never asked the right question.

if they should. ( or even if they can to begin with )

and they don’t in enlisted.

figure it out.

can i?

→ rid of dispersion and gives guns their standard ROF

→ but allows me to play in a normal regular match with people

→ allowing me and my opponents to earn xp for the game
it depends. if it gets enough traction, maybe it will be featured in one event.

so far, i haven’t seen anyone in the forum through comments and demand getting featured in any event.

i can tell you that much.

→ I will only get paired with people who turn this mod on
yes. as long other people join the event.

→ Do you think you can create it?
anyone can really

→ or do mods not do everything?
no. mods do not do everything. wish they could, but as it goes for the technicalties that you two are talking about, most certainly can.

not with a keyboard over a forum though.

→ will you create it?
no? as much i share the same goals. i’m already busy on my own making my own mods thank you very much.

and making HA PVE turns out it can be quite challenging for me.
given the lack of time. and knowledge too.

but with the right people as devenddar, tommy, and few other chaps over the russian forum with their guide, anything can be done as long you’re willing to learn and put in the work.

( now. you could ask me where are my mods. and… well… because of said editor that cannot do everything, i can’t lock people from team 2 to play team 1 and do the damn pves. but i’m very close. matter of fact, guess i’ll release them as single player or two players experience i guess… yay. much fun with the AI that we have… but i digress )

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*Not balanced

Counterpart- one having the same function or characteristics as another. Counterpart Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

They are both select-fire rifles that fire rifle cartridges functioning as sniper rifles; by definition, they are counterparts.

Recoil and sway…

If you are looking for realism, you have to vote for this feature.

:star: Making enlisted a little better N° 666: View frustum projection 3D for new generation shooter games - Suggestions - Enlisted

I already have; why don’t you share the information since you clearly have access to it (unless you signed an NDA)?

I never said it was. Why did you assume I said it did?

That’s what I thought. That is why OP asked for a hardcore mode, but you come in this thread saying mods can do it when you yourself make it clear they can’t. But you come in trashing OP, calling him “lazy” and “ignorant” for not making a mod you yourself can’t make.

All he did was ask if someone with a lot of influence was “offering big, bad, silly ideas…” and asked if they were a communist. You took offense to this and said, “calling the other individual a communist,” even though he was referring to the person(s) of influence.

Then you claim he is “lashing out at forum members” when all he has done is criticize the lack of forethought into sweatlords smashing casuals in BR 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with no utilization of methods that have been known to be successful against this in FPS games.

Are you the person whispering in their ear, telling the developers that “the peasants don’t know what they’re talking about” and “ignore the peasants asking for such and such” even though there might be a reasonable want/cause for such and such to be in the game. If not, why are you “lashing out” at a forum member for having reasonable criticism of the said person’s advice? You mentioned “forum members,” so who are the others whispering directly into the developers’ ears?

Talking down to people is not cool.


so playing against bots what does it make you ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:

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bro really struggles to understand the playerbase sheer scale and difference between cod and enlisted :skull:

i feel sorry for you.

NDA my ass.

you guys are the NDA

Never Do Anything for sure.

because 9 times out of 10 i’m always spot on.

y’all demand stuff that you won’t even attempt to make to even back up a small fraction of numbers to support your claims with " many will play ".
which all ends with " trust me bro ".

is there really a necessity because two players ask it? yeah good luck with that.

as much you and op won’t understand, at least i tried to make you reason.

guess you are just searching for eco chambers.

though luck i’m afraid.

said what?

not even able to correctly display the messages you’re supposed to respond?


not really.

it doesn’t matter about others. but what you can, and should do.

you can call anyone communism ( but for that alone, it is sheer ignorance when you don’t even understand the significance or even recognize a case when is one )

no comment.

ah yes.

let’s continue to talk nonsense because you don’t know shit about and rather divolge your self into conspiracies.

of course. how could you tell?

i’m in every developer invoices even houses!

i’m everywhere!

as much i get the sentiment, by not even making the effort to prove what you are talking about ( about a realistic version or even a version without disperision ) i find it less cool.

you two are literally trying to shape the game more different than it already is without even making an attempt to understand why it has been made like this in the first place.

just saying.

Wonderful, you have nothing restricting you from sharing the information openly.

Checks out

Demand- to call for something in an authoritative way Demand Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Ask- to make a request for Ask Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

OP didn’t demand, OP asked

You said that mods can do anything, yet you also said they couldn’t create a regular hardcore mode. What type of reasoning is this?

:neutral_face: ok

If you understand how the working class, collective, and collective leadership function, you would understand that his comparison is not far off.

From BR1- BRV, sweat lords rule the casuals

Be clear and concise, and there won’t be any nonsense. “No, I am not. Are you crazy?” and “Are you insane? Why would anyone do that?” would suffice.

A request was made for a Hardcore regular mode to be added. You responded with, “You can do that in mods”
What is OP supposed to prove?

Really, it seems like you came in here not understanding what was being suggested by OP. That is why you went off-topic and made it about mods. You didn’t say, “A is the reason why this can’t work” or “B is the reason why this could work” about having a hardcore regular mod and arcade mode, but instead went straight to mods.