⭐ Making enlisted a little better N° 666: View frustum projection 3D for new generation shooter games

Some less arcadey players would prefer a custom fustrum projection 3D to increase immersion and realism, as shown in the video below:

This suggestion is hardly applicable for most of those who claim to be veteran developers, as it remains a challenge for the Darkflow development team:

Basically it consists of allowing an optional alternative to the default legacy fustrum, typical in most shooters, and a problem for those of us who play on ultra-wide screens, or widescreen.

Between a barrel type distortion, and a stretched image type distortion like the examples below, most would prefer the second option:

160 FOV (Old-Obsolete frustum 3D projection)

160 FOV (New-advanced frustum 3D projection)

Frustum for newbies Devs:

Frustum for veterans Devs:


just write field of view. before i googled i thought you wanted photorealistic game…

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and you expect the same ones who couldn’t fix bipods to introduce this?

you’re awfully an optimistic individual, aren’t you?


Up until I realised that bipods don’t work and flames travel through walls (finally got fixed).
I thought that DF was one of the most competent game developers of the market, Im still amazed to this day how naive I was.


there were 2 bugs there. one was fixed (shooting jets of flames through thin walls) and other is setting people on fire through wall which still isnt fixed.


Is this what the Human eye sees?

If there was a switch to this, would it be simple or complicated?

Basically, it’s not simple, but there are tutorials on youtube that any novice developer can replicate.

You know, I’d like to know how veteran Darkflow developers are to handle 3D projection arrays in their graphics engine.

Unity - Bodycam rendering test - YouTube


It might be possible, but personally, I would rather have the camera where my eyes would be instead of my chest.