🦖 Simulator mode: Weapon and vehicle parameters close to the original model (Lone Mode)

A hardcore mode is requested to keep consistent, as faithful as possible, and consistent with the parameters of ballistics, damage, weapon properties, recoil and so on, both in weapons and in vehicles and aircraft, in a manner faithful to natural behavior, based on widely available documentation.

The arcade mode is fine for casual players, a mode where all the quantified physical properties of the original weapons, would make the misnamed “balance” depend on the player using the weapon, and not on a “false balance” by making the weapons equal in everything.

Because no matter who it hurts, a “false balance” does not make you a better player, but it depends on each player the “true balance” and his skill in the game, not on an outdated algorithm.



So true. The Dopamine is just not hitting right for long-term gamers on Enlisted.

Edit: lol, I couldn’t tell the difference between Fortnite’s gunplay and Enlisted’s gunplay. whoops :laughing:

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you can do that in mods.

again, you can do that in mods


the skills of someone using a pz III are not the same of someone using a tiger II.

" false " balance as you call it, it’s to actually balance the game rather than being a turkey shooter for the opposition ( or being the perpetrator ).

You can’t make them in mods, if you don’t have the correct parameters for each weapon.

you can
( p.s. according to the same logic, you would then expect devs to do that if the parameters " aren’t there " ? )

The actual parameters are arcade, they are not with correct default parameters. This is due to the false “equal” balance of weapons and vehicles.

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yes you can

No one with 3 fingers in front is going to introduce parameters that he/she does not know.

that’s the point.

if you want to make them realistic and not arcade, you can change those said parameters.

you can even make custom weapons like i did:

MPX ( rather, wannabe. doesn’t look like one, but i made sure it has the same rate of fire )

Galil Ace ( ish )


with 3 selector fire ( default from modern only has 2 )

scoped wannabe m16

even a polymer m14 ( ps. no. it’s not based on the T20. because mine was made even before the t20 was introduced. let alone, the t20 having a bipid. this one doesn’t )

and so on and forth.

you have all parameters:

  item__locDetails:t="RoF: 600; 7.92x33mm;"
  gun__locName:t="Fedorov avtomat"
  gun_deviation__omegaRange:p2=30.0, 90.0
  gun_deviation__omegaDevInc:p2=0.07, 0.5
  gun_deviation__movementRange:p2=2.1, 4.0
  gun_deviation__movementDevInc:p2=0.0, 15.0

if you don’t wanna put the work, just say so.

but it’s definitely duable.

devs will not make that for you because only a fraction of people would like that.

so, they gave you instead the option to make it through mods.

p.s. i too would like some sort of hardcore and accurate gamemode with no nerfs to weapons etc.

but it’s of niche.

plus, not sure how many people would like to play with only kar 98s and have weapons that jams or literally blows up as you fire them.

or… using a tiger that catches fire on it’s own, or a panther that loses the gearbox after a while.

that’s why we have mod.
are just for those said reasons and what not.

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By default, the game should have the properties and parameters of the real weapons, then an option to enable this false balance of weapons and vehicles, in some cases weapons that are completely different, have the same caliber, same range and same damage. That is not realistic at all, and as you may have guessed, introducing everything through mods, to each weapon, to each model, would be unfeasible for a single player, unless they enable a multi-user editor in real time.

By the way, is there a way to reuse a mission currently in the game, to use it as a template for a modification?

If you have discord we could talk about it directly.



who makes the game? you? or the development team that actively balance the game to make it not totally unbalanced as few individuals would like?

you tell me.

which… you can also change by mods.

sounds more like an exscuse.

you can.

you just don’t want to do that.

a multi user editor in real time doesn’t really change much as you can divide the work between the two or more people you are willing to pursuit such project with and cover a range or faction of weapons and distribute the work among each other.

you can.

( it doesn’t have all, but you can ask the dataminer helper to cover all of the missions )

quite frankly, i doubt there’s much to talk about given the eager from your part to learn rather than complaing and demand.

( despite mildly sharing a similar goal )

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It only remains to remind the developers that balance in the game is not determined by matching the characteristics of the game’s weapons and vehicles. (Making them equal and communist.)

For game balance, it all starts with the matchmaking system, which is only based on two basic parameters:

  1. Time in the game (Experience Level).
  2. Death/Kill Rate, Weighted Average Contribution to the Game, and Highlights. (BR)

As I mentioned before, the balance is in the players, not in the game (which is just the means of competing). Modifying a game to balance players is the dumbest option of all, it’s as simple and effective as matching good players, with good players based only on the weighted average of their own stats.

Basically, it’s putting the (BR) on each player, not on objects, weapons, and vehicles. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen to date in a video game. To be honest…

But I conclude, that someone inside with a lot of influence is offering big, bad, silly ideas… Could he be a communist by any chance?

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Which is why they are separated between BR II and BR V

What are you trying to say?

except it is.

that’s why the battle rating system was adopted.

because there simply wasn’t enough people to sustain campaigns.

less people like you having fun killing m5s with a tiger because wasn’t technically " f a l s e b a l a n c e "

which, i’m not sure if you are actually one of those " muh realism / muh simulation " but if you can’t wrap your head around decisions that were made

dunno what to tell you other than… make it your self?

because making them equal would appease to more people as the game would be relatively " stable " and no inbalances between players through equipment would happen.

now, there is an argument to be made about T3 as it’s either the victim or the problem.

but i’m sure it’s just a matter of time before that one will be adressed too.

so far, it’s only about the BR. not the time in game / experience level.

dunno where you got that from.

except… that wouldn’t work because people that happens to make lots of kills with vehicles or are averangly good will only be putted against other people that are good.

personally, i’m not one to brag, but i truly hate playing 24/7 non stop against people that are equally good as me.

i’ll might enjoy 3/4 games, but then it’s hell.

and so the averange player thinks alike.

not to mention, you’d be creating additional 30 milions of matchmaker rules and queues for a playerbase that has around 125k active players. ( old stats. those might be higher or lower. only remembering losely )

good luck with that.

therefore, the matchmaker is based on equipment.
so that the matchmaker will be easier to fill and skills from different rage can compete and perhaps overcome weaknesses … or get drowned from those.

it’s called suicide, and devs will not do that.

it goes against the very business they are trying to pursue.

if those are your conclusion, you truly are the least brightest individual of this community lmao.

→ complains about weapons not being realistic
→ gets told that mods can do everything
→ still complains and don’t understand
→ gets showed real concrete examples with code to back up the argument and prove the claim
→ refuses even more while doubleing down and calling the other individual a communist.

my conclusions are, you’re kinda lazy and too ignorant to even make an attempt of what you are even trying to pursue not even questioning if it would work, nor numbers to back up the necessity of such " simulator " gamemode.

so. you instead you decide to complain and demand on a forum despite having all tools available at your disposal. and… lashing out to forum members.

way to buddy… way to go.

i didn’t expected OP to comparing players skills

i was more talking about equipment skills.

which it’s why a " false " balance was putted in place to mitigate differences and what not.

  • correction, not equipment skills, but equipment differences from factions and what not.
    being more in line with what the opposition has.
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upon looking back,

i’ll admit.

i didn’t read the following:

got quite the oversight on that.

but… the point still stand as… op can make what he wants through mods as long he makes the equipment more realistic and find enough people to try that out. ( the reason why i posted in the first place )


scrap that.

actually equipment makes up for skill.

so… it depends many cases, but a player with a panzer III skilled or not will not be effective as a less skilled Tiger II user. ( which… an equivalent for the soviet would be a t50 and muricans m5 vs a tiger II )

so br was also made to balance out the player equipment and somewhat skill gap.

you can’t match the two together because of disparities.
( you can through mods, not in the casual " safe " enivorement that is )
( which technically it was also like that during campaign system. but. no wonder why campaigns didn’t survived )

so you opt to give them the same range of equipment and then let the better one win between the selected range.


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Last Answer: You talk about “balance” and then tell me that it’s better to match good players against bad players, only to get a false sense that you’re a good player (and the game is rigged to make you win (OR lose) no matter what you do, to make you feel, the “best” dumb player).

We have very different ideas about what balance is, or what balance means.

With all due respect, but balance is putting good players against good players. (Which makes it fun.)

The only reason I play this is because I’ve found myself to be good players in the solo games. And the hardcore gameplay features.

What has made me almost quit the game is that “false balance” that you seem to share and that is omnipresent in the boring squad mode (completely abandoned by me).

Playing against good players makes you a better and better player.

Playing against bad players, it only makes you a worse player and it’s boring. (And you’re self-deluding, plus it takes more money out of your pocket.)

I enjoy the challenge and difficulty of beating good players more. That’s what any game that’s based on pitting you against each other is all about.

But I come to the second final conclusion, your ideas are basically communist (The balance is not in equality my dear).

And the ideas of the game, are basically to make money with the Monte Carlo algorithm combined with casino-type algorithms, to keep the community on the basis of a “false balance” and deception.


The PPSH 41 box mag is so underpowered that it needs a 0.2 dispersion rate

The VG 1-5 is so overpowered at 315 ROF but needs a 0.39 dispersion rate in BR III

The MP-3008 is so overpowered that it needs a 0.8 dispersion rate

The Sten is so overpowered that it needs a 0.8 dispersion rate

The FG 42II sniper is so overpowered in BR V that it needs to have a .22 dispersion rate, while its automatic counterpart has a 0.02

Almost every STG is so overpowered in BR V that it needs a .45 + dispersion rate while its counterparts are given under a .40 dispersion rate

The Type 99 is so overpowered that it needs a .49 dispersion rate on top of insane recoil it already has

Wow, it feels so balanced :star_struck:

Just put the real values on it, and that’s it, forget about the rest, add a BR for the players, based on their stats and then manipulate the matchmaking whenever you want, but the game leaves it at real values by default.

i never agreed or said so.

but for the general overview, it is better matching people with similar equipment but different skills.

as sometimes it works out, others does not.

the reason why was made, it’s because we lacked sustainable numbers for all campaigns.

which it’s the reason why it was all merged.

and since you can’t make 30000 queues based on skills looking at parameters of performance of a player ( and potentially having to wait 8 minutes just for a game ) the casual approach was taken for a wider audience.

most certainly.

i don’t disagree there.

enlisted however, does not have enough players to do that.

and… you would then have problem with people burning out because they just want to play but are matched against other players of the same skills that tryhards.

which some people are okey with, others are not.

personally, playing after a long day of work and facing people with nade spam or fully auto just because i happen to be good at it due to having somewhat gained a good aim through rainbow six siege, it will not be that much fun for me.

doesn’t help my case as it would affect me.

but people play enlisted because it’s a fun casual game.

not a competitive game.

and should never be one ( at least imo =

not… sure which features you talk about since this game is for the most part, very casual.

personally, i’m getting bored of it too, but not because of the same reason.
( hate playing the same gamemodes non stop, and getting burned out from pvp games. )

which it’s why i started long time getting into mods.

i can make my pves, modify stuff, create new ones etc.

that’s not what everyone is seeking.

i, and many others, play for the enivorement. having fun casually over a ww2 game.


calls me a community, yet i’m partially from the country were fascism was born, and half of the other were a " funny " man with moustache killed and conquered half of europe :skull:

thank god you’re not in the 50s around the american period of detecting communism, because you would such ass at that.

idk how explaining to you why and how the current matchmaker works or why was made suddendly make me a communism lmao.

i really don’t care.

but begs the questions… are they in a room with you currently those communism that you keep talking about?

projection if anything. but i digress.

it is according to devs :woman_shrugging:

and works too so far… so…

dunno if i need you to tell me about it.

intentions aren’t really clear to anyone if we’re being honest.

i’m just here for the ride and pves.

the rest, up to others not me.

but i don’t demand stuff while refusing to provide numbers of what i claim lol.

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not great.

not bad either.

if you want my two cents,

ppsh 41 shouldn’t be that accurate. as it was irl.

vg 1-5 should be nerfed the rof and added a more dispersion at the cost of having higher damage. because realistically it was less accurate and had quite the recoil going for it ( check gun jesus video ) and he doesn’t have 2 days of experience on guns.

Mp3008 i’m surprised has that rate of fire compared to the sten despite being the same weapon.

i wouldn’t call it a counter part.

just a sidegrade considering that you don’t really use the sniper FG for the sniper

it’s better that way.

personally, with all the perks its not really that drastic as y’all mains cry it out to be.

how else were they supposed to add the new 99?

beside, perks makes it less shite.

just like any other weapon.

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